人教版(新起点)三下Unit 4 My Family-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-省级优课-(编号:01165).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_三年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 My Family_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_省级优课_(编号:01165)
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Unit 4 My family 2 family fmli n.家庭,家人 3 Who are they? grandfathergrandmother mother me father uncle kl n. 叔叔; 伯父; 舅父; 姑父,姨父 ; Hes my uncle. handsome hnsm adj. 英俊的 aunt :nt n. 阿姨; 舅妈; 姨 母,姑妈; 婶母; Shes my aunt. beautiful bju:tfl adj. 美丽的 9 cousin kz()n n. 堂兄弟姐妹; 表兄弟姐妹 Theyre my cousins. Lets playMagic fingers familyuncle aunt cousinhandsomebeautiful 11 Practice Lets match 12 beautiful handsome father mother brother sister auntuncle 13 uncle aunt beautiful handsome 1.This is my _. Shes _. 2.This is my _. Hes _. aunt beautiful unclehandsome Practice 14 This is not Bills brother. Hes Bills _.cousin Do you want to introduce your family? 15 You can introduce like this: This is my. 16 She is beautiful./He is handsome. I love my family. 公益广告 17 Father and mother, I love you. 18 19 20 We love China ! 本节课我们学过的有关家庭成员的单词有哪些? 21 Summary c c 怎样简单介绍家庭成员? This is my. He/She is 英语三年级下册 Unit4 my family第一课时 一、教学目标: 1.知识与能力目标:能够认读新单词 uncle,aunt,cousin,handsome,beautiful,能熟练运用 This is 句型来介绍自己的家人;能正确读准新单词的发音,并能灵活 运用。 2.过程与方法目标: 3.情感态度与价值观目标:学生能通过本节课的学习知道 family 的深层含义,并能升华到集体,学校,国家是一个个大家庭,从热爱 小家上升到热爱国家的高达情怀和价值观。 二、教学重难点 1.重点:会读,会说 This is 和 He is./She is.句型,并 运用句型介绍自己的家人。 2.难点:会运用本课所学知识来介绍自己的家人。理解 family 一 词的含义,并能升华到集体,学校,国家是一个大家庭。 三、教学过程 Step 1.Warming up (1).Greeting T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning,teacher. T:Before the class,lets see a chant and think a question. How many people in the video? Who are they? 这是一个大家庭,Bill 的家人们正坐在一起吃晚餐。教学单词 “family”并揭题:Today, lets learn Unit 4 my family. 教 师出示 family 分音节教学 fa-mi-li 时刻提醒学生看老师口型。 Step 2.Presentation T 展示 Bill 的全家福问:Boys and girls, lets guess .Who are they in the picture? Ss;Bill. T:其他人大家猜一猜是谁呢?和 Bill 是什么关系呢?引出已学单词: me,father,mother,grandfather 和 grandmother 并复习读音。那 我们不知道称呼的人大家猜一猜是谁呢?This is Bills uncle.Uncle is mothers brother or fathers brother.分别 指认学生练读新单词。再问 What does he look like? Ss:帅气的. T:I think Bills uncle is very handsome.讲解 handsome,和 He is handsome.通过 uncle 引出 This is Bills aunt.Aunt is fathers sister or mothers sister.分别指认学生练读 aunt,再问 What does she look like? 引出 beautiful 美丽的和 She is beautiful. T:那 uncle 和 aunt 的儿子我们叫什么呢?引出 cousin。练读 cousin 一词。 Step3.Practice 1.通过游戏“Magic Fingers”练习快速认读新单词; 2.通过“lets match”环节匹配 beautiful 和 handsome 对应的称 呼,让学生能够分清 handsome 是形容男孩的,beautiful 是形容女 孩的,明确单词意思; 3.通过填单词的形式,练习 This is.和 He is./She is .的 句型; 4.通过“Family Tree” ,说出所缺单词,并跟读所造的句子。 5.同桌两人一组拿出提前准备好的照片,用所学句型和单词互相介 绍彼此的家庭成员,之后找同学到前面展示。 Step4.Production 1.播放公益广告“Family” ,问学生感想,总结,父母辛苦把我们养 大成人,给了我们温暖的家,我们要孝顺父母,并出示幻灯片 “Father and mother,I love you.”引导全班齐读。 2.T:All of us have a happy family .Small but happy. Look , Heres a big family. 教师引导学生介绍屏幕上出现的同学名字:This is, This isWe all live together. We love Class 3. This is our family too. A big and happy family. 3.展示国家的照片,介绍: T: And we also have a large family,Thats our country, we live in China, we love our motherland. Step 5.Summary 找同学总结本节课所学知识,结束本课。
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