人教版(新起点)三下Unit 2 My School-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:5032a).docx

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1、Unit 2 My school 教学设计 (Lesson 1) 一、一、教学设计教学设计 本单元的中心话题是 school, 功能是就学校设施进行回答和描述。学会对学校设施布 局进行问答。本课重点学习一些学校设施的词,学会表述学校设施的位置。该部分学习内容 容贴近学生的实际生活。学习和掌握新词汇: classroom,library,toilet,playground,floor, first,second and third.辅助句型 Where is Bill? Hes in the 二、学情分析二、学情分析 1.知识基础:绝大都分学生掌报了一定的词汇量、 语句还很少,有一定的语言基础,

2、表达 的句子也比较单一,对任务的完成还会有一定的难度。 2.认知心理:一般都有较强的求知欲和表现欲, 但基础参差不齐, 因此少部分学生会有不自信, 害怕表达等思想顾虑。 3.思维能力:该年龄段的学生有很强的模仿能力和一定的思辨能力, 有待培养知识的扩展和运 用的能力。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)语言知识目标 1.通过引导及询问,学会使用学校设施的词汇:music room,science room,teachers room, art room,classroom,library,toilet,playground,floor,first,second and third. 2能使用疑问

3、句来询问学校设施所在楼层。 (二)语言技能目标 1.学生能够通过读图识别图中的学校设施,找出图中人物的位置,并能熟练地用英语表达。 2 能借助音节及合成词的方式来识记单词。 3.能够听懂疑问句表达学校设施和简单回答。 4.能较好地口头运用疑问句表达学校设施及其所在楼层。 (三)学习策略 1.从认知策略来看,学生能够通过读图理解语境。运用预测、关联、抓关键词等策略获取听 力信息,完成听力任务。 2.从交际策略来看,鼓励学生在课内用英语与人交流,把握交际机会, 学会询问同学,加 强学生之间的深度理解,培养默契。 3.从资源策略的角度来看,指导学生充分利用学校的设施布局,已学的学校科目信息及学校 正

4、在新建教学楼事实,操练,扩展所学知识,开阔视野。 (四)情感态度 1.通过谈论学校设施,引导学生爱护设施,热爱学校。 2.引导学生注意聆听,尊重他人。 3.通过小组活动、组间竞赛等,学生深度体会合作意识和团队精神。 (五)文化意识 学习英语文明礼貌的询问和回答方式。 四、四、教学重点教学重点 (一)教学重点 1.掌握表示学校设施及其楼层的词语。 2.学会使用疑间句来询问学校的设施及其所在楼层。 3.运用预测、 关联、抓关键词等策略识记词汇。 (二)教学难点 1. 学校设施的词汇:teachers room,classroom,library,toilet,playground,floor,fi

5、rst, second and third 的发音和正确书写。 2.疑问句的语音,语调。 五、教学方法五、教学方法 以学生能够“用英语做事情”为出发点,创设真实的语境,采用任务型教学途径培养学 生的能力。学生在设法完成“介绍我的学校”的任务过程中,学习目标词汇及询问学校设施 的基本句型,体会疑问句的用法。主要采用关联、预测的学习策略,利用教学图片和制作多 媒体课件来展开课堂 Pair work, Group work 的口语交际活动,体会人称的转变和疑问句的用 法。 六、教学手段六、教学手段 使用师生卡片,多媒体,黑板等辅助教学。 教学过程教学过程 Teaching procedure Tea

6、chers activitiesStudents activitiesDesigning intension PreparationActivity 1 Greet the students:How are you? Im happy. For We have so many guests here. Do you want to say some words them? You are so kind. I hope you will enjoy the class. Activity 2 Warm up: sing the song of unit 1. Activity 3 Lead i

7、n What subject do you like? (stick the subjects on the board) Listen and greet the teacher. Welcome the guest teacher. Recall the subjects. I like .(subjects). 缓解学生的紧张情绪 并帮助学生尽快进入 到英语课堂氛围中, 同时为接下来的学习 做好铺垫。 旧知唤起新知。 PresentationActivity 1 1. Present the words based on the subjects: music room, art roo

8、m, science room, computer room, teachers room (maths/Chinese/English)clas sroom (reading)library (PE)playground (boys/girls)toilet (Write the words after learn the words based on subjects. Spell and follow to write 唤醒学生旧知,进行 新知学习。 以学校及科目为大背 景,学习新词。 learning) 2. Listen, point and say. 3. Better under

9、standing and enhance: Mind map to read and remember the words on the board: inside and outside Activity 2(Book: Activity A) Show Lilys picture and ask: whos she?(stick “my school” on the board) Lets see what rooms can you see in Lilys school? Listen and chant. 1. 1sttime: practice and correct the pr

10、onunciation What can you hear? 2. 2ndtime: learn floor, first, second, third.(注意生活中 的符号) What can you hear? 3. 3rdtime: put the rooms in the corresponding floors. 4. 4thtime: listen and check. 5. 5thtime: listen, point and repeat(P74). 6. 6th:add the gestures to listen and chant. in the air. Shes Li

11、ly. Learn the chant and practice the above learned. Pick out the appeared words in the chant and lead the Ss to read. Listen and put the rooms floor by floor. Listen and check. Listen, point and repeat. Follow to chant. 训练听说能力,培养 语感,模仿纯正的语 音,学习语调。 通过合作训练发音及 表达。 PracticeActivity 1 Feedback: Ask and a

12、nswer So, Lilys says, this is my school. And her friends are in her school, too. (present the characters one by one and ask: Can you guess, whereis _? Hes/Shes in the_. Where is the _? Its on the _ floor. Activity 2 Meaningful writing : Read and write(design the new school building and introduce) Gu

13、ess and practice. 再次帮助理解和巩固 所学词汇。 基于理解进行笔头练 习 Welcome to Yandaojie Primary school zhuojin branch. Im happy to introduce my new school building to you .It has three floors. This is the 1stfloor, and _are here ProductionActivity 1 Show and introduce the design. Write down the words according to the de

14、sign. 基于书写进行口头表 达 ProgressActivity 1 Enjoy a short video of our school: how do you feel about our school? Activity 2 Homework Leadthestudentsto expresslovetothe school. 1.Listen and repeat: P14. Create a new chant cording to the design. 2.Make English signs for the new school building. 了解学校的同时更加 热爱学校。 激励学生进一步巩固 所学并尝试创新。


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