人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 5 Free Time-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:c0097).zip

相关 举报
  • 全部
    • Hobby歌曲.mp3
    • Jin Jing录音.mp3
    • Unit5 Free Time Lesson3.pptx--点击预览
    • 其余三人录音.mp3
    • 教案c0097.docx--点击预览
    • 游戏音乐.mp3
    • 纯音乐 - 不知名的美妙调子的钢琴曲.mp3
    • 调查表.docx--点击预览


I like listenning to music and, I like playing computer games. These are my favourite hobbies. Are they your hobbies, too? I like reading stories and, I like collecting stamps. These are my favourite hobbies. Are they your hobbies.too? RulesRules(规则)(规则): : 快速读出你看到的图片。快速读出你看到的图片。 看到看到 ,就大声喊,就大声喊“ “BoomBoom” ”。 Game Over Im Sherry.I often Im Sherry.I often in my free time. I go swimmingin my free time. I go swimming twice a twice a week.Iweek.I three three times a times a week.Iweek.I and and every day. every day. 1. What is her name ? 2. What is she good at? 3. How often does she do it? Hello ! Im new in this school. My name is Jin Jing . I am good at dancing . I go to a dance club once a week . Do you want to dance with me ? 1. What is her name ? 2. What is she good at? 3. How often does she do it? Hello ! Im new in this school. My name is Jin Jing. I am good at dancing. I go to a dance club once a week. Do you want to dance with me? Hi! Im Alex. I come from Canada. I love skating and reading . My friend and I go skating twice a week. Who wants to be my friend. Hello! My name is Tina. My favourite. Hobby is reading. I have many storybooks.I am good at English, so I often read English stories. Who wants to be my reading friend. Hello! My mame is Amanda. I am good at street dancing. Now I want to learned Chinese dancing. Who can teach me? Who is going to be Jin Jings friend? How do you know it? street dancing street dancing Chinese dancing ballet Latin dance What are their hobbies? Alexs hobby is _ . skating and reading Tinas hobby is _. reading reading reading How often does Alex go skating? He goes skating _. twice a week Who are going to be friends? _ and _ .They both like _ . _ and _ . They both like _ . Jin JingJin JingAmandadancing AlexTinareading How often does Jin Jing go to the dance club ? She goes to the dance club _. once a week How often does Alex go skating . He goes skating _ . twice a week Hello ! Im new in this school. My name is Jin Jing. I am good at dancing. I go to a dance club once a week. Do you want to dance with me? Hi! Im Alex. I come from Canada. I love skating and reading . My friend and I go skating twice a week. Who wants to be my friend. Hello! My name is Tina. My favourite. Hobby is reading. I have many storybooks.I am good at English, so I often read English stories. Who wants to be my reading friend. Hello! My mame is Amanda. I am good at street dancing. Now I want to learned Chinese dancing. Who can teach me? ActivitiesActivitiesHow often travel to_go back to hometownonce a week go to the museumgo shoppingtwice a week go to the librarygo swimmingthree times a week go to _classesgo skatingevery day go to concertsplay chessnever play the piano/_play with friends watch TVread books do homeworklisten to music learn to dance/_learn to cook learn Englishcelebrate Spring Festival buy toys / presents/ _help parents do chores be a volunteer in a community 自愿者 go to a winter camp 冬令营 Do a survey about your friends free time the 1st friend_the 2nd friend_ Task : make an introduction. My friend _likes_in his free time. He does that _. My friend _likes _ in her free time. She does that _. A survey of our free timeA survey of our free time 20人 16人 15人 _students _ in the free time. 7人 6人 5人 1人 4人 1人 4人 5人 Hello, I am_. I come from_. I like _. I _. Do you want to be my friends? Tips: twice a week , once a week , three times , every day Friends are the treasure of our life. We should treat the friends sincerely. 朋友是我们一生的财富,我们要真心对待朋友 HomeworkHomework 1.Finish your introduction . if you like, share with others (完成自我介绍。如果你愿意,和其他人分享一下。) 2. Find a new friend. (交一个新朋友。) Thank you !Thank you ! Unit5 Free Time 教案教案 学校:学校: 教材:人教版(新起点)四年级下册教材:人教版(新起点)四年级下册 Unit5 Free Time课时:第三课时课时:第三课时 指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 版)课程基本理念中提出:“各种语言知识的呈现 和学习都应从语言使用的角度出发,为提升学生“用英语做事情”的能力服务。教师要通 过采用循序渐进的语言实践活动,以及各种强调过程与结果的教学途径和方法,培养学生 用英语做事情的能力。”基于此,我在本课中努力激发学生用英语表达生活中的各种情境, 尽力满足他们的学习需求并努力做到:结合学生所接触过的相关话题,激发学生已会的英 语知识,提供学生语言学习的交流机会:分享自己和他人的情感体验,培养学生的综合语 言运用能力。 教学背景分析教学背景分析 教材分析:教材分析: 本课选自人民教育出版社义务教育教科书英语(一年级起点)四年级上册第五单 元 Free Time 的第三课时。本课教材分为两个部分:教材在 A 项共有四个短文,每个短文是一 名新生的自我介绍。内容包括他们的姓名、国家、课余活动、活动频率、对朋友的要求等, 为学生呈现了一个帮助新同学找朋友的语言任务。B 项是读写结合的活动。学生须先根据 A 项短文提供的信息在给定的句子结构里填写任务从事某项活动的频率。然后,模仿此语 言结构介绍自己的课余生活,并正确填写信息,完成句子。 学情分析:学情分析: 四年级的学生有了第四单元的学习基础,单词和句型已经在本单元第二课时进行了学 习,所以本课重难点在重点句子的理解,学会使用。学生具备一定的词汇和句型基础,能 够听懂教师的日常教学用语,在教师指导下顺利学习,对直观生动的东西充满兴趣。所以 本节课利用视频 歌曲 小组表演等活动调动学生学习的积极性,用听音仿读、接龙复述课 文、找朋友、情景表演等活动为学生提供表达的机会,提升口语表达能力和听说读写的综 合运用能力。 教学目标教学目标 教学流程示意图教学流程示意图 一、学习目标:一、学习目标: 1. 能够读懂有关课余生活的短文,总结其中的关键信息,用所给功能句表达认为的课余活 动及频率。 2. 能通流利地朗读课文。 3. 能够口头和书面简单介绍自己的课余活动及频率。 二、教学重点:二、教学重点: 阅读四篇文章,理解文章含义,能够回答相应的问题。 三、教学难点:三、教学难点: 通过分析文章,写出自己的介绍。 教学资源准备教学资源准备 教师资源:教材、电脑课件、人物图片 学生资源:教材、文具 教学过程与教学资源设计教学过程与教学资源设计 Step1 热身 1、演唱歌曲,激发兴趣。 T:Boys and girls, do you like singing? Before our new lesson . Lets sing a song together, OK? (师生共同演唱歌曲 My hobbies) Step2 复习和导入 一、热身 二、复习和导入 活动一:演唱歌曲,激发兴趣。 活动一:观看图片,朗读词汇。 活动二:师生交流,引入新知。 5、学习新知 活动一:提出问题,启发思维。 活动二:完成听力,整体感知。 活动三:阅读文本,提取信息。 活动一:阅读文本,巩固练习。 3、巩固运用 活动二:朗读资料,熟悉文本。 活动三:开展调查,体验运用。 活动四:分享调研,渗透情感。 活动五:联系实际,书写自我介绍。 4、梳理所学 布置作业 梳理脉络,布置作业。 1、观看图片,朗读词汇 学生在欢快的游戏音乐中,快速朗读所学的有关课余生活词汇,活跃了课堂气氛。 出现词汇:fly a kite, go fishing, play basketball, dance, play football, play computer games, see a Film, play chess, watch TV, read a book, go swimming, ride a bike, go shopping. 2、师生交流,引入新知。 出示教师自己的自我介绍,与学生进行交流。 讨论 What do you do in your free time? How often do you do it ?引申到有共同爱好的人,可以 成为朋友。 【设计意图】在热身及复习与导入环节,通过师生交流,自然地引出本课话题。在欢快的 音乐伴奏下,学生不仅复习了已学词汇,而且也活跃了课堂气氛。 Step3 学习新知 1、提出问题,启发思维 课件出示 Jin Jing 照片,听课文录音,找出问题答案。 T:We all have friends. But look at the girl.She doesnt have a friend. Because she is a new student in the school.She doesnt know anyone. So she wants to make new friends.Do you want to know her? Do you want to be her friends?Lets listen to the tape.And I have some questions.Whats her name? What is she good at? How often does she do it? 【设计意图】设置问题,使学生有目的的学习课文,启发学生的思维。 2、完成听力,整体感知。 学生打开书,边听录音边划出其余的三人谁会和 Jin Jing 成为好朋友。 T: There are three children .They are Tina, Alex, Amanda.Who can be Jin Jings friends? And how do you know? Open your book and draw lines under the sentences. 学生交流核对答案后,拓展学习各种各样的舞蹈。如:芭蕾舞、中国舞、街舞、拉丁舞。 并升华到跳舞有益健康。 3、阅读文本,提取信息。 学生打开书,带着 Are Alex and Tina going to be friends? What are their hobbies? How often do they do it ? 等问题阅读文本。学生提取主要信息,核对答案。 【设计意图】通过听录音勾出活动、阅读文本提取信息、问答交流的方式,帮助学生整体 感知和理解对话文本,体现了对话教学先整体后学习理解的教学理念。 Step4 巩固运用 1、阅读文本,巩固练习。 学生与同伴共同阅读文本,并自主填写 Part B 部分的填空题。核对答案后教师进行情感升 华。 T: I think making friends is very important . I hope you can have more friends. 2、朗读资料,熟悉文本。 小组共同阅读文本,熟练掌握文本内容。之后,请学生选择一个自己最喜欢的一段进行朗 读。 教师给予贴纸进行奖励。 3、开展调查,体验运用。 (1)示范调查,布置任务。 在教师与一名学生示范调查后,布置调查任务,学生下座位调查 1-2 名朋友,用钩表示第 一个朋友信息,用圈表示第二个朋友信息。 T: Wow, So many activities about our free time . I think our free time is colorful, What do you think of your friends free time ? Do you want to know your friends free time ? Now lets do a survey. (2)调查同伴,运用语言。 学生下座位采访并填写调查表,为学生提供在活动语境中运用语言的机会。 (3)汇报调研结果 4、分享调研,渗透情感。 课件出示调研数据,在教师示范后,学生阅读数据,思考哪些是健康的业余生活,如何选 择有意义的兴趣爱好。从爱父母到爱朋友和亲人,再到爱社区和国家,帮助学生增强社会 责任感。 T: Look, this is a survey of our free time. Can you read the date? One student do chores at home. One student go to the community. Can you read the chart? 教师进一步与学生交流: Do you know what you do in your free time ? We can do some interesting things. We can also show love for parents and friends. We can help parents do some chores. We also be a volunteer in a community . 4、联系实际,书写自我介绍。 T: Do you want to make more friends. Please write an introduction about yourselves.And I have a Log.I will put your introduction on the log . Some people will know you from the logo. T: Lets write it . 【设计意图】调查活动给学生提供了在语境中运用语言的机会。在收集信息的过程中,促 进了同伴间的真实交流.通过总结调查结果,帮助学生增强社会责任感,提升学生的情感体 验。 Step5 梳理所学 布置作业 1、师生共同总结本课所学知识 2、布置作业 (1) Finish your introduction, if you like, share with others. (2) Make a new friend . (交一个新朋友。) 情感升华: 【设计意图】家庭作业是课堂教学的延伸,课下和朋友一起分享课上所学知识,巩固课上 所学知识的同时,又可以在生活中进行实际运用。使学生热爱生活,关爱朋友。不断提高 自己的语言运用能力。 板书设计板书设计 学习效果评价设计学习效果评价设计 教学评价,使教师及时获得反馈信息,反思与改善课堂教学找出进一步提高和改善教 学的途径。激发学生学习的动机、兴趣。本节课教师的体态语言、口头激励、启发引导等 方式,激励学生学习。准备精美的粘贴鼓励学生积极思考、敢于开口。最后的自我介绍展 示部分,设置了为学生的自我介绍拍照这一形式,增强学生对英语学习的兴趣。
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