人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 3 Travel Plans-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a0156).zip

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UNIT 3 TRAVEL PLANS Lesson 3 REVIEW Dictations: 吃海鲜 长城 拍照片 去参观莫高窟 滑雪 CHECK eat seafood the Great Wall take photos visit the Mogao Caves ski I want to 句型操练 用法介绍 want 指“想要”的意思 例如:I want a toy. 我想要个玩具 want to do指“想做某事”的意思 例如:I want to go to the zoo. 我想去动物园 What do you want to do? I want to visit New York. I want a book. READ AND MATCH Today is my birthday. I want to travel. My mother wants to take me to Harbin by train. We can ski there. My father wants to take me to Sanya by plane. We can swim in the sea. My grandmother wants to take me to visit the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang. My grandfather wants to take me to Hangzhou. We can row a boat and Ding! Ding! Ding! I hear my mother,“Get up, Zhou Ming!”Oh, it is a dream! Today is my birthday, but it is Monday. I have to go to school! TASK1: TRANSLATION(翻译) ski there 在那儿滑冰 swim in the sea 在海里游泳 visit the Mogao Caves 参观敦煌莫高窟 row a boat 划船 Task2: Match the person with the right picture TASK3: READ AGAIN AND WRITE Zhou Ming has a nice dream. In the dream, his mother wants to_ with him in Harbin. His father wants to _ with him in Sanya. His _ wants to _ with him in Dunhuang. His _. ski swim in the sea grandmother visit the mogao caves Grandfather wants to row a boat with him in Huangzhou. HOMEWORK Retell the passage with your partner. 课 题 Unit3 Travel Plans Lesson 3 主备 人 课 型任务型阅读 使用 时间 1 课 时 教 者 教学目标 知识目标:学会用.want to do sth 表达“某人想要做某事” 。 能力目标:提升学生的阅读能力和解决问题的能力。 情感目标:本单元话题以旅游为主,学生对这部分内容还是很感兴趣的,以此激 发学生的交流兴趣,谈论旅游计划等可以增进学生之间的相互了解,从而加深友 谊。 重点:掌握本单元描述出游计划的短语,ski,eat seafood, take photos, swim in the sea 等等。 教学 重 难 点 难点:熟练使用句型.want to do sth 表达“某人想要做某事” 教具学具多媒体课件、课本 教 法呈现法、引导法、任务型阅读法,合作探究法 第一课时教学过程 导学环节教 师 活 动学生活动设计意图 Step1 Review 以听写的形式对学生之 前所学过的短语进行复习 根据老师给出的汉语写出对应的英 文短语 复习本单元词 汇为学习新的 句型以及阅读 做准备。 Step2Step2 ExplainExplain andand practicepractice 1. 给学生解释“want” 的用法。 2. 看图片操练句型 I want to. 学生通过学习 want 的用法后,观察 图片,用目标句型 I want to.进行 句型练习。 让学生能掌握 want to do 的用法,并能 熟练使用目标 句型表达“想 要做某事” Step3Step3 Task-basedTask-based readingreading andand pairpair workwork 1.指导学生快速阅读 文章并独立完成 Task1 的短语翻译练习和 Task2 的人物、图片配对练习。 2.Check the answers of task1 and task2. 3.指导学生再一次细 读文章并先独立完成书 上 20 页 B 项的练习。 4.就 B 项练习结果小 组内进行合作讨论得出 最终结果在班上汇报展 示成果。 1.find out the prashes “ski there,swim in the sea,visit the Mogao Caves,row a boat”in the passage and translate them into Chinese. 2.Match the person with the right picture. 3.read again and write.(finish the chart in page26) 4.Discuss the answers in exercise B in pairs, then summary and show the final answers to the whole class. 1. 任务型阅 读让学生带着 问题,有目的 地去阅读,能 培养学生快速 获取关键信息 的能力,掌握 文章大意,替 身学生的快速 阅读技能。 有一定难度的 题目,让学生 先独立完成再 小组合作讨论, 有利于培养学 生独学的能力 以及合作探究 的能力。 Step4Step4 HomeworkHomework 1.Retell the passage 2.write a passage about your travel plans and tell us what you want to do.(写作要求要用到目 1.Retell the passage. 2.write a passage about their travel plans. 通过复述文章 和写作培养学 生的语言输出 能力。 标句型 want to do.) 板书设计 Unit3Unit3 TravelTravel plansplans LessonLesson 3 3 .want.want toto dodo sth.sth. I want to visit New York. She/He wants to swim in the sea with her father.
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