人教版(新起点)三下Unit 4 My Family-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:a0610).doc

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1、1 Unit4Unit4MyMy familyfamily 一、教学重点:一、教学重点: 1. 能够听、说、认读 5 个有关家庭成员的单词或词组:parents, cousin, uncle, aunt, baby brother。 2能用“They are my.This is my或 He/She is my.”等句子简单地介绍自己的 家庭成员。 二、教学难点:二、教学难点: 1. 能够在语境中正确运用这 5 个有关家庭成员的单词或词组。 2. 能够在活动中运用所学句型 This is my 或 He/She is my介绍自己的家庭成员并 简单描述其外貌特征。 三、教学准备:三、教学准备

2、: 1.本课生词的单词卡片和图片。 2.教学课件 3.学生的家庭成员照片 四、教学过程:四、教学过程: Step1.Step1. Warm-upWarm-up(课前热身)(课前热身) 1.Lets chant. T: Hello, boys and girls. Today Amy is very happy. She wants to chant with you. 2.Guess: Why is Amy so happy?(为引出情境作铺垫) There are three choices for students. (1) She had a picnic with her family

3、 yesterday. (2) She watched a cartoon show with her family yesterday.(T) (3) She went to the zoo with her family yesterday. Step2.Step2. PresentationPresentation(呈现新知呈现新知) 1.(引入情境) T: Amy watched a cartoon show with her family yesterday. Listen!Listen! WhoWhos s coming?(coming?(声声 音引入人物音引入人物) ) Oh,

4、GG Bond is coming. T: Hello ! Im GG Bond .Welcome to my home and meetmeet mymy familyfamily.(选学生感兴趣的 人物形象来教学新知) 2 1. Teaching new words. (1)T:(人物一)Look! Who is he? He is tall and strong. Ss: father.GG Bonds father. T:(人物二)Who is she? She is short and thin. T: “father and mother” together, we can cal

5、l them “parents”. Teach the word: parents(parents(新词一新词一) ) (教师出示单词及卡片,运用拼读法教授新词发音并操练。) (2)(Showpictures one by one) T: Whos he? He is short and strong. I will give you some tips. He is GG Bonds fathers brother.He is . 引出单词 uncle(uncle(新词二新词二) ) T: Whos she? She is quiet. She is uncles wife. She is.

6、 引出单词 aunt(aunt(新词三新词三) ) T: Who is she? She is beautiful. She is. 引出单词引出单词 cousin(cousin(新词四新词四) ) T: Listen! Who is laughing? He is . 引出单词 baby brother(新词五) (教师出示单词及卡片,运用拼读法教授新词发音并变换操练方式。) 2. Show the five new words together and chant. Parents.Parents.They are my parents. Uncle.Uncle. This is my U

7、ncle. Aunt. Aunt. This is my aunt. Cousin.Cousin. This is my cousin. Baby brother. Baby brother. This is my baby brother. Step3.Step3. PracticePractice andand consolidation.(consolidation.(操练巩固操练巩固) ) 1.T:(进入情境中操练)Look!GG Bonds home is so big. Do you want to visit his home. There are many lollipops.

8、 Do you want to eat? Ss:Yes! T:Now,you must go through four passes.(闯四关)If you can do it.you can get the lollipops all of you.(出示奖励品,棒棒糖) 3 TheThe firstfirst passpass 第一关第一关: :回归课本:Introduce Amys family (介绍 Amy 的家庭成员)。并 设计听力训练。 TheThe secondsecond passpass 第二关第二关: : Super pat pat pat 超级拍拍拍 Practice

9、the new words.(手心手背游戏, 手心坐着读,手背拍手读) TheThe thirdthird passpass 第三关:第三关:Play hamster game打地鼠 Practice the sentences.(快速反应,把单词放入句子中操练) TheThe forthforth passpass 第四关:第四关:Talk about your family 介绍自己的家人(Group work) Hi ! Meet my family. This is my _. He is_ and _. This is my _. She is _ and _. This is my _. He is_. This is I love my family. Step4.SumStep4.Sum up(up(总结) ) 1.Sing a song.(自编歌曲) 2.Sum up. 3.情感教育。Where there is love there is home.(有爱才有家) Step5.Homework.Step5.Homework.(作业)(作业) 1.Introduce your family photos with your parents。 2.Copy the new words twice .


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