人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 5 Nature and Culture-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:1013c).doc

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人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 5 Nature and Culture-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:1013c).doc_第1页
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1、UnitUnit 5 5 NatureNature andand CultureCulture 教学设计教学设计 (LessonLesson 1 1) 一、教材内容分析一、教材内容分析 本课时的教学内容为新起点六年级下册第五单元教材 42-43 页内容,即:A Listen and match, B Lets talk, C Lets read和D Lets write. A部分通过听力活动来 复习有关 Weather, Seasons, Sports and Games 和 Weekends 等话题的词汇和功能 句。B 部分引导学生谈论在 A 部分所听到的内容,进一步复习和巩固相关语言。 C

2、 部分是一篇短文,引导学生通过阅读来复习有关 Seasons, Weather, Sports and Games 和 Food 等话题的知识。D 部分要求学生在问题的提示下,写几句连贯的 话介绍自己最喜欢的季节。 二、学生情况分析二、学生情况分析 六年级的学生在本套教材的第四册第二单元学习了 Weather 的话题, 学习了 windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, umbrella, weather 等单词和句子 Whats the weather like? Lets go and play football. 学生在第四册第三单元学习了 Seasons 的

3、 话题,学习了 spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold 等单词和句子: Whats your favourite season? Spring. 学生在第七册第一单元学习了 Sports and Games 的话题,学习了 basketball, run, jump rope, ping-pong, roller-skating 和句子 I often 学生在本套教材的第七册第二单元学习了 Weekends 的话题,学习了 visit grandparents, go to a drawing club, climb a hi

4、ll, pick fruit, play computer games, go fishing, go to the cinema 等单词和句子 What do you do ? 通过这些话题知识 的学习,为这节课的顺利学习打下了一定的基础。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 通过本节课的学习,学生能够达到以下目标: 1. 通过听、 说、 读、 写等形式的语言活动, 帮助学生复习有关 Weather, Seasons, Sports and Games 和 Weekends 等话题的重点词汇和功能句,培养学生综合运用 所学语言知识和技能进行交流的能力。 2. 引导学生就所听或所读的有关 Weather

5、, Seasons, Sports and Games 和 Weekends 话题的信息与他人展开对话交流。 3. 引导学生仿照阅读文段,在问题的提示下写一段话介绍自己最喜欢的季 节。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 教学重点: 引导学生就所听或所读的有关 Weather, Seasons, Sports and Games 和 Weekends 话题的信息与他人展开对话交流。 教学难点: 引导学生仿照阅读文段,在问题的提示下写一段话介绍自己最喜欢的季节。 五、教学步骤五、教学步骤 1. 热身(唱一唱) T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morn

6、ing, Miss Fan. T: Are you ready? Ss: Yes! T: Do you like singing? Ss: Yes! T: I like singing, too. Lets sing together. (点击课件, 出示第四册第三单元的歌 曲的 flash) 设计意图设计意图: 师生同唱二年级下册第三单元的英语歌曲,复习和季节有关的词 汇和句子。 T: You did a good job. Can you remember Four seasons in a year? (点击课件, 出示二下第三单元的 Chant) S: Yes. T: Lets cha

7、nt together. 设计意图:设计意图:师生同吟唱二年级下册第三册的 Chant,复习与 Seasons 相关的 知识。 2. 学习(学一学,练一练) (1)Listen and match T: Whats your favourite season? (点击课件,出现四季风景图片) S: My favourite season is T: Why? S: Because I T: Whats the weather like in the season? S: Its T: What can you do in the season? S: I can T: What can you

8、 wear in the season? S: I can T: Lets work in pairs. 学生两人一组说。班内展示,及时评价。 设计意图:设计意图:通过自由谈话,复习 Season 的相关词汇和句型。 T: Boys and girls, please look at the pictures. Who are they? Ss: T: What are they doing? Ss: T: Guess: What are their favourite season? S1: Tina likes Tony likes S2: T: Are you right? Listen

9、 and match. (点击课件) 学生听音,连线,集体校对,及时评价。 (2)Lets talk T: What are their favourite season? What does he/she like to do in this season? (点击课件,出现正确答案) S1: Tina likes because . Tony likes because T: Just we talked about their favourite season. Now lets talk about your favourite season (点击课件,出现对话内容) 学生两人一组说

10、。班内展示,及时评价。 (3)Lets read T: Lets look at the picture. Who is the boy? S: He is Bill. T: What is Bill doing? S: He is T: Whats the special day? S: Bill goes to T: Whats the text about? (点击课件,出现另外一张阅读文本的图片) S: Its about T: Just you did a good job. Now lets read and fill in the chart. Open your book an

11、d turn to page 43. 学生看表格。 T: Are you clear? Ss: Yes! T: Lets read and fill in the chart. 学生读短文,做笔记,填表格,说出处,班内校正,及时评价。 T: Well done. This time lets listen and repeat. 学生听录音,跟读。个人班内展示,及时评价。 T: Look at the chart. Please say about Bills favourite season. 学生看图表说,及时评价。 (4)Lets write T: Just now we talked

12、about Bills favourite season. Now lets talk about your favourite season. (点击课件,出现要谈论的方面) S: T: Lets write about your free time. 学生写作文。 (5)Homework 1. Write a passage about your favourite season. 设计意图设计意图:家庭作业以说为主,检测学生是否真正掌握本节课的内容。作业 实行分层,让孩子根据自己的学习能力选作,真正实现了以生为主。 六、板书设计六、板书设计 整个板书以本节课的教学重难点为主, 辅之以教学评价。 评价是这样进行的: 全班分成 AB 大组比赛,比赛为争夺小红旗,看谁得到的小红旗最多。最后用这 个板书来进行整节课的小结。


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