人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 2 Special Days-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:200b0).doc

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1、Unit3Special days Lesson 1 年级:五年级 版本:PEP 新人教版 学科:小学英语 教 学 设 计 Unit3Unit3SpecialSpecial daysdays 本次授课为:Lesson 1 一、一、教学目标教学目标 1、 能听、说、认读词组“Great Wall” 2、能听懂、 会说句型 “When is thethis year?”“What will you do .on .?” “Ill” “What about?”并能在实际情境中灵活运用。 3、 激发学生用英语进行交流的欲望,体会学习英语的乐趣。 二、二、教学重难点教学重难点 教学重点: 1、 能听、说

2、、认读词组“Great Wall” 2、 能听懂、会说句型“When is thethis year?” “What will you do on .?” “Ill” “What about?”并能在实际情境中灵活运用。 教学难点: 1、简单了解一般将来时的用法和构成。 三、三、教学准备教学准备 教师准备多媒体课件 四、四、教学设计教学设计 Before the class, I will compare the classes to 4 groups. 一、课前热身(一、课前热身(Warm-upWarm-up) 1、Greeting and free talk T:Good morning,

3、 boys and girls. S:Good morning, Miss Zhan. 二、二、新课呈现(新课呈现(PresentationPresentation) 1.Listen and answer: When is my birthday? What will I have on my birthday? Where will I go? (课件出示问题和图片,教师口述介绍自己的生日在什么时候,吃什么,要 做什么。之后进入回答环节,让学生回答老师具体的生日月份。 ) I like autumn best. Because my birthday is in October.And t

4、he colours arebeautiful in autumn. I really like the colours. I will have some eggs and noodles on my birthday.I will have a trip with my friends.Well go to the Great Wall. 1)QuestionQuestion 1 1:T: When is my birthday? S: Its in . (课件出现问题和图片) T: Whenis your birthday? S:Its in _. (课件出示问题和 12 个月份的单词。

5、通过对话,帮助孩子们巩固句式的运用以及 单词的记忆) T:I like autumn best. Because my birthday is in autumn. The colours arebeautiful in autumn. I really like the colours. (课件出示相应的图片,教师教授句子 I really like the colours.) 2)QuestionQuestion 2 2What will I have on my birthday? S: Ill have some eggs and noodles. T: What about you?

6、 S:. (课件出示图片) 拓展拓展 1 1:介绍中西方国家过生日的不同。Talk about the differences of birthday between China and western countries. T: In China, we often have eggs and noodles . But in the western countries, the people often have birthday cake. (课件出示长寿面和蛋糕) 3)QuestionQuestion 3:3: Where will I go? Ill go to the Great

7、Wall. Well go to the Great Wall . (课件出示句子和长城的图片,方便学生理解和回答。 ) (通过老师的问题,一步一步扫清文中的四会句和难句。 ) 2.Now lets listen and tick :What will Oliver have on his birthday? (教师播放 Lets try 的录音,并校对答案) 3.Lets talk: T: In Olivers birthday party . Oliver and Chen Jie are talking.What are they talking about? Lets listen a

8、nd answer these questions.(课件出 示问题,教师播放对话录音。 ) 1)Listen and answer: 1.What is Olivers favourite season? Why? Autumn. Because he likes the colours. 2.Does Chen Jie like autumn, too? Why? Yes. Because she usually has a trip in autumn. 3.When is the school trip this year? Its in October. 4.Where will t

9、hey go this year? Theyll go to the Great Wall. (通过回答问题,学生加深对对话的理解。 ) 2)先播放对话视频,学生观看;再出示对话,学生朗读。 3)学生分角色读对话,同桌练习对话,请学生展示对话。 (通过多种形式,操练对话。 ) 三、拓展拓展 2 2:操练句型:操练句型 Ill. 1、T: Boys and girls,why we have a happy life? Because of our country -China.引入情感教育:WeWe lovelove China!China!热爱祖国! 2、T: Do you know our

10、 countrys birthday? S: Its the Chinas National Day T: When is the Chinas National Day ? S: Its in October. T: What will you do on Chinas National Day? S: Ill. (课件出示问题,并提示短语,引导学生回答。通过结合祖国生日,让学生联系 自身实际,操练本节课所学的重点句型。 ) 四、四、拓展拓展 3 3:FillFill inin thethe blanksblanks 小组活动:以 4 人为一组,完成完形填空。 1.cool2. have a

11、 picnic3. autumn 4. windy5. go on a walk6. fun The Chinas National Day is in October, its in _, too. The weather is _ and _. Ill go to the park with my friends. Well_ in the park. Well _ in the park. We ll have a lot of _ in the park. 1. 请学生展示。 2. 请个别学生阅读这篇短文。 (通过练习,使学生能更好的理解和运用本节课所学内容。 ) 五、五、HomeworkHomework 1.读课文 P27 对话。 2.以 The National Day 为题,运用句型 Ill.或是 Well.介绍你国庆 假期的安排。 六、总结胜利组,并表扬!六、总结胜利组,并表扬! 七、七、板书设计板书设计: : UnitUnit 3 3 SpecialSpecial daysdays LessonLesson 1 1 When is the school trip? Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall. =We will


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