人教精通版三年级下册Unit 6 Is this your skirt -Lesson 33-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:b0a8f).zip

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    • Peppa Pig视频.wmv
    • song---Is that your watch .wmv
    • that音频.wav
    • watch音频.wav
    • water音频.wav
    • what音频.wav
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    • 如何制作字母城堡.mp4
    • 教案b0a8f.docx--点击预览
    • 课文视频.wmv


Lesson 33Lesson 33Lesson 33Lesson 33 PeppaPeppaPeppaPeppa MedalMedalMedalMedal Lets Listen.Lets Listen.Lets Listen.Lets Listen. A. waterA. waterA. waterA. waterB. watchB. watchB. watchB. watch C. whatC. whatC. whatC. whatD. thatD. thatD. thatD. that Lets sing.Lets sing.Lets sing.Lets sing. Lets watch.Lets watch.Lets watch.Lets watch. Lets read.Lets read.Lets read.Lets read. Excuse me. Is that your watch? Oh! Yes, it is. Here you are. Thank you! Lets act.Lets act.Lets act.Lets act. LetLetLetLet find.find.find.find. A. A. A. A. Coco-Coco-Coco-Coco-ColoColoColoColo B B B B. . . . Caca-CalaCaca-CalaCaca-CalaCaca-Cala C. C. C. C. Coca-ColaCoca-ColaCoca-ColaCoca-Cola A. KECA. KECA. KECA. KEC B B B B. KFC. KFC. KFC. KFC C. KTCC. KTCC. KTCC. KTC A. A. A. A. NIKENIKENIKENIKE B B B B. . . . MIKEMIKEMIKEMIKE C. C. C. C. NINENINENINENINE LetLetLetLet find.find.find.find. U U U U B B B B A A A A L L L L B B B B LetLetLetLet help help help help her.her.her.her. Homework:Homework:Homework:Homework: 1. Read and act out the dialogue.1. Read and act out the dialogue.1. Read and act out the dialogue.1. Read and act out the dialogue. 2. Make the letter cards “2. Make the letter cards “2. Make the letter cards “2. Make the letter cards “WwWwWwWw” ” ” ” , , , ,“Xx” and the word cards.“Xx” and the word cards.“Xx” and the word cards.“Xx” and the word cards. Thank Thank Thank Thank you!you!you!you! 2018.05.152018.05.152018.05.152018.05.15 人教版精通英语三年级下册人教版精通英语三年级下册 Lesson 33 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标 1.知识目标: a. 能够听、说、读、写字母 Ww 和 Xx,并能在四线格中规范书写。 b. 能够在语境中听、说、认读单词 watch, water, box 和 taxi。 c. 能够听、说、认读句子 Is that your watch? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. 能够正确 读出一般疑问句的语调,并能在正确的语境中运用。 d. 能够比较流利的演唱歌曲 Is that your watch? 2.能力目标: 能够在真实的语境中正确运用 Excuse me. Is this/that your.? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Here you are. Thank you. 等语句进行交流,寻找到物主。 3.情感态度价值观目标: 能够初步形成主动帮助他人的意识。 二、学情分析 三年级的学生活泼好动,爱表现、善于模仿,对游戏、竞赛、表演等比较 感兴趣,喜欢生动有趣的卡通人物。因此在本课的教学中教师将运用孩子们喜 爱的 Peppa Pig 这一卡通人物建立一条完整的故事主线,让学生在有趣的语言情 境中学习。Lesson 33 是本单元的第三课,在本单元的前两节课学生已经学习了 Is this your?Yes, it is. No, it isnt. That is my 学生在第五单元学习了 Whats this/that? Its Is it?这些都为学生学习本课目标语言奠定了基础。本课中的 Excuse me. Here you are. 以及 Thank you. 这三个句子是学生在上册书和本册书 前四个单元中多次出现的内容,且掌握较好,因此本课教学中,如何在正确的 语境中运用目标语言是本课的重点和难点。 三、教学重点 1. 能够听、说、认读并能在四线格中准确的书写字母 Ww 和 Xx。 2. 能够听、说、认读单词 water, watch, box, taxi。 3. 能够听、说、认读句子 Is that your.? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. 能够正确读出 一般疑问句的语调,并能在正确的语境中运用。 4. 能够比较流利的演唱歌曲 Is that your watch? 5. 能够在真实的语境中正确运用 Excuse me. Is this/that your.? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Here you are. Thank you. 等语句等语句进行交流,寻找到物主。 四、教学难点 能够在真实的语境中正确运用 Excuse me. Is this/that your.? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Here you are. Thank you. 等语句等语句进行交流,寻找到物主。 五、教学过程. Step 1. Warming up. 1. Show Peppa Medal to the students. T: Look, boys and girls. Whats this? Yes, its a medal. Its a Peppa Medal. Try your best in class and youll get the Peppa Medal. 设计意图: 通过展示奖励图片小猪佩奇奖章,调动学生积极参与课堂教学 活动,并引出本课情境的主题人物 Peppa Pig. 2. Watch a video. T: Today our friend Peppa Pig comes here. She brings us some nice things. Look! Shes coming in a taxi. Learn the word taxi. 设计意图: 教师出示自制出租车,学生在情境中通过实物教具学习本课单词 taxi。 Step 2. Presentation. 1. Play a guessing game and learn the new words and letters. T: Wow! What a cool taxi? Look! There are some nine things here. Guess whats in the taxi? Whats this/that? Is this/that? 设计意图: 教师自制的 Peppa Pig 乘坐的出租车上可以放置一些物品,通过猜 谜的方式依次学习 box、water、watch,所有的物品都和 Peppa Pig 相关(小猪 佩奇纯净水、小猪佩奇形状的盒子、小猪佩奇形状的手表) ,因此枯燥的单词学 习变得好玩有趣。 2. Lets listen. Listen to Peppa Pig and choose the right words. 设计意图:通过听小猪佩奇读单词,选择正确的单词拼写,帮助学生巩固所学 单词,以及正确区分拼写或读音容易想混的单词。 3. Learn to sing a song: Is that your watch? Show the watch to the students and ask “Is this /that your watch?” Help them to answer “No, it isnt.” Do magic and change the watch into a box. Learn to sing the song. 设计意图:教师再次呈现小猪佩奇形状的手表,通过问答练习,帮助学生初步 感知本课目标语言。小猪佩奇形状的手表其实是一个手表形状的小盒子,教师 通过表演变魔术制造神秘氛围,并自然导入歌曲 Is that your watch? 因为歌曲的 内容包含“What is that? Is that your watch? No, it is not. Whats it then? Its a box.”小猪佩奇手表形状的盒子巧妙地帮助学生理解了歌词的含义。使不太合 乎情理的歌词内容变得让学生容易理解。 4. Watch the video and learn the dialogue. T: Peppa Pig comes to a playground and finds a helpful girl. Do you want to know her? Lets watch the video. 设计意图: 通过创设情境“小猪佩奇来到了一个操场,她发现了一个乐于助人 的小女孩,你们想认识她吗?”再次输入本课目标语言,帮助学生再次感知、 理解本课核心目标语言。 5. Read the dialogue. 6. Try to act out the dialogue. Step 3. Practice. 1. Look at the pictures and choose the right letters. T: Peppa Pig comes to a busy street and finds some shops with English names. Do you know them? 设计意图:通过找到正确的商标名称复习英文字母,让课堂教学活动和学生的 生活实际相联系。 2. Look at the pictures and find the letters. T: Peppa Pig takes some pictures to us. There are some letters in the pictures. Do you know them? 设计意图:通过找出图片中的字母,巩固学生对字母的识记。 Step 4. Language Use. Show a picture of Peppa Pigs play house. Help Peppa Pig to find her watch. T: Look! Peppa Pig is crying. Whats wrong with her? Oh, dear. She cant find her watch. Lets help her, OK? This is Peppa Pigs play house. Maybe her watch is there. Her brother George is helping her too. 设计意图:教师通过创设情境帮助小猪佩奇找她的手表,帮助学生在真实有趣 的情境中运用本课核心目标语言 Is that your watch? Step 5. Homework. 1. Read and act out the dialogue. 2. Make the letter cards “Ww” ,“Xx” and the word cards. 设计意图:制作字母卡片可以让学生在完成制作的的过程中熟悉字母的写法, 制作单词卡片(正面画图,反面写单词)也可以帮助学生在制作的过程中掌握 单词的形和意,而且做好的单词和字母卡片既可以用于课堂教学活动,又可以 用于家长在家里和孩子一起玩单词游戏(如听音找图等) 。 六、教学反思 本课的教学特色主要体现在以下几点:1. 注重语言情境的创设:本课教学中 教师以 Peppa Pig 的系列活动为主线为学生创设了生动有趣的语言环境,让学生 在语境中感知、理解、运用语言。2. 特色教具激发学生学习兴趣:无论是自制 的立体出租车、小猪佩奇的盒子、小猪佩奇的游戏屋,还是小猪佩奇形状的盒 子和手表,都带给了学生不一样的视觉享受。3. 教学活动丰富多样:Lets listen/watch/read/act/find/help her等一系列活动,调动学生的多种感官,通过看、 听、说、做等多种方式帮助学生感知、理解、运用目标语言。4. 教学内容与学 生实际生活联系:发现生活中的英语、帮助佩奇找手表等活动让学生把所学语 言运用到生活实际中去,真正做到学有所用。
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