人教精通版三年级下册Unit 5 It's a parrot.-Lesson 28-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:10ac1).zip

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人教精通版三年级下册人教精通版三年级下册 Lesson28Lesson28 课课 教学反思教学反思 本节课为第五单元的第四课,主要内容为字母 Q q R r 的认读, 新单词:quail rabbit rooster 及主要询问事物的句型:What s that? Its a/ an Is it a chick? 本节课的优点为: 1.教学过程中,教师通过歌曲、表演唱、游戏等多种教学活动, 调动学生的多种感官,激发学生的学习兴趣,创设学习的语境,重 难点分散,深化语言学习,激活学生的思维,丰富学生的想象力, 培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。 2.教学环境布置优美,自然,在教室摆放动物玩具,墙上贴字 母,把学生引入英语学习的环境中;教具准备充分,熟练运用多媒 体,运用信息技术与课程的整合,调动学生参与的热情。 3.通过探究学习和小组合作学习,激发学生的学习潜能,培养 学生自主学习的能力和合作精神,培养学生的自信心,提高学生的 综合素质。 本节课存在的问题为: 1.教学环节安排层次性欠妥当,衔接语有时较生硬,没有转折 语,学生不能很好的理解教师的用意。整体显得较零散,没有整合 起来,各个教学环节有待整合,以便更适应学生的学情,更符合学 生学习的特点。 2.教师太过注重教学环节,从而忽视了学生的感受。有时不注 重倾听孩子的发言,孩子的语音语调等不是很悦耳。拼读单词时个 人读、小组读的机会较少,遇到读不准的学生也就没有纠正的机会, 造成学生学习困难。 3.整个教学过程结束,学生的活动不充分,不具体,不详细。 教师讲解的太多,没有做到精讲多练。学生的活动较少,个人活动、 小组活动、大组活动、生生互动较少,过分注重师生个人互动,没 有把教学活动落实到每个孩子身上,不利于每个孩子学习的发展。 在以后的教学中,我要发扬优点,改正缺点,不断实践,不断 探索,做一名合格的教师,做一名幸福的教师。 张小云 二一七年五月二十六日 Lesson 28 Step 1.Warm up Step 1. Warm up Step 1 . Warm up quail Step2.Preseatation. rabbi t Step2 Preseation. rooster Step 2.Preseation chic k Its a chick. Is it a chick. Step 2.Presentation Hi, Yang Ming. Whats this? A chick? No, its a quail. Oh, a quail! Step 2.Presentation Step3 Practice Step3Practice Step 3 Practice Step 4 Additional activities Unit 5 Its a parrot. Lesson 28 Date:.Teaching.Teaching AimsAims andand Demands:Demands: (1).(1). KnowledgeKnowledge Objects:Objects: 1. Can listen, say, read, write the words:Qq Rr quail rooster 2.Can listen, speak and read the sentences:Whats this? Its a Is it a ?Yes/No. (2).(2). AbilityAbility Objects:Objects: 1. Learn to how to ask Is it a ? and give correct answer. 2. Apply the sentence in real situation. (3).(3). MoralMoral Objects:Objects: 1. You should protect the animals around us . 2. To develop the students interests in English.Teaching.Teaching KeyKey PointsPoints AndAnd DifficultDifficult Points:Points: 1、New words and sentences:Qq Rr quail rooster Whats this? Its a Is it a ?Yes/No. 2、Lets chant. . TeachingTeaching Methods:Methods: Group work. Games. Chant. . TeachingTeaching Aids:Aids: Pictures. Some cards. PPT . TeachingTeaching Procedures:Procedures: StepStep 1 1 warming-upwarming-up 1.Everyday English. 2. Revise the words and the drills in Unit3-4. 3. Act out the dialogue in Lesson27. 4. Sing an English song: Whats this? Whats that? StepStep 2 2 Presen-tationPresen-tation 1.Show the picture and look at the picture , then discuss what Yang Ming talk about? 2.Listen to the tape in Part1 and read the drills. 3.Teach the new words and the letters: quail rooster Qq Rr 4.Explain the words rooster: A quails father is a quail, A rabbits father is a rabbit, but a chicks father is a rooster. A quails mother is a quail. A rabbit s mother is a rabbit. But a chicks mother is a hen. StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice Lets chant: K,K, kangaroo. L,L, lion. M,M,monkey. N,N, nest. O,O, owl. P,P, parrot. Q,Q, quail. R,R, rooster. StepStep 4 4 AdditionalAdditional activities:activities: 1.Lets play . 2. Look at the picture and listen to the tape. 3. Learn to say and act out. . Homework:Homework: 1、Write the words : Qq Rr quail rooster 2.Listen to the tape 3、Finish your exercise book and Listen to the tape. . TheThe BlackboardBlackboard Design:Design: LessonLesson 2828 Qq Rr quail rooster Whats this? Its a Is it a ?Yes/No. . TeachingTeaching ReflectionReflection:
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