人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 6 Summer Vacation-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:503ae).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_六年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Summer Vacation_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:503ae)
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SummerVacation3 Sichuan Henan Itwilltakeusthreehoursby planefromBeijingtoSichuan. Itwilltakefourhoursbytrain fromBeijingtoHenan. Tibet Shaanxi Itsmorethanfourhoursby trainfromBeijing. Itwilltakesixhoursfrom BeijingtoShaanxi. Sentencepattern Ittakessb.(sometime)todosth. Ittakesmequitealongtimetounderstandthe meaningofthepaintingbyPicasso. Ittakesme15minutestogotoschooleveryday. IttookTomhalfanhourtofinishhishomework. 某人花了多长时间做某事。其中it是形式主语,代 替后面的不定式。 注意:如果sb.做主语,我们一定不能用take而 是用“spend”,即sb.spendssometimeonsth. 试比较: Ittookmehalfanhourtodomyhomework. Ispenthalfanhouronmyhomework. 我花费了半个小时做作业。 Itsverykindofyoutosomuchtime showingmearoundyourschool. AtakeBspendCcostDhave 解析:花费时间做某事可以用take或spend, 但是take后接不定式常用在句型ittakesbsome timetodosth;而spend后接动名词构成spend timedoingsth。你花费那么多时间带领我参观 你们的学校真是太好了。 答案:B A:Wheredoyouwanttogo? B:IwanttogotoSichuan. A:WhatcanyoudoinSichuan? B:Icanseethebigpandainthezooandclimb MountainEmei.IcanalsogotheJiuzhaiValley. Letstalk. A:Thatsoundsgreat.Howfarisitfromyourhome. B:Itwilltakeusfourhoursbytrainfrommyhome Beijing. A:Whatisitfamousfor? B:Itisfamousforthepanda.Itsalcoholandtea arealsoveryfamous. Letstalk. MyWonderfulHolidayinChina InBeijing,IvisitedtheGreat Wall,BeijingNationalStadium andNationalSwimmingCenter, TiananmenSquareandthe SummerPalace.Ialsometall Johnsfriendsandfamily. Lastweek,Johnsfamilytook metoJiangxibytrain.Jiangxiis in the northwest of China. We climbedtheLushanMountainin Jiujiang. The weather there is very cold. We can see some monkeys in the mountain. We alsoatesomedeliciousnoodles there. Then we went to Sichuan. Its in thesouthwestofChina.First,wewent toseethepandasinWolong.Theyare vey cute. I was very tired, but very happy. We ate some delicious food ,suchashotpotthere.Itssospicy! Tibet is in the southeast of China.Ittakesasmorethantwo hoursbyplanefromSichuan.The weather here is Sunny and hot, but there was still snow on the mountains.Wevisitedthefamous Potala Palace and took many photosthere. WhatplacesdidLisavisitinBeijing? ShevisitedtheGreatWall,BeijingNational Stadium and National Swimming Center, TiananmenSquareandtheSummerPalace. WhatisSichuanfamousfor? Itfamousforhotpot. Homework 1. Write a dialogue about the placesofinterestyouhaveeverbeen toaccordingtothedialoguewehave learn. Then practice it with your classmates. 2.Writeatravelnotes. I had a joyful summer vacation. During the holidays,Itraveledwithmyfamilies.Wewentto Beijingandstayedthereforfourdays.Welivedin the hotel. It is very beautiful. We visited to the Tiananmen Square, the Imperial Palace, the SummerPalaceandtheOldSummerPalace.We alsowenttotheGreatWall.Theweatherwasvery hot,butwewereexciting.IlikeBeijingverymuch. IhopeIcangothereagain. Mysummervacation Thankyou! 1 / 3 UnitUnit 6 6 SummerSummer VacationVacation 【第三课时第三课时】 LessonLesson 3 3 【教学目标教学目标】 1学生能够熟练的朗读文章的内容,并且能够理解文章的意思,回答的问题。 2学生能够在一定的语境下,熟练的使用功能句型和他人进行交流Where do you want to go? I want to go How far is it from your home? Its from my home. What is it famous for? Its famous for 3学生能够熟练的表达地点名词 Sichuan, Tibet, Shaanxi,并且能够用功能句型介 绍自己的旅游计划 Its three/four hours by plane/train from Beijing/Shanghai 【教学重难点教学重难点】 1学生能够掌握文章的内容,完成课后的相关习题。 2学生能够在一定的语境下,运用功能句型谈论自己喜欢的旅游经历Where do you want to go? I want to go How far is it from your home? Its from my home. What is it famous for? Its famous for 【教学设计教学设计】 本节课学习的重点是谈论自己的旅游经历,因此本节课伊始,首先让学生回顾了一些地 点名称的表达,随后,通过学习句型,让学生进一步谈论自己的旅游经历,并且能够读懂旅 游经历方面的文章,培养学生独立思考的能力。 【教学过程教学过程】 一、教学导入一、教学导入 Greeting. T:Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. S:Good morning/afternoon, Mrs. /Mr. T:What do you think of a wonderful holiday? S: 二、新课呈现二、新课呈现 1听录音,完成 A 部分。 老师播放 A 部分的听力录音,让学生根据录音材料将横线上的内容补充完整。随后,老 师请 1-2 位同学说出自己的答案,并根据学生完成的正确率确定是否要再听一遍录音。 2 / 3 2Lets say. 老师在课件上呈现 A 部分的图片,并提问同学(1)Which place do you want to go? (2)Why do you want to go there? 3Lets talk. 老师让学生回答 B 部分的问题(1)What can you do in Sichuan/Henan/Shaanxi/Tibet? (2)Where do you want to go ? (3)How far is it from your home? (4)What is it famous for? (5)What do you want to do there? 4、呈现课文。 老师逐字逐句的讲解课文内容,老师着重讲解单词 the Great Wall, the Forbidden City课文讲解完后,请同学根据课文内容,回答课后的问题。 三、基础巩固三、基础巩固 Lets think. 老师提问学生 “How do you think of a wonderful holiday?”,让学生思考该问题, 同学们可以自由分组讨论,稍后请 2-3 位同学回答上述问题。 四、外延拓展四、外延拓展 谚语学习:Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。 五、练习作业五、练习作业 1听录音,熟读课文内容。 2完成 D 部分的 Lets write. 六、板书设计六、板书设计 3 / 3 【教学反思教学反思】
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