人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 1 Visiting Canada-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f076a).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_六年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 Visiting Canada_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:f076a)
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Unit 1 Visiting CanadaUnit 1 Visiting Canada Lesson 1 Warm-up Lets sing Lets take a trip! Lets review sunnysnowy cloudy windy rainy Lead-in Whats the weather like? Lead-in 春 夏 秋冬 spring summer autumnwinter warmhot coldcool Lets review Whats your favourite season? Presentation A Listen and number Presentation 1. Where is Bill going? 2. When is Bill going there? 3. Whats the weather like there? 4. What should Bill take with him? B Lets talk Presentation B Lets talk Practice Im going to When are you going there? Whats the weather like there? Presentation listen to the passage and answer the following questions. 1. Where is Bill going? 2. What clothes is Bill going to take? C Lets read Presentation C Lets read 1. How long is Bill going to stay in Canada? 2. How does Bill feel? 3. How many people are there in Teds family? Who are they? 4. Whats the weather like in Canada in winter? 5. What winter clothes is Bill going to take to Canada? Presentation 1. How long is Bill going to stay in Canada? Bill is going stay there for five months. 2. How does Bill feel? Bill is very excited, but also feels quite sad. C Lets read Presentation Theyre his parents, his sister Tina and himself. Therere four people in Teds family. 3. How many people are there in Teds family? Who are they? C Lets read Presentation 4. Whats the weather like in Canada in winter? 5. What winter clothes is Bill going to take to Canada? It is very cold and snowy in Canada in winter. He is going to take some sweaters, scarves and a warm coat. C Lets read Presentation live I live in Beijing. Ted lives with his parents and his Tina. He lives in Hong Kong. C Lets read This girl is quite shy. Presentation quite quiet Bill feels quite sad. This girl is very quiet. quite Their house is quite big. C Lets read Presentation scarf scarves C Lets read Practice D Lets write Im going to . I need to . I also want to take . Pretend you are going to Canada or another country. What are you going to take with you? Summary 关于天气、季节话题的句型: 重点单词:quitelive 区分 quite & quiet scarf Whats the weather like? Whats your favourite season? 1. 观看课文动画,按照正确的语音、语 调朗读C部分。 2. 以旅游为话题,两人一组,自编对话 。 3. 预习Lesson2。 Homework close Unit1 Lesson1 教学设计教学设计 【内容来源内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)六年级下册 Unit1 【主主 题题】Visiting Canada 【课课 时时】第 1 课时:Lesson1 一、本课教学目标一、本课教学目标 1. 通过听、说、读、写等形式的语言活动,帮助学生复习前几册学过的有关 Weather, Seasons, Clothes 和 Feelings 等话题的重点词汇和功能句,引导学生综 合运用所学语言知识和技能进行交流。 2. 引导学生就所听材料或所读短文的内容与他人展开对话交流。 3. 引导学生仿照阅读文段,按相应的提示或要求写几个意义连贯的句子。 教学建议教学建议 A. Listen and number. 1. 复习热身活动 (1) 唱一首关于季节的英文歌。 (2) 师生自由谈话: T: What is the song about? S: Seasons. T: How many seasons are there in a year? S: Four. T: What season is it in Beijing now? S: Its. T: How about Sydney? How about Toronto? S: T: What do people wear in Beijing now? S: . T: What do people wear in Toronto now? S: . Tip: 教师要帮助学生激活已知语言,并根据学生的回答将所复现的词汇逐一呈 现在黑板上。 (3) 单词分类游戏教师出示分别表示天气、季节、服装和情感的四张单词卡片, 并引导学生尝试说出更多同类词汇。 2. 听前做好准备 (1) 请学生看 A 项的图片,并根据图片预测听力内容。教师可以用以下问题来 引导学生看图:Its January. Bill is getting ready for a trip. Can you guess where Bill is going? Whats the weather like there? What should he take with him? .请学生 根据图信息以及自己的判断初步回答相关问题。 Tip: 图片信息很多:有人物、场景、交通方式、服装等,教师教学时一定注意 分层处理,不要一下子给学生太多的信息。 (2) 请学生把注意力集中到 A 项情境图,做好听音标号的准备。 3. 听中完成任务 播放三遍录音,要求学生第一遍整体了解听力内容;第二遍边听边标序号;第 三遍边听边查缺补漏,检查和修正答案。 4. 听后核对答案 (1) 请学生同桌之间核对答案。 (2) 随机抽取学生反馈答案,全班订正。必要时教师进行讲解。 B. Lets talk. 1. 引导学生自主阅读四个问题。 2. 小组题提示,对 A 项的内容进行讨论。 Tip: 师要帮助学生深入理解听力内容,通过口头操练,总结 A 项复习了哪些功 能句,并归纳呈现在黑板上。 3. 上述讨论的基础上,请一组学生进行对话示范。如: S1 Where is Bill going? S2: Hes going to Canada. S1: When is he going there? S2: He is going there in January. S1: hats the weather like there? S2: Its very cold. Sl: hat should Bill take with him? S2: He should take some winter clothes, such as a sweater, a jacket, a hat, a scarf, gloves, boots and a warm coat. Tip: B 项的问答内容可以让学生自主选择,不必要求一下子问完所有的问题。 以上问题所给的答案仅供参考。 4 请学生两人一组,从四张图片中选择一张,假定要去该地旅游,运用上述功 能句谈论自己的旅行计划。 5 随机选取几个小组表演根据图片所编对话。 Tip: 了调动学生参与活动的积极性,教师课前可以进行调研,了解学生想去的 城市或国家,增加一些景点图片,为学生提供更多选择。也可以让学生自己大 胆想象自己想去的地方,不必拘泥于教材上所提供的图片。 C. Let s read. 1. 读前:预测内容,明确任务 (1) 首先引导学生看 C 项插图信息,预测阅读文本的内容。 (2) 请学生阅读五个问题,明确阅读任务。 2. 读中:完成任务 (1) 请学生默读文本一至两遍,在文本中勾画出关键信息。 (2) 引导学生根据勾画的内容在笔记本上写出各问题的答案。 3. 读后:总结回顾 (1) 学生以小组为单位讨论和交流答案。 (2) 生围绕阅读文本进行讨论,深人理解阅读文本的内容。 (3) 学生首先尝试自己朗读文段一遍;录音修正和提高自己的朗读技巧。 D. Lets write. 1. 写前准备 引导学生阅读 D 项 Bill 的旅行计划,总结 Bill 是从哪几个方面写计划的,从而 明确自己可以从哪些方面入手进行仿写。 2. 写中活动 请学生仿照范例介绍自己的旅游计划。要求至少写出五至六句话;并鼓励学生 表达自己的真情实感。 在学生作过程中,教师可巡视全班,发现问题及时解决,帮助不同层次的学生 取得进步。 3.写后评价和改进 (1) 引导学生用下表进行自我评价。 评价内容GreatBetterGood 书写工整 句义连贯 内容丰富 (2) 请学生相互阅读对方作品,相互学习,并写出简单的评语。 (3) 教师引导全班分享几份不同层次的作品,指出优点,提出改进建议。 (4) 请学生修改自己的作品,再上交给教师。 (5) 建议展出全班学生修改后的作品,让全班学生在课下相互观看,互相学习。 Tips: 1. 如果个别学生课堂上完成写作有困难,可将其留作家庭作业,下一节课前再 进行反馈订正。 2. 可以鼓励完成得快的学生根据自己的意愿多写一个旅行计划(但确保每人至 少完成一篇即可) 。 【教学反思教学反思】
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