人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 5 Nature and Culture-Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:a0046).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_六年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 Nature and Culture_Story Time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_市级优课_(编号:a0046)
    • story time.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案a0046.doc--点击预览
    • 歌曲.mp4


台集屯九年一贯制学校台集屯九年一贯制学校 李汝佳李汝佳 Was the sky falling in the end? Watch the video and answer the question.看视频看视频回答问题。回答问题。 Watch the video and answer the question.看视频看视频回答问题。回答问题。 Was the sky falling in the end? No. One morning,Henny Penny was looking for food.She looked for insects near an old tree. What was Henny Penny doing? Guess,why does Henny Penny look so scared? Read Part2 and answer the questions. 阅读第二部分,并回答问题阅读第二部分,并回答问题. . What fell on Henny Penny? Suddenly,a nut fell from the tree.It hit Henny Penny on the head. The sky is falling! The sky is falling! What do you think of Henny Penny? What do you want to ask?你想提出什么你想提出什么 问题。问题。 Read the story silently. 默读故事。默读故事。 Henny Penny ran down the road.She saw Cocky Locky. Henny Penny and Cocky Locky ran down the road.They saw Goosey Loosey. Why are you running? The sky is falling!Were not safe! Henny Penny,Cocky Locky and Goosey Loosey ran down the road.They saw Lucky Ducky . You look so worried!Why? The sky is falling! Oh no!Im not safe here! Im coming with you! The sky is falling! Really?I must go with you,too! How does they say the sentences? A. Happily B. Calmly C. Scared Please imitate(模仿模仿) them. Why are you running? The sky is falling!Were not safe! You look so worried!Why? The sky is falling! Oh no!Im not safe here! Im coming with you! The sky is falling! Really?I must go with you,too! Discuss in your groups and answer the question.小组讨论回答问题。小组讨论回答问题。 1.Who did Henny Penny meet? 2.Did they believe Henny Pennys words? Read the story loudly. 大声阅读故事。大声阅读故事。 。 Henny Penny ran down the road.She saw Cocky Locky. Henny Penny and Cocky Locky ran down the road.They saw Goosey Loosey. Why are you running? The sky is falling!Were not safe! Henny Penny,Cocky Locky and Goosey Loosey ran down the road.They saw Lucky Ducky . You look so worried!Why? The sky is falling! Oh no!Im not safe here! Im coming with you! The sky is falling! Really?I must go with you,too! Discuss in your groups and answer the question.小组讨论回答问题。小组讨论回答问题。 1.Who did Henny Penny meet? 2.Did they believe Henny Pennys words? She met Cocky Locky , Goosey Loosey or Lucky Ducky Yes,they did. Read the story together.齐读故事。齐读故事。 Henny Penny ran down the road.She saw Cocky Locky. Henny Penny and Cocky Locky ran down the road.They saw Goosey Loosey. Why are you running? The sky is falling!Were not safe! Henny Penny,Cocky Locky and Goosey Loosey ran down the road.They saw Lucky Ducky . You look so worried!Why? The sky is falling! Oh no!Im not safe here! Im coming with you! The sky is falling! Really?I must go with you,too! Read Part6,finish the blank. 阅读第六阅读第六 部分,完成填空部分,完成填空。 Henny Penny,Cocky Locky,Goosey Loosey and Lucky Ducky _ the road.They met_. Henny Penny,Cocky Locky , Goosey Loosey and Lucky Ducky ran down the road.They met Mr Fox. Read Part6,finish the blank. 阅读第六阅读第六 部分,完成填空部分,完成填空。 Henny Penny,Cocky Locky,Goosey Loosey and Lucky Ducky _ the road.They met_. ran down Mr Fox Oh,I can help you.Come to my home.Its safe there. Is Mr Foxs home safe? Listen to the Part7 and answer the questions.听录音第七部分,并回答问题听录音第七部分,并回答问题. . What do you think happened to the four birds? They followed Mr Fox to his home.Nobody saw Henny Penny,Cocky Locky , Goosey Loosey or Lucky Ducky again.Now Mr Fox is very fat.He hopes the sky falls down every day! What do you think happened to the four birds? They were eaten by Mr Fox. Listen to the Part7 and answer the questions.听录音第七部分,并回答问题听录音第七部分,并回答问题. . They followed Mr Fox to his home.Nobody saw Henny Penny,Cocky Locky , Goosey Loosey or Lucky Ducky again.Now Mr Fox is very fat.He hopes the sky falls down every day! Lets dub(配音配音)for this story. Try to retell the story. Please act the story. Try to adapt the story. (尝试自己改编这个小故事尝试自己改编这个小故事) 教材分析教材分析 人教 2011 课标版一年级起点六年级下册共由六个学习单元组成。本课是第 五单元,本模块的主要话题是 Nature and Culture ,本单元重点复习季节、 天气、节日等单词及相关句型.学会在恰当的情景中口头运用,并根据问题提示 写出几个意义连贯的句子,描述自己喜欢的季节及喜欢的节日。本课是第五单 元 Story time 通过故事学习,让学生能够懂得不要轻信别人的道理。 学情分析学情分析 教授的对象是六年级一班的学生,经过五年半的英语学习,积累了一些教 材中出现的单词、词组和句子,能够在一定的情境中正确运用英语去交流,正 确表达自己的思想,他们活泼好动,喜欢表达,善于表演,同时对教师的英语 课堂用语有一定的熟悉,能够听懂教师的要求。但是后进生理解能力较差,需 要优等生去带动去帮助。基于以上现状,我在英语学科日常管理的过程中采用 小组合作学习,每组组员的目标不同,根据学生的个体情况进行具体安排,组 长进行检查和管理。英语课堂上他们敢想、敢说、敢做,求新求异的愿望非常 强烈。小组合作学习调动了孩子们英语学习的兴趣和积极性。本课教学中我采 用多媒体教学,从学生的参与、习题的操练及知识的拓展几方面着手,让学生 从心里和视觉、思维品质、学习能力及知识运用等方面会有不同的收获。 教学目标教学目标 知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标: 引导学生借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂本单元的故事,按照故事内容回答 B 项问题,并表演小故事。 情感态度与学习策略目标:情感态度与学习策略目标: 引导学生通过学习小故事,懂得人要独立思考,不能盲从他人、轻信坏人 的道理。 教学重点、难点教学重点、难点 教学重点:教学重点: 读懂小故事,并能够表演。 教学难点:教学难点: 回答 B 项问题,并能够复述小故事。 教学流程教学流程 教教 师师 活活 动动学学 生生 活活 动动意意 图图 1、Greeting 1. Free talk. T: Hello,my dear children. Ss: Hello,Miss Li T: How are you? Ss: Im fine,thank you.How are you? T: Im vary well,thank you.Sit down, please Ss:Thank you. 2.sing a song T:Today Lets sing a song together,OK? 3.活动介绍 T:Today we play a game together.If you answer my quentions,you can paste an animal,OK? 二、二、While-task procedure 1.T:Lets go to the story about Henny Penny. 学生和老师问好 Ss:OK 学生了解活动方式 Ss:OK Ss:OK. 通过师生互动、问候、 歌曲,活跃课堂教学的氛围, 拉近师生的距离,并使学生 尽快的进入英语的语境氛围。 同时通过歌曲 falling down, 为接下来的故事做了良好的 铺垫。 通过介绍小组竞赛活动, 吸引学生兴趣,调动学生好 奇心,搭构本课框架。 通过学生们喜爱的人物 导入,使学生对新课有所期 待,对英语产生浓厚的兴趣, 为下一步的活动设置做好铺 垫,引出本课主线:联络 T:Watch a video,and answer the question“was the sky falling in the end?” T:Was the sky falling in the end? 教师通过逐步介绍故 事发展,引导学生读 懂故事。 T:What was Henny Penny doing? 2.出示 Henny Penny 表情图片,让学生猜 测为什么看起来恐惧 3.T:what fell on Henny Penny? T:what does Henny Penny say? 引出主题 The sky is falling. 4. T:What do you think of Henny Penny? T:what do you want to ask? You can find anwers in the next parts. 5.Read the story 学生观看视频。 Ss:No. 学生进入故事情景 Ss:She was looking for food. 学生猜测恐惧原因 Ss: A nut. Ss: the sky is falling. Ss:he can use magic. 学生评价 Henny Penny. I think she is funny/foolish 学生提出问题 学生默读故事。 Ss:scared 提出问题让学生整体听, 培养学生抓住语言主要信息 的能力。 通过师生问答来搭建句子框 架 silently. 6.How does they say the sentences? 7.模仿语气阅读。 8. 小组讨论回答问题。 Discuss in your groups. who did Henny Penny meet? Did they believe Henny Pennys words? T:阅读第六部分填空 HennyPenny,Cocky Locky,GooseyLoosey and Lucky Ducky _ the road.They met_. 学生大声阅读故事第三部 分到第五部分,小组讨论 回答问题。 学生回答问题。 学生齐读故事。 HennyPenny,Cocky Locky,Goosey Loosey and LuckyDucky_ran down_ the road.They met_mr fox_. 学生听录音并回答问题 9.Listen to the Part7 and answer the questions.听录音第七 部分,并回答问题. What do you think happened to the four birds? 10.read by yourself. 11.Lets dub(配音)for this story. 12.Try to retell the story. 13.Act the story 14.推荐其他儿童英文 经典故事。 12. Homework They were eaten by Mr Fox 学生以小组为单位,分角 色朗读故事并表演。 学生分段复述故事 学生分角色表演故事。 在这一活动中,有利于 培养学生的合作能力和英语 口语表达能力 Try to adapt the story.
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