人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 3 Travel Plans-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:80741).zip

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Unit3 Travel Plans 人教版新起点 四年级下册 Warm-up 歌曲欣赏歌曲欣赏 Lets chant Where do you want to go this summer vacation? Beijing, Beijing I want to go to Beijing with my parents. What do you want to do there? the Great Wall , the Great Wall I want to visit the Great Wall Lets chant Where do you want to go this summer vacation? Hangzhou, Hangzhou I want to go to Hangzhou with my parents. What do you want to do there? row a boat, row a boat I want to row a boat on West Lake . Lets chant Where do you want to go this summer vacation? Sanya, Sanya I want to go to Sanya with my parents. What do you want to do there? eat seafood , eat seafood I want to eat seafood there. Lets chant Where do you want to go this summer vacation? Dunhuang, Dunhuang I want to go to Dunhuang with my parents. What do you want to do there? the Mogao Caves , the Mogao Caves I want to visit the Mogao Caves. sea Lets review. eat seafood We can swim in the sea and eat seafood. Lets review ski We can ski in winter. Lets review visit the Mogao Caves we can visit the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang Lets review West Lake row a boat We can row a boat on West Lake. Lets review the Great Wall take photos We can take photos on the Great Wall. Lets review A Look, listen and repeat. Les play a game Lets playMagic fingers sea eat seafood ski visit the Mogao Caves West Lake row a boat the Great Wall take photos Les play a game Les play a game ski Les play a game eat seafood Les play a game the Mogao Caves Les play a game the Great Wall Presentation Introduce the five beautiful places. This is Its a beautiful city. We can Listen and choose. Lily wants to go to _with her parents. She wants to _. Yaoyao wants to go to _with her friends. She wants to _. Bill wants to go to _with his grandfather. He wants to _. Joy wants to go to _with her sister. She wants to _. 1. Harbin 2. Hangzhou 3. Sanya 4. Dunhuang 5. ski 6. visit the Mogao Caves 7. eat seafood 8.take photos Listen and choose. Lily wants to go to _with her parents. She wants to _. Yaoyao wants to go to _with her friends. She wants to _. Bill wants to go to _with his grandfather. He wants to _. Joy wants to go to _with her sister. She wants to _. 1. Harbin 2. Hangzhou 3. Sanya 4. Dunhuang 5. ski 6. visit the Mogao Caves 7. eat seafood 8.take photos 3 1 7 5 4 6 2 8 Where do you want to go this summer vacation? I want to go to What do you want to do there? I want to Pair Work Lets watch a short video. Make your travel plan. Hello! My name is _ I want to go to _with my _ I want to _ I want to go there by _. Introduce your travel plans We should protect our environment. Summary 本节课我们学过的有关景点和相关活动 的单词有哪些? sea eat seafood ski take photos West Lake row a boat the Great Wall visit the Mogao Caves 怎样表达“我们能够”? We can Summary 怎样询问对方这个暑假想去那里? -Where do you want to go this summer vacation? -I want to go to. 怎样询问对方想在那儿做什么? -What do you want to do there? -I want to. Homework Introduce your travel plans to your parents. 第四小学英语课教学设计 课 题Unit 13 Travel Plans课 型复习检测课 知识目标 1.能够听懂、会说 sea,ski, eat seafood, visit the Mogao Caves, West Lake, row a boat, the Great Wall, take photos 等描述旅游景点名称及相关活动的单 词和短语;能够根据语境恰当使用它们。 2. 能够听懂、会说关于某人旅游计划的功能句: Where do you want to go? I want to go to . What do you want to do? I want to .;能够初步在情景中进 行口头交际。 3. 能够简单理解转述 want(s) to 能力目标 Creating situations, group works to consolidate the words and sentence pattern further. 教 学 目 标 情感目标 能够通过交流和阅读等活动开阔视野,了解更多的风景名胜,增强对生活 的热爱。 教 学 重 点 Guiding students to grasp the contents further. 教 学 难 点 Transformation from I want to go to I want to . 教学 方法 The Situational Teaching Method教 具CAI 教学活动设计意图 Step 1: Warming up. 诵读交流。( 3 mins ) 1Greetings. 2Communications 3. Lets Chant. Step 2: Revision 情景激趣 (2 mins) 1. Go over some words by some activities. 2. Play two games. 3. Talk about five places in our textbook. Step 3: Practice 合作探究 (25 mins) 通过自由交流消除孩子们和老师的 紧张。 通过自己编的儿歌欢快的旋律,让 孩子们在轻松的氛围中进入英语学习。 在游戏中对本单元的单词以及功能句进 行复习。 根据学生平时听力上的不足,老师自 A Listen and choose B Pair works. 1. Teacher shows the questions and explains. 2. Ss make the dialogue and act in roles. 3. Ss answer in oral. Step 4 Practicing 动态反馈 (5 mins) Make the dialogue and act in roles. Step5 Extension 拓展练习 ( 3 mins ) 1. Lets students watch a short video. 2. Make travel plans. 3. Group works 4. Report Step5 Summary ( 2mins ) 编了一道听力,并请外教录音,更好地 提高了孩子听的能力。 通过分角色对话和表演对话培养学 生的说的能力。 通过观看视频活动开阔视野,了解更 多的风景名胜,增强对生活的热爱。 让学生选择自己想去的地方,制定 计划,在小组合作中运用所学语言知识 对所学语言知识进行拓展和提升。 总结本节课内容,并对学生进行爱 护环境的教育。 家 庭 作 业 Introduce your travel plans to your parentss 板 书 设 计 Unit 13 Travel Plans -Where do you want to go this summer vacation? -I want to go to. -What do you want to do there? -I want to. 课 后 反 思
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