人教精通版三年级下册Unit 1 Let's go to school.-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:d0328).zip

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Unit 1 Lesson 4 Lets chant ! elephant egg elbow elf Ee exercise book Its an exercise book. Whats in my desk ? An exercise book. Exercise book Exercise book n iv s e a m t w o a o p d h k b e x lj c g u j lr k w h it e y u q r t f g c v s c z v d b t 9 8 notebooka Where is my note book? In my desk. In my desk. On my desk. On my desk. In my hand. In my hand. Under the Under the desk. desk. Hi, Li Yan. Guess, whats in my desk? A notebook? No. Look! Oh, its an exercise book. Group Work Whats in/on/under ? A An Some Group W Group T Group O Group S Group L Lets show! We should love We should love our school our school things !things ! We should We should love love each other.each other. Homework Read the dialogue to your parents. Make a new chant with your friends. Homework Read the dialogue to your parents. Make a new chant with your friends. 谢谢大家 Whats in the desk ? A /An. 1 部级部级“一师一优课一师一优课”教案教案 授课教材授课教材 人教版人教版 精通英语精通英语三年级三年级 下册下册 授课课题授课课题 Unit 1 Lesson 4 授课课型授课课型 新授课新授课 授课教师授课教师 Unit 1 Lets go to school 2 Lesson 4 1、教学内容:教学内容: 本课书是精通英语三年级下册 Unit 1 Lesson 4 的第一课时。本课是在 前三课的基础上的新授课,学生通过真实的语境设置和多样的教学活动进一步 复习巩固所要求的日常交际用语,能够比较熟练地进行猜测等实际交际场景。 掌握学习用具的单词,并能够结合教师的英语指令及相关游戏环节作出有效得 体的呼应。 二、学情分析:二、学情分析: (一)学生年龄特点分析: 小学三年级的学生在英语学习中,有了初步的感知,但他们的观察注意力、 记忆想象力、思维分析能力还有待日趋成熟。作为低年级学生,他们的表现力、 学习英语的兴趣正在提升。基于此,结合学生的心理特点和学习规律,我努力 创设和谐的教学环境,贴近生活的实际语境,力求通过灵活多变的教学手段, 激励学生积极运用所学过的知识,在主动做事情的激情中,在灵活运用的愉悦 中,达到体验新知和课后拓展延伸的效果。 (二)学生的语言知识储备分析: 学生在一、二年级地方教材的基础之上,已经初步感知了日常用语和相关 表达的基本用法,进入到三年级更是进行了系统的学习,为实施本课的目标项 目 Lets go、Look, I have a. 、 Look at my.和 Whats in.打下了一定的基础。 同时,学生在好学、乐学、勤学的状态中感知英语、接受英语、使用英语,这 就为学生在具体语境中发展语言、运用语言提供了一定的保障。 (三)学生学习面临的困难分析 学生进入到三年级,刚刚适应从地方教材到本教材的过渡,对于语言知识 的拓展和延伸,综合应用起来会遇到一定的难度。基于此,我力图展开体验式 教学模式,鼓励学生接受挑战,克服困难,分享成功,提高自主学习的能力。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: 1. 能够在真实的情境中理解,会说功能语句:Look, I have a.、Look at my.和 Whats in.? A.能够运用日常交际用语;能够比较熟悉地处理物品摆放、位置 等 3 语句,并准确进行描述表达。 2. 帮助学生正确的听、说、认读本单元与学校生活有关的生词、要求学生灵活 运用功能语句,编对话进行操练,并能在实际生活中进行合理运用。 3. 在语言应用的各项活动中,将教学内容融合在贴近生活的语境中,进行自然 交流,培养学生灵活运用语言能力,使学生在生活实践中初步运用恰当的语句 进行交流。 4. 培养学生收集信息,整理信息,分析信息的能力。 5. 通过对话教学和活动,培养学生主动与他人交际的医院,使他们逐渐形成相 互了解,相互有爱等积极的情感态度和主动合作的意识,同时提高学生的学习 兴趣。 6. 能够采用适合自己的学习策略,如猜测、询问去发现问题、分析问题、解决 问题。 四、教学重难点:四、教学重难点: (一)教学重点 能够熟练运用功能语句 Whats in.?A.,并在真实的情境中熟练运用。 (二)教学难点 能够准确把握教学设计的意图,突破难点单词,运用功能句在日常生活进行交 流。 五、教学具准备:五、教学具准备: 教材、教学课件、教学卡片、实物教具 六、教学方法:六、教学方法: 情境教学法 七、教学流程:七、教学流程: Step 1. Warming up 1. Greetings T: Hello, children! Ss: Hello, teacher! T: Welcome to my class. Wish we have a good time today. I like English very much . Lets speak English ,Ok? SS: OK! 2.Look and say 4 T: Where is it? S: Its our school. T: Yes. Our school is Yiyang Meijiangwan International School. Our school is very big and beautiful! Do you love our school ? S: Yes! T: Where is it? S: Its our science lab. T: Yes, we often have science lessons in it. How about this one? S: Its our library. T: Great! We should be quiet in it. We often read books in it. Next. S: Its our music room. T: OK! We can sing and dance in it. The last one! S: Its our gym. T: Excellent! We have PE lessons in it. Now, lets do morning exercise, OK? Ss: OK! 3.Do morning exercises.Move the body Step 2. Presentation 1. Chant and do T&Ss: Chant the “Nod open close and clap ” together. T: Lets listen and do. Nod, nod, nod your head. Ss: Nod, nod, nod my head. T: Open, open, open your mouth. ( close your eyes / clap your hands ) S: Open, open, open my mouth. ( close my eyes / clap my hands ) T: Wonderful! Look, My hand! Guess! Whats in my hand? S: A candy? T: No! S: An eraser? T: Sorry! But its really small, not big. S: A sticker? / Air? / . T: Look, its a letter e. Now, Lets listen a song about letter e. (设计意图:通过师生伴有动作和节奏的说唱活动,在复习旧知识的基础上, 引入本课的新知,让学生初步的感知与体验,为进一步教学做好铺垫。 ) T&Ss: Letter e song T: E is for elephant, e is for elf, e is for egg, e is for elbow. And e is also for exercise and exercise book. This word is difficult to read. We can read it for 4 parts, maybe like music. Look at me! (设计意图:通过歌曲的形式引出本课的新授单词,通过教师示范,与音乐学 科整合,突破难点单词,使学生在娱乐的过程中自然习得新授单词。 ) Ss:(read)exercise book T: Whats in my desk? 5 Ss: A Chinese book? / An English book? / An exercise book? T: Yes. Its my exercise book. Its red. Guess! Whats in my exercise book? Ss:. T: Wow! There are many letters in it. Here is a puzzle game for you. You can find 5 words in it, who can? (choose your favourite color then circle it) S: white T: Yes, white is beginning with letter w, so your group is W, youre the group leader. S: ox T: Yes, white is beginning with letter w, so your group is W, youre the group leader. S: two T: Yes. T is the first letter with two. So your group is T, youre the group leader. S: sea T: Yes. S is the first letter with sea. So your group is S, youre the group leader. S: leg T:Yes. L is the first letter with leg. So your group is L, youre the group leader. (设计意图:通过猜谜的形式复习之前所学过的单词,刺激学生感官和反应 能力,塑造学生成就感,使学生在娱乐的过程中捕捉信息,并将后续小组活动 进行铺垫。 ) T: All of you did a good job, show me your fingers. T&Ss: One little finger, one little finger, one little finger, tap, tap, tap Point to the celing, point to the floor, put it on the text book. . Put it on the notebook. (设计意图:通过手指歌曲,巩固前三课所学单词,引出新授单词) T: I have many books here. This is a / an. Ss:exercise book / notebook (设计意图:通过实物直观呈现,帮助孩子区分两种本) T: But now, where is my note book, I cant find it. Ss:On the desk? / In my hand? / In my bag? / under the desk? T: Ah-ha, its in my bag. How about your notebook? Ss: Play“ Hide and sick”. (设计意图:通过游戏环节,师生共同玩“相反声调”游戏,对所学知识进行 反 复操练,巩固) T: How about Kates ? Lets listen a story. (设计意图:回归文本,呈现教材。通过角色扮演& 配音练习的形式来表演 Lets talk. 使学生身临其境,在真实的语境中得以运用。 ) Step 3. Practice T: Great! Who can make up a new dialogue, use your school things? Ss:. (设计意图:文本再造,运用所学过的知识进行创编、改造新的对话,培养 6 学 生的语言运用能力。 ) Use stickers to talk about the school things in groups. (设计意图:通过每组的字母贴及学生手中得到的奖励,小组讨论,创编生 成新的小诗或歌曲,进一步巩固所学知识,帮助学生丰富自己的语言。) Step 4. Production 学生在音乐中展示组内成果,教师将各组作品展示在黑板上。 Group W:Whats in the desk? / A bag. Whats in the bag? / A cat. Group L: . Group O: . Group S: . Group T: . (设计意图:学生亲自体验主动参与的全过程,并生成新的文本,将课堂延 伸,培养学生小组合作意识,荣誉感。 ) T: Wonderful! We love our school things!(S/L/O/S/T) Today, I have a big secret for you. Today is .s birthday. Come here, my boy! I have a birthday cake for you. Here are many gifts for other students, if you guess right, you can get it. S: Whats in the box? S1: A pencil? S: Yes! Here you are. S: Whats in the box? S2: A lollipop? Ss: . T: Lets sing happy song for him. T&Ss: sing together. Happy birthday to you T: We should love each other. (设计意图:通过过生日场景,将课文回归生活,源于生活,用于生活,渗 透德育,培养学生团结友爱,互帮互助的品德。 ) Homework: 1. Read the dialogue to your parents. 2. Make a new chant with your friends. (设计意图:通过和父母共同完成项目制作,有效实现课堂知识的拓展延伸。 ) 7 板书设计板书设计 (设计意图:突出目标语句,帮助学生自然领会功能语句。 ) Lesson 4 Whats in . ? We Love Our School Things
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