人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 3 Making Contact-Story Time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:107a6).docx

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1、小学英语阅读课教学设计小学英语阅读课教学设计 Topic :sending a letter teaching aims: 1能够借助图片和阅读策略读懂 Story Time 的故事,完成句 子填空练习,并尝试表演故事。 2能够了解现代通讯和沟通方式的优缺点,能够根据实际情 况选用合理的通讯方式,扬长避短。 3.参与课堂各种活动,认真倾听,表达自己的观点。 teaching steps: 一、greetings : T: Today I am happy .Why ?呈现“蛋糕”PPT 问:Whats this? Ss: birthday cake . T: Whose birthday? 立

2、刻呈现教师本人的一张照片 Ss: Happy birthday to you . T: Thank you very much.All of you say “Happy birthday”to me face to face .But if I am not here , how do you say “Happybirthday” to me ? (借助 freetalk 形式开始课堂教学,活跃气氛。同时选用与本课内容 紧密结合的生日问候,也为新知的呈现埋下伏笔,自然导出下一环节。) 二、revision: T: What would you like to do on your frie

3、nds birthday ? 呈现各种 making contact 的方式图,让学生复习本单元重点句 型和短语。 (采用问答的形式复习,其目的主要是以旧引新,复习旧知识,自然的引 出新知,体现教学的无痕。 ) 三、presentation: (一)介绍 Mr Bear和 Mr Pigeon 1、当有学生说: I would like to write a letter to my friend 时, T: Good idea, and your idea is the same as Mr Bear. Who is Mr Bea? 媒体呈现 Mr Bear图片. T:And todays s

4、tory is between Mr Bear and Mr Pigeon媒体呈 现 Mr Pigeon图片 Its title is : Sending a letter PPT 呈现出课题 2、Now lets watch the video while thinking about the following questions. (媒体呈现问题) (由复习自然引入文本话题,并同时解决有关人物,通过问题分解文章内 容,降低学习难度,但又不打破阅读教学的整体性,同时也不使教学内容零碎 呈现,主线直穿文章。 ) (二)分段教学 Picture 1 1、呈现 Picture 1 的图片 T:

5、What does Mr Bear want to do ? Ss: He wants to mail a letter to his granddaughter T:. Where does he go ? Ss: He wants to mail a letter to his granddaughter. 2、教新单词(PPT 导入) Grandfather 祖父,爷 爷grandmother 祖母,奶奶 daughter女儿 granddaughter 孙女,外甥grandson 孙子,外甥 3、根据插入的“早上好”PPT ,引导学生说出 Good morning,Mr Pigeon.

6、Goodmorning ,MrBear. Picture 2 1、根据 Picture 2 的在邮局的图片, T: MrBear wants to send a letter to Mr Pigeon. So he says : Ss: Please fly to my granddaughter and give her this letter. 让学生以组为单位读这句旁白。 2、PPT 呈现一信 封,教师说:to send a letter, Mr Bear must know address and name ,so he ask : 学生很快答出:Where is her house?

7、 Whats her name ? 让几个同学 分角色读。 Picture3 1、由上面的两个问题学生很容易答出旁白 Mr Bear gives his granddaughters address to Mr Pigeon. 2、又呈现一个信封问: T:Where does she live ? What is her name ? 用多媒体填写信封的方式回答, Ss: She lives a long way away in Toronto . Her name is Lily Bear . 3、T:Where is Toronto? 多媒体呈现 Toronto 一张地图,说明 Toron

8、to是加拿大的一个城市,Lily lives in Toronto. 在地图上示一地点:Mr Bear lives here . 中间用弯曲红线表明,So there is a long way away. 很巧妙的解释 了难点句子。 Picture 4 呈现第四幅画 1、T: When is Lilys birthday? Ss: Tomorrow. 2、T: What else does Mr Bear care for? Ss: Mr Bear wants to know how long it will take for the letter to reach his granddau

9、ghter . 让同学分组读出这句话。 3、利用道具分角色练习重点句型 -How long will it take ? -It will take me three days. Picture 5 1、呈现 Mr Bear不高兴的图 T:: Is Mr Bear happy? Why? Ss: No, he isnt happy. Because the letter will arrive late. 2、为了导出对话,多媒体呈现“电脑”图和一张认真思考问题 的图片 T: Mr Pi geon thinks over and over, how does want to send the

10、letter now? Ss: Send an email. T: So what does he ask ? Ss: OKcan you tell me her telephone number,please? Picture 6 呈现第六幅图 1、 T: Why is he happy again? Ss: Mr Bear calls Lily and asks for her email address. Mr Bear can write an email and deliver it today! 2、deliver 的讲解 de live r=deliverdiliv 传递,投递

11、send/deliver messages send/deliver mails 3、T: How lucky ! Yes? Ss:Its lucky I have a computer .We can deliver the message today! T: Its lucky Mr Pigeon has a computer .They can deliver the message today! 让学生起立读出句子,以检查掌握情况。 (对文章采用逐段分析,符合小学生的年龄特点。采用图片、提问等辅助 手段,形象直观的展现文章内容,变枯燥乏味为生动有趣,吸引学生,变被动 学习为主动学习。穿

12、插各种 PPT,帮助学生巩固理解。 ) 四、practice 1、.reading read the passage (分角色读课文) Mr Bear:all the boys Mr Bear: all the girls Aside : aii the students 2、 It s role-play time! 利用道具(信,帽子,眼镜,邮局,电脑等) Mr Bear: Mr Bear: Aside : all the other students 五、consolidation Lets think and write 根据刚才对文章的讲解和表演,提炼出文章大意,学生看信息 完成填空

13、。 (高年级学生有很好的表演能力,让学生根据文本适当的对所学内容进行 拓展训练表演,有利于学生的长远发展,同时写作也为提高学生对语言综合运 用的能力搭建舞台。 ) 六、summary There are many ways to send messages. Today we compare two : sending a letter and sending an email .Sending a letter is old but warm. Sending an email is fast , new and interesting. Which one do you like better? Choose carefully.And enjoy your life! (这些话既总结了文本,又是对学生思想教育的熏陶,能对文本起到拓展延 伸的作用。 ) 七、blackboarddesign Fly to her home (3 days) Mr BearLily BearMr pigeon Sendan email ( today) 八、Homework 1、Read the story. 2、Act out the dailogue.


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