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Unit 2 Part A country 国家 countries the map of the world 世界地图 世界地图 Which country has this flag? It is China. country 国家 flag 国旗 Whichhasthis? 哪一个 有 这个 The UK Australia Canada The USA Its It is country 国家 flag 国旗 Which hasthis? 哪一个 有 这个 Japan China New Zealand 新西兰 Its It is 湖 Thats Candle Lake. Whats the name of this Whats the name of this place?place? 河流 How long? 长 1,653 km long Thats Snowy River. Whats the name of this Whats the name of this place?place? 山 How high? 高 high 6,120 m Thats Black Mountain. Whats the name of this Whats the name of this place?place? 岛 海洋 Thats Rain Island. Whats the name of this place?Whats the name of this place? Thats the sea. Whats the name of this place?Whats the name of this place? 岛 海洋 湖 河流 山 The children are studying for the Science Quiz Contest. 科学 测试 竞赛 Which country is it? Whats the name of that place? Which country has this flag? Is it Australia? No, its New Zealand. Youre right, Pat. Now, lets look at a map. Whats the name of this place? Thats Black Mountain. ( ) 1. The children are studying _ the science quiz contest. A. at B. for C. with ( ) 2. _ country has this flag? A. What B. Where C. Which B. for C. Which ( ) 3. Peter is taller _ John and me A. than B. then C. them ( ) 4. Ken is reading a letter _ his friend. A. from B. at C. by ( ) 5. We shouldnt eat _ fast food. A. too many B. some C. too much A. than A. from C. too much Hi, welcome to New Zealand! Its a very beautiful country. It has many interesting places. You can see Black Mountain, Candle Lake, the sea, Rain Island and Snowy River here. Hi, welcome to Shenzhen! Its a very beautiful city. It has many interesting places. You can see _ _ _ here. Wutong Mountain, the lakes, Xiaomeisha and Dameisha Seas, Nanao Island and Longgang River 口头翻译: 1.那个国家有这旗子? 2.是澳大利亚吗? 3.不是,它是新西兰. 4.让我们看看一幅地图. Homework 1.Watch, listen and read 2A for 10m. 2.Copy the new words in 2A twice. 3. Draw a picture about Wutong Mountain and write 5 sentences Unit2 教学设计教学设计 课题名称:课题名称:Unit 2 The natural world , Book 11 总体教学目标:总体教学目标: 1. Express facts and make common observations 2. Compare different characteristics of objects 3. Recognize and learn to use names of famous natural sites. 课时安排:课时安排: Six periods Period 1: Part A Period 2: Part B1 Period 3: Part B2&B3 Period 4: Part C&D Period 5: Part E&F Period 6: Part G& H&I &Revision 课时教案:课时教案: 第 1 课时 教学内容:Unit 2 The natural world Part A 教学目标与知识目标: 1、单词:high, lake, mountain,river, sea, island, long 句型 :Which country has this flag? Whats the name of this place? 能力目标:能认出、说出一些自然景点和地理现象 教学重难点: 学会以下词汇和句型:high, lake, mountain, river, sea, island, long Which country has this flag? Whats the name of this place? 教学方法: TBL 教学法,小组合作学习 教具准备: Maps and flags of 8countries. 多媒体课件: PPT , CD 教学过程: 一、一、WarmingWarming upup 1.Greetings and organizations: How are you? What is the weather like today? 2.Free talk: How was your Autumn outing? 二、二、PresentationPresentation 1. T: We went to Zhenzhen Xiaomeisha Sea World for a school autumn outing last week. Did you have a good time? What did you do and see? (Let the students talk about it.)Do you want to go traveling? Go to other countries? Before you go, lets learn the flags of some countries. Draw a flag on the board and tell the pupils the name. Teach the word “flag”. 2、Show a national flag and ask: “Which country has this flag?” Show and learn the word “country” Revise the names of the countries. E.g. the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and China with the expression: Its 3、Teach the sentence “ Which country has this flag?” and let some pupils ask and others answer. 4、 Bring in a world map and pictures of a mountain, a lake, a sea, an island and a river. 5、(Books closed.) Put the map and pictures on the board. Write New Zealand and the UK on the board. Ask the students if they know where the two countries are and if they can point them out on the map. 6、 Point to the picture of a mountain and ask the students Whats this? Teach the words, lake, sea and river to the students. 7、 Introduce the words long, high, mountain and island. Ask the students if they know the names of any mountains, rivers, islands, etc. allow them to speak in Chinese if they do not know the English names. 三、三、 PracticePractice 1、(Books open.)Show Transparency. Point to the pictures .Show the video of Part A for the pupils to listen to the dialogue.The second time ,ask the pupils to follow it and read the dialogue. 2、Ask the pupils to work in groups of three and role-play the dialogue. 3、Tell the pupils to close their books. Ask the pupils to play a game in groups of four. Randomly point to the pictures on the board and ask Whats this? The first group to answer the question correctly gets one point. Continue asking questions until all the pictures are used. The group with the most points is the winner. 四、四、 Consolidation Be a tourist guide . Ask the pupils to act as a tourist guide to introduce a place, firstly the teacher will give an example. 五、五、 SummarySummary 1 Finish the exercise on the screen. 2 T:Today we have learned many natural places,they are beautiful,we should protect our natural world. 六、六、HomeworkHomework 1. Watch, listen and read 2A for 10m. 2. Copy the new words in 2A twice. 3. Draw a picture about Wutong Mountain and write 5 sentences 七、七、HandwritingHandwriting onon thethe boardboard Unit 2 The natural world Part A Which country has this flag? Is it? Whats the name of this place? high long mountain lake river sea island 八、八、Feedback 1、在教授新单词 mountain, lake, river,island,sea 的时候注意适当的进行知识的拓 展教学如:country, town, village, city 等词汇学习。 2、 在涉及 country 的教学时,适当地把几个主要国家的名称如: Japan,American,Canada,New Zealand,Australia, The UK 等与学生一起 认识学习,有利于拓展学生的知识面 3、 学生在学习国家名称名词时结合各国国旗一起教学,学生学习兴趣和热情 很高.
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