- Unit5 Free time story time.ppt--点击预览
- 教案605ef.doc--点击预览
FreeTime StoryTime Draw,draw,Icandraw Sing,sing,Icansing Read,read,Icanread Swim,swim,Icanswim Dance,dance,Icandance Letschant Whatdoyou doinyour freetime? Askandanswer Letstalk Letstalk Letstalk 一、阅读上面对话,回答问题:一、阅读上面对话,回答问题: 1、WhatswrongwithLuQi? 2、WhatdoesLuQilike? 3、HowoftendoesLuQiplayfootball? Hefeelstired. Helikesplayingfootballand ping-pong.Healsolikesdancing. Onceayear. CanyouhelpLuQimake anexerciseplan? HeplaysfootballandPing-pong twiceaweek.Andhegoestothe danceclassthreetimesaweek. Doyou?Yes,Ido./No,Idont. Howoftendo/does? Whatdoyoudoinyourfreetime? Homework 1、Writethewordsandthekey sentences. 2、Makeadialoguewiththewords andthesentences. Unit5 Story Time 教学设计教学设计 【课课 时时】第 7 课时:Story Time 一、本课教学目标一、本课教学目标 1. 能够借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂故事,完成故事后的表格。 2. 能够在教师的指导下朗读故事;能够复述或表演故事。 3. 能够通过阅读故事明白单单喜欢一件事是不够的,还要经常去做,让这项活 动对自己的生活产生正面的影响。 教学建议教学建议 1. 热身活动。 (1) 唱歌曲。师生共同演唱本单元歌曲。 (2) 海报展示。学生展示并介绍前一节课制作的海报。 (3) 趣味活动分享。提前请学生从网络搜集一些国外小朋友经常进行的课余活 动,与中国小朋友经常从事的课余活动对比,从中找一找相同点和不同点,在 课堂上简单以图片等方式与同学分享。 2. 阅读故事; (1) 预测。 教师出示本故事的第一张图片,让学生思考:What do you see in the picture? Whats wrong with the boy? Why does he feel tired? 引导学生根据自己的生活经验猜一猜小男孩为什么会感觉身体不适。教师将学 生的猜测简单记录在黑板上。 (2) 图片环游。 教师依次出示故事图片,以提问的方式引发学生思考讨论。 图片参考提问:Whats the boys name? Whats wrong with him? 然后请学生尝 试自行阅读图下方的文字。其余图片环游过程都依据图片的教学步骤进行。 图片参考提问: Whats the boys problem? Does the boy like exercise? Do you often feel tired? What will you do when you are tired? 在讨论图时,两个主人公说的语言都不是非常直接,学生可能在理解上存在 一定困难。教师可以从女生的话语“Why? We are walking, not running.”入手,引 导学生思考:Why does the girl say that they are walking, not running? Why does the boy feel tired even when he is walking? 帮助学生理解 walking 是一项很平缓的运动,男生却仍感觉疲劳,这可能是因 为他不经常运动造成的。也可以问问学生: What does the girl think of the boy? What do you think of the boy? What should he do? 自然过渡到 He needs more exercise, 图片参考提问: Does the boy like exercise? What sports does he like? j Do you like these sports? What sports do you like to do? How often do you do sports? 图片参考提问: What other sports does the boy like? How often do they have a dance class? Do you like dancing? How often do you go to a dance class? 图片参考提问: Why does the girl feel confused? Why is the boy usually tired? 图片参考提问: Does the boy often do sport? How often does he play football/ping - pong/go to the dance class? Do you think he really likes sports? (3) 学生自己整体阅读故事文本。 学生整体阅读故事。阅读后,教师借助故事挂图带领学生讲故事,从头到尾地 简单讲一遍,加深学生对故事的整体印象。 (4) 完成 B 项填表。 教师先通过语言布置任务:Lu Qi doesnt do sports very often, so he often feels tired. Would you like to help him make an exercise plan? 学生两人一组简单讨论:How often should he play football/ping-pong/ go to the dance class? What other sports are good for him? 学生根据讨论自行完成 B 部分填表任务。教师邀请几名学生介绍他们为 Lu Qi 制订的锻炼计划。 教师可以用评选“Best Plan” (最佳计划)的形式引导学生思考计划的合理性, 对学生制订的计划进行评价。 (5) 听录音跟读。 教师播放两遍录音。第一遍,学生听录音,指读文字部分,此时不要求学生跟 读。第二遍,学生尝试跟读故事,模仿语音,语调。 (6) 学生自行朗读故事。 学生出声朗读故事,教师巡视,对有困难的学生提供适时帮助。 (7) 两人一组分角色朗读故事。 学生自主朗读之后,教师引导学生两人结成一组,练习分角色朗读故事。 学生分成六人小组,三对学生依次向同组学生展示。组内进行互评,给出改进 意见。 教师请若干组学生在全班内进行展示。 【教学反思教学反思】