人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 3 Travel Plans-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:3141c).zip

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Placewhowhathow Placewhowhathow Placewhowhathow Unit 3 Travel Plans Lesson 3 绵阳市科创区博雅学校 周鹭 Unit 3 Travel Plans Lesson 3 绵阳市科创区博雅学校 周鹭 Before reading: listen & answer 1.Zhou Ming wants to _. 2.How many places do you hear? What are they? 3.How many people do you hear? Who are they? travel While reading : paragraph 1 Today is my birthday. I want to travel. My mother wants to take me to Harbin by train. We can ski there. My father wants to take me to Sanya by plane. We can swim in the sea. My grandmother wants to take me to visit the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang. My grandfather wants to take me to Hangzhou. We can row a boat and While reading: scan and match The method of scanning : catch the key words. Today is my birthday. I want to travel. My mother wants to take me to Harbin by train. We can ski there. My father wants to take me to Sanya by plane. We can swim in the sea. My grandmother wants to take me to visit the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang. My grandfather wants to take me to Hangzhou. We can row a boat and While reading : paragraph 1 My father wants to take me to _. We can_. My mother wants to take me to _. We can_. My grandmother wants to take me to _. We can_. My grandfather wants to take me to _. We can_. While reading: Skim and fill in the form placewhowhathow Harbin Sanya Dunhuang mother father grandmother Hangzhougrandfather ski swim in the sea visit the Mogao Caves row a boat by train by plane Today is my birthday. I want to travel. My mother wants to take me to Harbin by train. We can ski there. My father wants to take me to Sanya by plane. We can swim in the sea. My grandmother wants to take me to visit the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang. My grandfather wants to take me to Hangzhou. We can row a boat and Listen and imitate Play a chaining game Today is my _. I want to _. My mother wants to take me to _ by train. We can _ there. My father wants to take me to _by _. We can _ in the sea. My grandmother wants to take me to _ in _. My grandfather wants to take me to _. We can _and Guess: What happened next? Listen and answer It is a _.dream Ding! Ding! Ding! I hear my mother,“Get up, Zhou Ming!”Oh, it is a dream! Today is my birthday, but it is Monday. I have to go to school. Listen and imitate Today is my birthday. I want to travel. My mother wants to take me to Harbin by train. We can ski there. My father wants to take me to Sanya by plane. We can swim in the sea. My grandmother wants to take me to visit the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang. My grandfather wants to take me to Hangzhou. We can row a boat and Ding! Ding! Ding! I hear my mother,“Get up, Zhou Ming!”Oh, it is a dream! Today is my birthday,but it is Monday. I have to go to school. Look at the mind map, try to retell the story. Fill in the blanks: read again and write.: ski swim grandmother visit the Mogao Caves grandfather wants to row a bout with him in Hangzhou. Write your teams travel plans. Tips 1: 1.Make a mind map: Where do you want to go? What do you want to do there? Who will go with you? How do you get there? Who Mind map Tips 2: Use the mind map to make your teams travel plan. Travel Plans *This is my teams travel plan. *I want to _with_ in _. *He/She wants to _with_ in _. *Zhou Ming wants to _with_ in _. *Lily wants to go to Sanya with her mother. They can swim in the sea and eat seafood. *Bill wants to take me to Hangzhou by plane. We can row a boat. Show time Homework Use the mind map to make your travel plans Or try to make a poster. Unit 3 Travel Plans Lesson 3 一、一、指导思想与理论依指导思想与理论依据据 1 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版) 在对课程基本理念的描述中 指出,教师需重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。课堂中尽可能多的为学生创造 在真实语境中运用语言的机会,鼓励学生在教师的指导下,通过体验、实践、 参与、探究和合作等方式,发现语言规律,逐步掌握语言知识和技能; 2 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版多次提到发展思维的重要性。 在前言中提到:“学习英语能帮助他们形成开放、包容的性格,发展跨文化交 流的意识与能力,促进思维发展,形成正确的价值观和良好的人文素养。 ”对于 课程的性质,又指出“义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质。 就工具而言,英语课程承担着培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任 务” ; 3 学业标准指出:利用思维可视化工具设计、组织学习任务,培养 学生思维的系统性和逻辑性。思维导图是一种将发散性思考可视化的思维工具。 二、二、教学背景分析教学背景分析 2.1 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课为义务教育教科书 英语(一年级起点) 四年级上册的第 3 单元 Travel Plans 中的第三课时。本单元的第一课时是关于旅游景点名称及相关活动 的单词和短语的学习,第二课时内容以情景对话的形式呈现关于某人想去某地 旅游及从事相关活动的旅游计划的功能句:Where do you want to go? I want to go to 以及 What do you want to do? I want to ,学生做到能听懂、会说。从 第三课时开始是对前两节课时所学新知的拓展和运用。本课重点在于如何在唤 起学生旧知的前提下,为学生创设真实情境让学生熟练表达自己的旅行计划, 在此基础上进行听力和阅读练习,最后达到写作的目的。 2.2 学情分析:学情分析: 本课的授课对象是四年级的学生,从情感角度来讲,他们对旅行的话题比 较感兴趣,基于此,首先要设计一个与学生自己相关的大情境激发学生对本节 课的兴趣,然后引导学生复习关于某人想去某地旅游及从事相关活动的旅游计 划的功能句的表达,以便为后面的阅读和写作做铺垫。在阅读的过程中,巧妙 的将第一段和第二段的内容分别转换为听力材料,接着通过不同层次问题的设 置,提升学生的阅读能力;通过分析小文章的写作要点,构建思维导图,引导 学生完成小作文。 2.3 教学目标教学目标 (1)能够读懂有关旅游计划的短文,能够获取其中的关键信息完成任务, 尝试用所给功能句:want(s) to和can进行口头表达,并借助思维导图、结 合自己及他人的旅游计划进行简单书写; (2)能够比较流利地朗读短文; (3)能够用简单的语言,以口头和书面形式介绍自己和他人的旅游计划; (4)能自己画出思维导图。 2.4 教学重点教学重点 阅读文章,理解文章含义,画出思维导图,回答相应的问题并进行复述。 2.5 教学难点教学难点 通过分析文章,写出自己的介绍。 三、三、设计思路设计思路 3.1 热身热身 引出本节课主题“Travel Plans”。 T:Do you like traveling? I like traveling, too. First, lets enjoy a video about our traveling. (播放一段旅行视频,里面是老师和该班学生们去各地旅行的照片,引导 学生进入到旅行的情境中,引起学生的共鸣,为教授新内容进一步营造氛围。 ) 3.2 复习旧知、为新知学习做铺垫。复习旧知、为新知学习做铺垫。 Use the mind map to review the words and sentences in Unit 1. T: After watching this video, do you want to travel? You know that there are many beautiful places in China. They are very beautiful. First city is Beijing. What can we do in Beijing? How can we get there? (Show Ss the cards and ask Ss to describe other places.) S1: We can visit the Great Wall. S2:We can eat the Beijing Duck. S3: (设计意图:用思维导图的方式,复习第一节课学过的词汇、短语和句型, 把被动学习转换为主动思考,用思维导图理清脉络,将单独割裂的知识点有机 结合为一个整体,便于学生进行语言输出。又为新课进行铺垫。 ) 3.3 新知学习新知学习 (1) T:Today we have a friend. His name is Zhou Ming. Can you guess what happened on his birthday? (设计意图:设置开放性问题让学生猜测在周明生日时发生了什么,同时 引出本课的阅读。 ) Ss: Guess (2) T: Do you want to know what happened on Zhou Mings birthday? Here are three questions about his birthday. Would you please read them? (出示四个问题,让 学生读一读,对接下来的听力做预判。) . Zhou Ming wants to _. 1 . How many people do you hear? Who are they? 2 . How many places do you hear? What are they? 3 (设计意图:将第一段的阅读作为听力材料做新知呈现。 ) (3) 播放这部分的录音,学生有目的的听,并且试着抓文本大意。 T: Who can answer the questions? Lets check them. (设计意图:边验证答案边制作这篇文章的思维导图,订正这三道题目的答 案,同时帮助孩子理解这段话的关键信息。) (4) 快速阅读文章,完成课文后的搭配连线。 T:The method of scanning is catching the key words. Circle the key words and match. (核对答案,先核对关键词是否圈出,再核对配对答案) My mother/father/grandmother/grandfather wants to _. We can_. (核对答案时用提示句型进行表达,渗透进课文内容,为后面的复述作铺 垫。 ) (5) 再次阅读文章,完成表格。 Placewhowhathow 让学生做完后先相互核对答案,如有不同,讨论出正确认为正确的答案, 说出理由。 (6)核对答案。在核对答案的同时让学生来补充完成这篇文章的思维导图。 (7)学生听录音跟读文章,之后理由黑板上的思维导图完成 chaining game。 (设计意图:让学生跟读,读文章,完成挖空练习都是再次输入的部分, 只有充分的输入,学生才能更好的输出。 ) (8)T:What happened next? Can you guess? (设计意图:再次设置开放性问题让学生猜测在接下来在周明的生日里发 生了什么,让学生大胆猜测,训练思维。 ) (9)T: Listen and tell me what happened next. Answer the question: It is a _. (将第二段的阅读作为听力材料做新知呈现。 ) Check the answer. It is a dream. (10)Listen and imitate. (11)Play a game。Pass the plane and read paragraph 2. (设计意图:设计传玩具飞机读课文的游戏,在游戏当中熟读课文。) (12)Look at the mind map, try to retell the story. (通过思维导图来复述课文。 ) 四、四、拓展运用。拓展运用。 1. T: Boys and girls, its time to make our own travel plans. Before writing, I have 2 tips for you. First, make a mind map. Where do you want to go? What do you want to do there? Who will go with you? How do you get there? Second ,use the mind map to make your teams travel plan. This is my teams travel plan. *I want to _with_ in _. *He/She wants to _with_ in _. *Zhou Ming wants to _with_ in _. *Lily wants to go to Sanya with her mother. They can swim in the sea and eat seafood. *Bill wants to take me to Hangzhou by plane. We can row a boat. 2. T: Are you ready? Ok, Ill give you a few minutes. At last, you can give us a report. (设计意图:在学生运用的环节,也是完成任务的环节,课的开始布置了制 定旅行计划的任务,经过语言知识的学习,学生可以运用思维导图制定一个合 理有趣的旅行计划,写出来并和大家分享,最后形成小组的旅行计划,并进行 汇报。) 五、五、作业。作业。 Use the mind map to make your travel plans Or try to make a poster.
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