人教精通版三年级下册Fun Time 2-Fun time 2 Recycle 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a03b3).zip

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【导入导入】 ( (一一) ) 热热 身身 练练 习,激习,激 1. Ask the students some questions. T: I want to know you. Questions: Whats your name? How old are you? How are you today? Do you like English? Do you like English songs? (学生和老师互相问好,回答老师的问题。) 2. Sing an English song together. (学生拍手唱英文字母歌。) 设计意图:师生之间自然的对话交流,拉近了彼此的距离,由学生的答案自然过渡到字母歌曲,美妙的 歌声中更是营造出轻松、快乐的课堂氛围,为本节课的字母复习埋下伏笔。 【讲授讲授】 ( (二二) )创设情境,讲授新知创设情境,讲授新知 1. Letter game “Show me”. T: All of you have a letter card. Now lets play a letter game. Show me letter A. Come to the front. Show me letter E. Come to the front. Letters from A to E please show up. Please line up in order. Lets check. Read from A to E. 用同样的方式练习字母 P, T, from P to T (当老师念到自己手中的字母卡片时,学生上前展示,并和其他字母正确排序。) 设计意图:巩固对字母的正确认读及排序,培养学生的观察和记忆能力。 2. Match the big letters with the small letters. T: I have many letters here. Can you put the big letters in order and match with the small letters? (学生在白板上先将大写字母排序,再将大小写字母连线。) 设计意图:将白板信息技术与课堂结合,让枯燥的字母操练“动”起来,激发学生参与热情。 3.Find and read letters T: Oh, my god! My letters are missing. Can you help me? Can you read? Do you know CCTV? Do you know KFC? Do you know TOM and JERRY? 设计意图:用学生熟悉的打地鼠游戏,继续操练字母认读,渗透常见的英文缩略词含义,并从真实交流 中自然导入本节课主人公 Tom 和 Jerry。 4.Finish four writing tasks. T: Four tasks for you. Finish it in your group. Task one: Write the letters. Task two: Find neighbours for the letters. Task three: Match the big letters with small letters. Task Four: Link all the letters and make a picture. 设计意图:学生在小组内分别完成不同形式的任务,对英文字母进行了正确的书写操练。 【练习练习】 ( (三三) ) 趣趣 味味 操操 练练 ,巩,巩 1. Check the first present. T: You are super! Our friends Tom and Jerry bring us some presents. Do you like them? Lets check them one by one. Whats this? Ss: Its a/an (在学生回答时,礼物盒中的食物下降到屏幕下方,教师顺势将纸袋接在屏幕下方,做出接到的动作) T: Now the food is in my bag. Choose one you like. (向 S1 说) What do you like? S1: I like T:(向 S2 说)What about you? Can you ask your friend? S2: 学生看图片说出食物单词,并就自己喜爱的食物进行接龙问答操练。 设计意图:让课件“活”起来,将课件里的食物“拿”出来,为学生操练目标语言创造了真实的语言情 境。 2. Check the second present. T: Whats in the box? Its a ticket to the zoo. Lets go to the zoo! Guess! Whats this? Its very big. Its strong. Its grey. It has a long nose. Can you act? (教师用语言描述、动作表演、听动物声音等不同形式导入六个动物,并让学生做动作表演) T: Do you like? 学生猜动物,表演动物,并进行问答操练,表达自己喜欢的动物。 设计意图:用不同形式导入动物单词,提升学生的积极参与性,寓教于乐。 3. Check the third present. T: Whats in the box? Look carefully. Try to remember. And then I will ask you. (学生在规定时间内,记住盒子里的水果单词,然后回忆) T: Lets play a game. Memory king! You should add one word each time. (在记忆王游戏中,学生结合所给图片用 I like造句,每次需叠加一个词;与此同时,老师会随机提 问周围的同学看是否认真听讲) 设计意图:三个礼物的呈现环环相扣,层层递进,符合学生的认知规律,体现了语言的渐进性和持续性 特点,在“记忆王”游戏中,学生的观察力、记忆力、与他人合作能力都得到提升。 【活动活动】 ( (四四) ) 课课 后后 拓拓 展展 ,发,发 1. Choose a present for Tom and Jerry. T: Today Tom and Jerry give us so many presents. Do you want to choose a present for them? Lets play a game. Ask Jerry! We will pass the pictures one by one, when the music stop, you can ask Jerry, and choose a present for him. 学生可以用 Do you like.?来询问 Jerry 是否喜欢某玩具,如果三次都猜错了,则需要问 What do you like, Jerry?最终挑选最合适的礼物送给 Jerry。 设计意图:情境迁移,有效拓展。学生在为 Tom 和 Jerry 挑选礼物的真实情境中,亲力亲为,感悟、理 解、运用语言,体现语言的实践性和应用型。 2. Lets chant. 表演 chant,结合本节复习过的词汇,自主生成新 chant. 设计意图:在有韵律的节奏中,大脑和身体得以放松、休息。 3. Fill in the blanks and read the dialogue. T: Fill in the blanks. T: Lets check. Read them in roles. 设计意图:学生在两个主人公对话情境中,自主灵活运用语言。 4.Talk about healthy and unhealthy food. T: Tom doesnt like hot dogs. What about you? Do you want to know what I like? (屏幕上会呈现部分健康和不健康食品,学生先用句型 Do you like?问老师是否喜欢食物,再由老 师阐述什么是健康食物和不健康食物) 设计意图:情感渗透,帮助学生了解健康食物和不健康食物。 英语三年级下册 Fun time 2 Recycle 2 A Efrom to PT from to 见白板文件 TAXI WTO CCTV IQ VIP EMS KFC TOM JERRY C _ E _ _ S _ _ _ W L _ _ V q D r R d Q v H h ZOO ? Memory King Memory King Ask Jerry Toy Shop Ask Jerry Lets chant! I like these. I dont like those. I like . I dont like . I like . I dont like . Lets chant! I like _. I dont like_. Jerry: _ for lunch, Tom. Tom: Im coming. Jerry: Do you _chicken? Tom: No, thanks. Jerry: Do you like _? Tom: No, no, thanks. Jerry: How about some vegetables? Tom: No, no, no. _. Jerry: What do you like? Tom: I like _. HAHA. Jerry: Oh, no! A. you B. like C. Thanks. D. hot dogs E. Time E B D C A Bad for health!Good for health! Homework: 1.Tell your parents what you learned. 2.Ask your parents what they like.
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