人教精通版三年级下册Unit 1 Let's go to school.-Lesson 4-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e28ae).doc

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人教精通版三年级下册Unit 1 Let's go to school.-Lesson 4-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e28ae).doc_第1页
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1、Unit 1 Lets go to school.Lesson 4 一、教学目标 1、知识目标:通过模拟情景来学习目标语言 Whats in my desk? / Whats in my hand? 同时引发学生积极思考, 并将目标语言应用于日常生活中去, 另外, 对于单词要要求学生“四会”,即听说读写。21cnjy 2、能力目标:运用主要的目标语言进行交流沟通,认识身边的学习文具。 3、情感目标:培养学生正确的语音语调,并且在日常生活中可以表达应用。 二、教学重难点 重点:学会四会单词 exercise book、notebook。 掌握句型:Whats in my desk? / What

2、s in my hand? 难点:能够灵活运用重点句型进行日常交际,并且在操练中知道 a/an 的用法。 三、教学模式以及教学工具:情境式实物PPT 四、课前准备 1. 准备词语卡片、实物。 2. 准备教学课件。 五、教学过程 Step 1.Warm-up 1)师生问好 T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Glad to see you again. 2)Lead-in(通过询问身体状况,导出我们的朋友李艳和凯特,并引发学生思考 李艳和凯特在做什么,带

3、入情境) T: Today its a fine day.So how are you? Ss: Fine, thanks. T:And you? Ss: Im fine. T: What about you? Ss: Good. T: OK. You are fine. And I am fine too.But what about our friends, Kate and Li Yan? So now lets go to see what they are doing.Today were going to learn a new lesson. Unit 1 Lets go to

4、school. Lesson 4(板书) Sept 2.Presentation 1)Sing an English song- One Little Finger(通过唱歌活跃课堂氛围,吸 引学生注意力,唱完并进行表扬) T:Your voice is so beautiful. 2)Words Focus(带入情境,拿出实物,师生问答,引出重点单词) T: Now look at me. My finger points where. Ss: 练习本 T: Yes.An exercise book. Read after me.Exercise book.(升升降读单词) Ss: Exer

5、cise book. T: Who can spell it? S: e-x-e-r-c-i-s-e-b-o-o-k, exercise book.(老师板书) T: Look! This is an exercise book. Follow me. An exercise book. Ss: An exercise book. T: Whats this? Ss: 笔记本 T: Hmm A notebook. Say after me. Notebook.(高低声) Ss: Notebook. T: Who can spell it? S: n-o-t-e-b-o-o-k, noteboo

6、k.(老师板书) T: Look! Its a notebook. Say after me. A notebook. Ss: A notebook. (根据实物学习 exercise book 和 notebook 这两个单词,并操练,教师引领学 生了解这些学习用品以及他们的单复数变化。) 3)Passage Focus(通过看课文动画,引出本课的重点句子,并跟读,模仿视频 中的语音语调,讲解学生重点句子,并通过其他的例子来帮助学生理解) Watch the cartoon and follow it. T: Listen to the tape and see what Kate and

7、Li Yan are doing. T: Turn to the page 8 and listen to the tape again. T: Whats in my hand?(带动作) T: Whats in my eye?(带动作) Sept 3. Practice 1)Lets have a competition.(通过男女生比赛读课文,熟悉单词和句子,激 发学生的学习兴趣和热情) 2)Lets play a guessing gameWhats in my hand?(通过游戏环节来巩 固本课的知识点, 首先老师做示范, 然后让学生到讲台做课堂的管理者和发问者) T: Lets

8、play a guessing gameWhats in my hand? Look! An exercise book, a notebook, a pen, a pencil-box and an English bookand.Now I put them in the box and you close your eyes. Then guess whats in my hand? Do you understand? Ss: Yes. T: Now open your eyes.Guess, whats in my hand? S: An exercise book? T: Yes/No. Sept 4.Summary(总结本课的重点单词以及句子) Word:exercise booknotebook Sentence: Whats in my hand? Focus:an exercise booka notebook Sept 5.Homework 1)Copy two new words five times. 2)Recite the passage. 板书设计 Unit 1 Lets go to school. Lesson 4 an exercise booka notebook Whats in my desk?


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