人教精通版三年级下册Unit 2 I'm in Class One,Grade Three.-Lesson 10-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:60076).doc

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人教精通版三年级下册Unit 2 I'm in Class One,Grade Three.-Lesson 10-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:60076).doc_第1页
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人教精通版三年级下册Unit 2 I'm in Class One,Grade Three.-Lesson 10-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:60076).doc_第3页
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1、1 (精通)英语小学三年级下册第二单元 Unit 2 Im in Class One, Grade Three. Lesson 10 三年级下册 Unit 2 Lesson 10 教案 2 一、教学目标 1. 知识与技能: (1)能够听、说、读、写单词:nine,ten,并能够在真实的语境中 灵活运用。能够了解 i-e 的发音规则并能拼词、读词。 (2) 能够在真实生活情境中运用表示询问时间的语句: What time is it? Its oclock. (3)能够在图片的帮助下,理解绘本内容,并能进行模仿。 2. 过程与方法: (1)学生能够看懂时间并能流利地回答整点时间。 (2)引导学生

2、把所学知识运用到实际生活中,培养学生灵活的交际 能力以及综合语言运用能力。 3. 情感态度与价值观 (1)培养学生珍惜时间,合理利用时间的良好习惯。 二、学情分析 通过两年半的英语学习,学生们已经掌握 0-20 口语的表达,慢 慢形成用逻辑思维和常识解决问题的能力。三年级的学生活泼,好表 现,不能长时间集中注意力。根据学生的这一特点,我充分利用多媒 体辅助教学,综合利用文字、图像、声音等资源生动形象的展示教学 内容,设计多样化的学习活动让学生参与,维持注意力的稳定性。 三、重点难点 教学重点 1. 词汇:能够听、说、读、写单词 nine、ten,并能在四线三格中规 3 范书写。 2. 句型:在

3、真实情境中使用句型 What time is it? Its oclock.并把 词汇融入句中进行巩固,在对话交流过程中完成目标词汇、句型的 学习。 教学难点: .通过阅读绘本故事,启发学生整体感知、模仿、学习和体验, 最终促使学生能够在真实情境、 现实生活中综合运用目标语言进行简 单的日常交流活动。 四、教学过程 一、 Warm-up 1. Greeting T: Look at my watch. Its time for class. Are you ready? Ss: Yes, Im ready. T: Boys and girls, youre all here. Whos the

4、 lucky dog today? (Teacher calls student on Kouyu100) T: How are you? S: Im fine, thank you. T: How old are you? S: Im ten. T: Heres a picture for you. S:Thank you. T: Today were going to learn Lesson 10. OK? 4 Ss: OK. 【设计意图】借助口语 100 平台进行幸运点名,激发学生的 兴趣,在自由对话中拉近师生关系,复习所学语言,将学生 自然地带入英语学习的环境。 2. Check h

5、omework T: Before our class, lets check your homework. Whose homework do you want to enjoy? Ss: XXs. (To check students homework of Lesson 9 on Kouyu100 and give them some stars on the website.) 【设计意图】检查作业时,让学生选择被检查的对象,把互 学互促渗透到教学的每个环节。学生养成习惯后,也会很认 真地在家跟读课文。 3. Sing a song. T: You did very well in l

6、esson 9. So heres a song for you. Watch the video carefully. (To play the song of Lesson 10) T: Show me your fingers and sing together. 【设计意图】教师把歌曲作为奖励的方式,及时鼓励学生们 在口语 100 中的表现。在歌曲中,学生自觉地复习了所学数 字,进入英语学习的快乐氛围中。 4. Show a big clock. 5 T: What number is it? Ss: One. T: What number is it? Ss: Nine. (黑板上按

7、照表盘写上 3,6,9) T: Heres twelve. Look. What is it? Ss: A clock. (Teacher draw a big clock on the Bb.) 二、 Presentation 1. Listen to the story. T:Yes. How many clocks? Ss: One clock. Two clocksTen clocks. 板书 ten。 T: What time is it? What time is it? Today Ill tell you a story -What time is it? Page one:

8、T: Look at this boy. Hes Ted. Hes ten years old. Hes in Class One, Grade Three. Now time for story. Page two: T: Wheres Ted? Ted is in a zoo. T: A big wolf comes. (wolf) What time is it? T: (Ted)Its two oclock. 6 T: (wolf)No. no. no. Its seven oclock. Time for eating nice food and you.Aww Page three

9、: T: Wheres Ted? Ted is in a fruit shop. T: A big wolf comes. (wolf) What time is it? T: (Ted)Its five oclock. T: (wolf)No. no. no. Its eight oclock. Time for eating pineapples and you. Aww 【设计意图】 教师以不同的语气, 为学生讲故事, 当小主人 Ted 回答出时间后, 老狼拿出闹钟却显示的是八点, 会有什么结 果呢?老狼突然说:No, No, No! Its eight oclock. 结果出乎 学生想

10、象。 为学生设计有思考空间的问题, 可以有效地激发 学生的发散思维,培养学生用英语思维思考问题的能力。 Page four: T: Wheres Ted? Ted is in the kitchen. Who comes? Ss: A wolf. T: What does the Wolf ask? Ss: What time is it? The teacher writes this sentence on the blackboard. 【设计意图】学生有了老师的示范,此时会模仿老狼的语调提 出问题。鼓励学生多多模仿,多多提问。 T: What does Ted answer? 7 S:

11、 Its four oclock. Its oclock. (To use Kouyu100 to call the students. The students ask the question like a wolf.) 【设计意图】引导学生发散思维,猜测时间。在不断的猜测中 学生操练了重点句型。 Show the clock. Ss: Its ten oclock. T: (wolf)No. No. No. Its ten oclock. Time for eating rice and you. Aww Page five: T: Ted is at Gao Weis home. Bi

12、g Wolf comes. Ss: (wolf)What time is it? 【设计意图】故事到了这个环节,学生已经可以主动的模仿老 狼的语音、语调进行提问。 T: (Ted)Its What time is it, Gao Wei? T: Lets watch the video and answer the question. Play the video of this text. T: What time is it, boys and girls? Ss: Its nine oclock. T: Is it morning? Is it evening? Ss: Yes. Its

13、 evening. T: Why? 8 Ss: Good night. T: Yes. (Ted) Thank you. Its nine oclock, Big Wolf. T: (Wolf) Yes. Time for bed. Good night! T: Does wolf eat Ted? Ss: No. T: First, time for eating nice food and Ted. Then time for eating pineapples and Ted. Then time for eating rice and Ted. Do you understand? W

14、hats the meaning of pineapples? Lets look over with electric dictionary on Kouyu100. T: nine, nice, pineapple, rice. What do i-e pronounce? Lets watch the video about phonics. Ss: i-e,i-e, /ai/,/ai/,/ai/ 【设计意图】在绘本故事中,学习新单词,并在观看 phonics 视频后,理解 i-e 的发音,听音拼词,学习新单词。 2. Practice in pairs. T: In this stor

15、y Gao Wei helps Ted. Can you help Ted? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Lets read on kouyu100. Now practice with your pad. (The students practice with kouyu100.) T: Lets assess your work. 【设计意图】借助口语 100 平台,使学生充分跟读课文,口语 100 系统会对学生的发音进行纠正和评分,学生们在一遍一遍 9 的跟读中,逐渐纠正语音语调,最后达到自己满意的成绩并将 成绩上传到平台。 三、 Practise 1. Read this stor

16、y in groups. T: Do you like this story? You can read it in groups on the website. And then act the story out. One is the wolf, one is Ted. (拔掉耳机,四人一组听视频配音,分角色朗读。用头饰表演故 事。教师用手机拍视频,上传到口语 100。) (Enjoy the stories the students read on the website. And give them some pictures.) 【设计意图】 学生四人一组, 使用平板分角色为绘本故

17、事配音。 学生为绘本故事配音有很浓的兴趣,因此在小组活动中,个个 精神饱满。此时,学生是有课堂的主体,每一个孩子都会展现 自己的个性,真正的融入到故事中。 2. Make a new story. T: Look at your pictures. Draw a clock first and then make a new story in pairs. (上传图片,看着图片,编一个新故事。) 3. Lets chant. T: Heres a chant for you. Chant: What time, what time, what time is it? Two oclock, t

18、wo oclock. Its two oclock. 10 What time, what time, what time is it? Nine oclock, nine oclock. Its nine oclock. What time, what time, what time is it? Ten oclock, ten oclock. Its ten oclock. (The students listen first and practice on kouyu100.) 【设计意图】学生小组合作共同完成儿歌,不仅巩固了新知, 也培养了学生的合作意识。 四、Homework T: In this class. You did good jobs. You get some pictures. Count your pictures, please. How many pictures? You can get two stars. Look at todays homework. 1.2.3, Youll do them on kouyu100. T: Time is up. Time never goes back. This class is over. Thank you.


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