人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 1 Visiting Canada-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:70026).zip

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Unit 1 Visiting Canada Lesson 3 Game:Brain storming On the first floor, there is a Lets review the words Rooms/Home: In my home,there is a Living room, bedroom, study, dining room,bathroom Game:Brain storming Lets review the words Myself : I am years old. I am in Class My,your,name,friend Game:Brain storming When were you born? I was born on June 8. Lets review the words Growing up : be born First,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth Seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth Game:Brain storming Lets review the words Birthdays: When is your birthday? My birthday is on January,February,March,April,May, June,July,August,September, October,November,December October 15 March 22 40 25 3. 引导学生仿照阅读文段,按相应的提示或要求写几 个意义连贯的句子。 复习目标 复习目标 引导学生借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂Story Time的小故事,根据故事内容回答相关问题,并尝试 复述小故事。 语言技能目标 第二层次 : Learn to say meet arrivewardrobe arrivedmet 复习目标 引导学生借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂Story Time的小故事,根据故事内容回答相关问题,并尝试 复述小故事。 语言技能目标 第二层次 : 2 3 5 1 4 Lets write 一、教材背景分析一、教材背景分析 学生情况分析:六年级是儿童成长的一个关键期,这一时期的孩子记忆力、理解能力、思 维能力和表达能力快速发展,逻辑和抽象思维能力开始增强,归类、对比、推理能力也不 断增强,足间形成自我评价意识,学生间的小组活动更加有效,学生的求知欲也逐渐增强, 但自律性有所下降,需要教师在教学活动中进行有效的组织。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 知识目标:1.复习有关 Rooms,Home,Myself,Growing up 和 Birthdays 等话题的重点词汇。 2. 复习有关 Rooms,Home,Myself,Growing up 和 Birthdays 等话题的重点功能句。 能力目标:1.熟练掌握重点词汇与功能句。 2.能综合运用所学语言知识和技能进行交流 情感目标:培养学生合作意识,学会倾听和表达自己的观点。 三、教学重点三、教学重点 运用重点词汇与功能句进行交流。 四、四、教学难点教学难点 1.能听懂对话与短文,正确回答问题。 2.能够运用简单的句子介绍自己,进行简单交流。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 教学阶段教学阶段教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 1.Greeting Hello,boys and girl. 1.Hello,Mrs Li.1.师生问候。 Pre-task 2.Game:Brain storming T:Lets review the words about the rooms ,home and so on. 2.Review the words. 2.复习相关词汇,为 学习扫清词汇障碍。 While-task 1.Listen and fill in the blanks. T:Bill meets Jenny at his welcome party.What are they talking about?Listen carefully and fill in the blanks.(Play the recorder.) 1.Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. 1.认真听对话,能够 抓住重点词按要求填 空,训练学生听力。 2.Lets talk. (1)Make a model with a student. T:Where did Bill go to school in Beijing? T:How many pupils were there in his class in Beijing? (2)Talk about youself with your partner. 2.Talk with others. (1)Talk with Mrs Li. S:He went to Star Primary School. S:There were 40 pupils in his class in Beijing. (2)Pair work. A:When were you born? B:I was born on A:Where do you go to school? B:I go to A:How many pupils are there in your class? B:There arepupils in my school. 2.根据短文进行问答 练习,为自由交流做 好范例。然后根据自 己实际情况对话练习。 3. Lets read. (Play the recorder.) 3.Read the letter follow the recorder ,then put the sentences in order. 3.听音读 Bill 写给爸 爸妈妈的信,然后根 据信的内容排列句子。 4 .Lets write. (1)Read the example. (2)Write about yourself. 4.Read and write. 4.按照例文,尝试介 绍自己并写下来。 Homework 1.Write about yourself at least five sentences. 六、板书设计六、板书设计 Topic Rooms/Home In my home,there is a On the first floor,there is a Myself I am years old.I am in Class 1. Growing Up I was born in 2006/on Birthdays When is your birthday? My birthday is on
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