人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 2 All Around Me-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:b01eb).zip

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吉吉 林林 市市 第第 二二 实实 验验 小小 学学 新起点小学英语六年级下册新起点小学英语六年级下册 All Around Me Lesson 1 LookLook and say and say Look and predictLook and predict GoodGood to knowto know Lake OntarioLake Ontario c Listen and sayListen and say stadiumstadium c Listen and sayListen and say downtowndowntown c Listen and sayListen and say What do you think of What do you think of YongeYonge Street? Street? c Listen and sayListen and say c Read and writeRead and write 2. 2. UnderlineUnderline the key the key sentences.sentences. 1. Write the names of the 1. Write the names of the buildings in the buildings in the blanks.blanks. Look and checkLook and check bank cinema police station library restaurant GoodGood to knowto know 从多伦多港( Toronto Harbour)开 始,向北穿过 多伦多,后以 11号公路延续 ,最终到达安 大略省的雨河 (Rainy River ),全长1896 公里。 1. Write something about 1. Write something about Jilin Street.Jilin Street. Think and writeThink and write 2. Draw a mind map about prep. 2. Draw a mind map about prep. 3. Draw a mind map about place. 3. Draw a mind map about place. 2.Share your work to others. 1.Read the passage. Thank you! 教学教学 目标目标 1.1. 通过听,说,读,写等形式的语言活动,帮助学生复习前几册有关通过听,说,读,写等形式的语言活动,帮助学生复习前几册有关 Communities,Parks,NeighbourhoodsCommunities,Parks,Neighbourhoods 和和 citiescities 等话题的重点词汇和功等话题的重点词汇和功 能句,培养学生综合运用所学语言知识进行交流的能力。能句,培养学生综合运用所学语言知识进行交流的能力。 2.2.介绍中西方文化,培养学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意识。介绍中西方文化,培养学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意识。 3.3.引导学生仿照文段写一段话介绍自己的社区。引导学生仿照文段写一段话介绍自己的社区。 重点重点 难点难点 NewNew wordswords andand UnderstandUnderstand thethe passage.passage. TheThe pronunciationpronunciation ofof newnew wordswords andand writingwriting . . 教学教学 准备准备 PPTPPT 教教 学学 过过 程程 导语导语 设计设计 WhereWhere isis thethe hotel?hotel? 设计意图设计意图 环环节节设设计计 I.I.ThreeThree minutesminutes beforebefore class.class. SingSing a a song.song. II.II.RevisionRevision 1.1. ReviewReview somesome wordswords aboutabout places.places. Brainstorm.Brainstorm. GuessGuess riddles.riddles. WhatWhat placeplace isis it?it? T:T: InIn thisthis place,place, wewe seesee a a film.Whatfilm.What placeplace isis it?it? 2.2. ReviewReview somesome wordswords aboutabout prepositions.prepositions. TalkTalk aboutabout YaoyaoYaoyaos s neighbourhood.neighbourhood. III.III. PresentationPresentation ArouseArouse theirtheir interest.interest. RewiewRewiew thethe oldold lessons.lessons. CultivateCultivate imagination.imagination. 环环节节设设计计 TheseThese placesplaces areare allall aroundaround me.me. ThisThis classclass wewellll learnlearn UnitUnit 2 2 AllAll aroundaround me.me. Lesson.Lesson. IV.IV.NewNew LessonLesson teaching.teaching. 1.1. Pre-reading.Pre-reading. A.A. ShowShow themthem a a mapmap ofof YongeYonge Street.Street. TalkTalk aboutabout YongeYonge StreetStreet。 B BLearnLearn toto saysay newnew words.words. LakeLake Ontario,Ontario, ThereThere isis a a boatboat onon thethe lake.lake. ThisThis isis LakeLake OntarioOntario downtown,downtown, ThereThere areare a a lotlot ofof shopsshops onon thethe street.Peoplestreet.People cancan gogo shoppingshopping onon thethe street.street. ThisThis isis downtowndowntown Toronto.Toronto. stadiumstadium , , InIn thethe stadium,westadium,we cancan dodo sportssports andand watchwatch baseballbaseball game.game. 2.2. While-readingWhile-reading A.A. ListenListen toto thethe tape.tape. B.B. WriteWrite thethe namesnames ofof thethe buildingsbuildings inin thethe blanksblanks 3.3. Post-readingPost-reading A.A. CheckCheck thethe answer.answer. B.B.FreeFree talk.talk. WhatWhat areare famousfamous streetsstreets inin JilinJilin V.V. ProgressProgress ShowShow themthem thethe tasks,choosetasks,choose one.one. 1.1. WriteWrite somethingsomething aboutabout JilinJilin Street.Street. 2.2. DrawDraw a a mindmind mapmap aboutabout places.places. 3.3. DrawDraw a a mindmind mapmap aboutabout prepositions.prepositions. LeadLead inin thethe newnew lessonlesson andand setset thethe scene.scene. FinishFinish thethe exercise.exercise. DevelopDevelop thethe abilityability ofof reading.reading. PracticePractice andand expand.expand. CultivatingCultivating thethe abilityability toto summarize.summarize. 板书板书 设计设计 UnitUnit 2 2 AllAll AroundAround MeMe nearnear ThereThere isis betweenbetweenandand nextnext toto 作业作业 设计设计 1.1. ReadRead thethe passagepassage 2.2. ShareShare youryour workwork toto others.others.
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