人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 6 Countries-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:f295e).zip

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Gateway Timeout CountriesCountries LessonLesson 2 2 WordsWords Game:Game: touchtouch itit Q1Q1:Where is Binbin from? Q2:Q2: Where is Tom from? Q3:Q3: What are they talking about? Listen and think eat Repeat and talk Choose the country you like: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Countries Rules: 1.One student writes. 2.One or two students stick. 3.One or two students draw. 4.Read the sentences together. Countries SEE YOU! Countries-Lesson2 教学设计教学设计 教学主题教学主题 Countries 教学来源教学来源人教版四年级下册 教学对象教学对象四年级教学对象教学对象40 分钟 一、教材分析 本节课题来源于人教版四年级下册的英语教材 Unit6Countries。本单元介绍了五 个国家名称,目的在于让学生初步了解一些国家及其文化背景,丰富文化常识。要求学生能 够听懂、会说用来询问他人来自哪个国家的功能句,及其简单答语,并能够在情境中初步口 头运用。 二、学生分析 四年级的学生,对部分国家名称有了初步的认识,但并未了解太多。对国家名称及其文 化标志充满兴趣。通过对本单元的学习,初步了解五个国家名称及其文化背景,加深学生对 世界各国的认识,提升其对各国文化探索的兴趣,扩大视野。 三、教学目标 1能够听懂,会说有关询问对方来自哪里的功能句:Where are you from?以及答句:Im from并能够在恰当的情景中口头表达。 2掌握动词短语的听说读写能力:see koalas,visit Big Ben,visit the Great Wall,see maple leaves 和 visit Disneyland. 3初步了解本单元 5 个国家相应的国家文化象征。 4. 能够根据语境或自己的实际情况写出答语,做到书写正确、规范。 四、重难点 1能够听懂,会说询问对方来自哪里的功能句:Where are you from?以及答句:Im from并能够在恰当的情景中口头表达。 2掌握动词短语的听说读写能力:see koalas,visit Big Ben,visit the Great Wall,see maple leaves 和 visit Disneyland. 五、教学流程设计 教学环节教师活动学生活动信息技术 旧知引入 1.Greetings1.Greetings 2.Warm-up2.Warm-up Review:words game (Canada,Australia,the UK,the USA,China) T: Whats this?(展示图片,并贴在黑板 上) T: . T:I need two students.(请两位学生示范) T:Now,lets play the game.(随机挑两 轮学生,每轮两名) Ss: Canada. Ss: . (两轮学生 PK,听单词并认 出相对应国旗,第一名得分) 随机挑人 计分板 新知与实践 1 1LetsLets listenlisten T:Who are they?(点击课件,出现 Binbin 和 Tom) T:Right.I have three questions: Q1:Where is Binbin from? Q2:Where is Tom from? Q3:What are they talking about? Now watch the cartoon and answer. Ss:They are Binbin and Tom. S1:Binbin is from China. S2:Tom is from the UK. S3: Countries and hobbies. IRS 抢权 (播放 A 部分的动画,并请人回答问题) 2.Lets2.Lets repeatrepeat T:Now listen and repeat. (再次播放 A 部分的动画,一句一停顿) 3.Lets3.Lets talktalk T:Lets have a role-play.Boys for Binbin, girls for Tom.(角色扮演 A 部分 的对话) 4.Lets4.Lets learnlearn T:What can we do in the UK?(展示大本 钟图片,并贴在黑板上) T:What can we do in China?(展示长城图 片,并贴在黑板上) T:. 5.5. Letrole-playLetrole-play T:Hello,Im Elizabeth.(教师示范,展 示面具并板书句 Im_.) T:Im from the UK. You can visit Big Ben in my country.(板书句型 Im from_. You can_in my country.) T:Now, Who want to try?(随机挑 4 人, 扮演其他人物并介绍自己) 6.6. LetsLets makemake Make a country Book T:which country do you want? Choose your answer.(展示国家选项) T:The students who choose the same country,you are a new group.Now,give you 2 minutes to find your group and sit down.Then choose a new leader.(查 看统计图,选择相同国家的学生,重新分组, (观看动画并抢答) Ss:.(跟读对话,一句一 停顿) Ss:.(角色扮演 A 部分的 对话) Ss:You can visit Big Ben. Ss: You can visit the Great Wall. Ss:. Ss:Where are you from? S1:Im_. Ss:Where are you from? S1:Im from_.You can _in my country.(学生抢 权扮演) 计分板 并迅速推选一名新组长) T:Leaders stand up.Come here and take the bag.(每组分发材料袋) T:Put the bag in your desk. Now, we ll make a country book.Listen to the rules: 1.One student writes. 2.One or two student stick. 3.One or two students draw. 4.Read the sentences together. Now, give you 8 minutes to make a country book.(讲解规则,小组分工合作) (学生使用 IRS 做出选择) (选择相同国家的学生,重 新分组,并迅速推选一名新 组长) (各组长领取材料袋) (小组合作,制作 country book) IRS 抢权 计分板 IRS 选择 计时器 计分板 计时器 Hita 拍 照 呈现与小结 T:Ill choose two groups to show your work. You need read the sentences together. (上传作品,随机挑选两组,作品展示) (随机挑选两组,作品展示) 随机挑组 六、板书设计 CountriesCountries China visit the Great Wall Im/We are_. Australia see koalas the UK visit Big Ben Im/We are from_. the USA visit Disneyland Canada see maple leaves You can_in my/our country.
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