人教版(新起点)三下Unit 3 After School Activities-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:201ad).docx

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1、人教新起点 一年级起点 三年级下册 Unit3 After School Activities Lesson2 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课选自人教版新起点一年级起点三年级下册第三单元。本节课是第二课 时。第一课时,通过歌谣的形式学习六个动词短语。本课以课后活动的打算为话 题背景,以 Yaoyao 和 Binbin 两个小朋友的对话为载体学习功能句, 通过 Lets Guess ,Lets play 和 Lets survey 的游戏活动练习和运用功能句: What are you going to do after school? Im going to do sth. What is h

2、e /she going to do after school? Hes/Shes going to do sth. 为接下来的三课的便条所用句式 Im going to do sth at ., Fun Time 中 After school,we do sth, 以及Story Time 中一般疑问句 Are you going to do sth ?的句型结构做好铺垫。 二、学生学情分析二、学生学情分析 孩子们经过两年多的英语学习,已经具备了一定的听说读写的能力。在二年 级上册 Unit1 Play time 那一单元已经学过几个与课后活动有关的动词短语,fly a kite, ride

3、 a bike, swim, make a model plane, make a snowman, 以及相关的功能句 Can you .?及其答语 Yes,I am. No, Im not. 对 Can 的一般疑问句的问答已经比 较熟悉。但是对于本课的 be going to 表将来的用法是第一次认识,部分孩子可 能会在理解上感觉较难,运用时可能较容易混淆第三人称单数形式,因此,在设 计课程时要注意人称的变化,要引导学生根据对话的情景来正确问答。 三、本课时教学目标三、本课时教学目标 (一)语言知识与技能 1. 能在 AfterSchool Activities 的语境中初步感知理解功能句

4、What are you going to do after school? Im going to do sth. What is he /she going to do after school? Hes/Shes going to do sth. 并根据自己或他人的打算做比较准确的回答。 2. 能在游戏活动中运用巩固功能句。进行自主交流,内容达意。 3. 能听懂理解文本内容。在板书的帮助下进行角色扮演和课文复述。 (二)过程与方法 1. 能运用阅读策略理解对话文本大意。 2. 通过自主学习,小组合作对话交流,完成学习任务。 (三)文化与情感 培养学生合理利用课余时间,合理安排学习和生活。

5、 四、教学重点四、教学重点 在谈论课后活动的打算, 计划或安排的语境中学习主要的功能句 What . going to do after school?及其答句 Im/Hes/Shes going to do sth. 五、教学难点五、教学难点 运用该句型时从第一人称转到第三人称人称后,代词和 be 动词的相印变化。 六、教学准备六、教学准备 PPT,教学视频和音频,教学卡片 七、本课时的教学过程设计七、本课时的教学过程设计 stepsTeachersactivitiesSsactivitiesAims Warm up1. Greetings. 2. Play a video of the c

6、hant about activities. Greetings. Look, listen and repeat 师生互致问候, 创建和谐氛围。 观看视频,复习 3. Ask:What can Bill/Yaoyao/ Andy do?Look,think and answer 上节课所学的小 诗和六个动词短 语,激活学生已 有的知识储备, 充分调动学生的 积极性。 Lead inShow the picture of lesson 2 part A and say:Class is over, the children are going to do some activities.Let

7、s look at this picture!.Who are they? Where are they? What are they going to do after school ? Look,listen and answer: They are Yaoyao and Binbin. They are at school. 通过 Yaoyao 和 Bill 放学后再操 场上谈话的图片 引入情景,激活 学生已有知识, 回答问题,调动 学生的积极性。 Presenta -tion 1. Play the video of Lesson two . 2. Show the following

8、 questions on the screen. Binbin is going to_. Andy is going to_. 3.Play the recording of part A, Show the dialogue sentence by sentence. Show the following Qs: Yaoyao can play with Andy.() Binbin really likes reading. () 4.Role play Read in roles with one student. 1. Listen and think 2. Read and ch

9、oose 3. Look ,listen and repeat Do T or F Pair work 通过观看视频, 感知对话文本。 提取关键信息, 加工分析,帮助 理解文本大意。 通过听录音,看 图片阅读对话, 进一步感知学习 新语言结构。 通过再次加工文 本,加深理解。 通过角色扮演, 体会功能句该如 何运用,活跃课 堂气氛,培养学 生合作、交流、 讨论的学习习 惯,充分发挥学 生的主体作用。 Practice1. PPT: Yaoyao: What are you going to do after school? Binbin:Im going to play sports. 2.

10、give another example: Susan and Zhaoqi 3. Show a picture and let the 1. Look and say 2.look, think and answer 3.Work in pairs 通过 Yaoyao 询 问 Binbin 的课后 打算要干什么的 问句,引导学生 学习使用第一人 称的答句,建构 Ss discuss: What do they say? Check pair work 4. PPt:Yaoyao and Binbin are talking about Andy . What is Andy going to

11、 do after school? Hes going to read books. Then show a picture of Yaoyao: What is Yaoyao going to do after school? Shes going to dance. 5. Play a guessing game 6. Show the picture of Lesson 1. Part A: Check pair work 4.Look,think and read Ask and answer Work in pairs 5.Look and guess Try to give som

12、e different answers Work in pairs: ask and answer. 语言框架,积极 思考, 合作交流, 反复操练。 通过 Yaoyao 询 问 Binbin,关于 Andy 课后要去 做什么图片,学 习第三人称单数 的问与答。 合作交流,运用 新的语言知识。 通过猜测几张图 片中小朋友要去 做什么事情的游 戏,充分调动学 生的学习兴趣, 让他们积极思 考,畅所欲言, 尽可能多的使用 与活动有关的词 汇和功能句。 Consolida -tion 1. Play the recording of part B and ask:Who are they? What

13、are the doing? 2. Lets play: get three Ss to play the game 3. Lets survey and report Show the examples of this survey: What are you going to do?Im going to . Check group work 1. Look listen and repeat 2.Lookandthink :try to understand how to play. Work in group of four 3.Read and think Work in four

14、and tick 4.Report: The weekend is coming. Jim is going to play sports. Anna is going to draw pictures.Im going to fly a kite. 通过观察图、片 听录音,搞清游 戏规则。 这一游戏活动, 吸引学生广泛参 与,练习和使用 核心词汇和功能 句,帮助学生理 解第一人称和第 三人称的正确转 换。 SummaryLets play A:Im going to fly a kite. 1. Listen, Read and think通过游戏活动, 充分调动学生的 B:She is g

15、oing to fly a kite. Im going to play chess. C:She s going to fly a kite. He s going to play chess. Im going to swim. D:. 2. Work in four积极性,小结本 课,进一步夯实 功能句和核心词 汇的正确运用, 。 Homework1.Try to role-play the dialogue with your partner . 2.Work in four: ask and answer with the new sentences. 3.Preview the next lesson. 课后延伸,温故 而知新,鼓励学 生大胆在生活中 运用。 Blackboard Design Unit 3 Lesson 2 After School Activities A: What are yougoing to doafter school? is he is she B: Imgoing toplay sports. Hesread books. play chess. Shesdraw pictures. sing songs. dance.


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