人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 2 Special Days-Fun Time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:70323).zip

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Whatspecialdayis it? Canyouguessit? Whatspecialdayis it? Canyouguessit? New Years Day Womens Day In which day, you should say thanks to your mother ? When is Mothers Day ? Mothers Day A day for children. How are you going to celebrate it ? Childrens Day It s a special day for a famous Chinese poet. Its a special Chinese festival. What special day is it? Lets have a look! Dragon Boat Day Its Dragon Boat Festival. 1.What special day is it? 2.When is that day? Its on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. special day datefoodactivities for what Dragon Boat Day the fifth day of the fifth lunar month zongzi Have racesina bigboat remember apoet 3.What do people eat on this day? 4.What do people do on this day? 5.Why people celebrate it? TheDragonBoatFestival isaspecialChinesefestival. Onthatday,peopleremember QuYuan,afamousChinesepoet. Everyoneeatszongzi. InthesouthofChinasomepeoplehave racesinbigboats,calledDragonBoats. TheDragonBoatFestivalisaspecialChinese festival.Onthatday,peoplerememberQuYuan afamousChinesepoet.Everyoneeatszongzi.In thesouthofChinasomepeoplehaveracesinbig boats,calledDragonBoats. Chinesefestival QuYuanpoet zongzi DragonBoats. keywords What another activities do you know about this festival? sachet 香囊 Its on October 31st. When is Halloween? special day datefoodactivities for what October 31st Halloween candy wear costumes dress up like monsters or famous people/ ask for candy drive out the ghosts 3.What do people eat on this day? 4.What do people do on this day? 5.Why people celebrate it? HalloweenisonOctober31steach year.ItisaspecialfestivalinWestern countries. Theygotopeopleshousestoaskforcandy. Theysometimesdressuplikemonsters orfamouspeople. Childrenliketowearcostumesonthisday. HalloweenisonOctober31steachyear. ItisaspecialfestivalinWestern countries.Childrenliketowearcostumes onthisday.Theysometimesdressuplike monstersorfamouspeople.Theygoto peopleshousestoaskforcandy keywords onOctober31st Westerncountries. Childrenwearcostumes dressup peopleshouse candy Children often say “ trick or treat ” on that day What another activities do you know about this festival? Jack-o-lantern apple bobbing TheDragonBoatFestivalisaspecialChinese festival.Onthatday,peoplerememberQuYuan afamousChinesepoet.Everyoneeatszongzi.In thesouthofChinasomepeoplehaveracesinbig boats,calledDragonBoats. HalloweenisonOctober31steachyear. ItisaspecialfestivalinWesterncountries. Childrenliketowearcostumesonthisday. Theysometimesdressuplikemonstersor famouspeople.Theygotopeopleshousesto askforcandy. 1、Read and recite this story. 2、 What another special days do you know? 3、Make your special calendar. special day datefoodactivities for what Dragon BoatDay the fifth day of the fifth lunar month zongzi Haveraces inabig boat remember apoet Halloween October 31st candy wear costumes/ dressup like monsters orfamous people/ askfor candy drive out the ghosts remember to do sth 记得要做某事 I remember to close the door.(还未做) remember doing sth 记得做过某事 I remember closing the door. (做过了) 题目:Special Days Fun Time 进行教学设计。 Special Days Fun Time教学设计 (一)教材内容分析 这节课是人教版 2013 版一年级起点五年级下册第二单元中的一节,在教材中这一节叫 “Special Days” 。是对一些特殊节日的介绍和特殊节日的简介,它是针对高年级学生的知 识接受能力,对特殊节日进行介绍,使学生充分了解特殊节日的英文使用及问答,以便在 学习后续知识时对知识的理解更为深刻。本节课是对其他特殊节日的拓展知识,拓展特殊 节日的固定词汇及使用。 (二)学习者特征分析 本节课授课对象是五年级学生,五年级学生的年龄在十一到十二岁左右,虽然处于高年级 学段,但仍然活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维和抽象思维相结合,对游戏、竞赛、画画还有 兴趣。大部分学生对英语有着较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习兴 趣会随之减弱。尤其从这学期开始,对学生又提出了新的要求:培养听、说、读、写的技 能。所以教师应该面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在 首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。 二、教学目标设计 (一)知识与技能: 1能够借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂短文,了解中西方节日及端午节和万圣节的一些 基本信息,并尝试进行特殊日历的小制作。 (二)过程与方法: 通过课件演示、学生交流、师生交流、人机交流等形式,培养学生利用英语表达特殊 节日的能力。 (三)情感与价值观: 1让学生在自主解决问题的过程中培养成就感,为今后学会自主学习打下良好的基础。 2通过小组协作活动,培养学生合作学习的意识、竞争参与意识和研究探索的精神, 从而调动学生的积极性,激发学生对特殊节日的兴趣。 三、教学内容设计 教学重点:能够借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂短文,了解中西方节日及端午节和万圣 节的一些基本信息,并尝试进行特殊日历的小制作。 教学难点:中国传统节日日期的特殊表达,Halloween 的读音、发音。 四、 教学策略分析 (一)教学方法 1. 任务驱动法 让学生在具体任务的驱动下进行学习,在完成任务的过程中掌握应掌握的知识点。 2协作学习法 把学生分成前后桌 4 人一个小组,每组的成员互相协作来完成。 3讨论交流学习法 在学生完成任务后,每个小组选出代表总结组成,在此过程中,各个小组间得到交流。 (二)教学手段 多媒体教室、相关教学课件 1.学法 “授之以鱼”不如“授之以渔” ,本课教给学生的学法是“接受任务思考讨论合作 操练总结巩固” 。 (1)自主学习法,学生是学习的主体 (2)小组协作学习法,培养学生团结合作的精神 一个人的力量是有限的,而大家集思广益则事半功倍,由于这部分要认识的硬件多而杂, 各小组的每个成员仔细研究一、两个部件,然后大家综合到一起,就可以组成完整的硬件 系统。 (3)互帮互助法 由于学生计算机水平有差异,基础好的学生可以给基础差的学生讲解,学生之间传递的知 识往往比老师传授的更容易接受,这样基础差的学生有了初步的认识,基础好的学生得到 知识的巩固。 五、 教学过程设计 教学内容 教师活动学生活动设计意图 一、创设情境、导 入新课 T:What special days did you see in this song? T: How about this picture? T: This time I will give some messages for you. Can you guess? Sing a special days song together. Answer the question. 运用欢快的歌曲导 入,使学生迅速进 入学习状态并且能 充分复习前课内容, 保持积极的心态去 探索新知. T:We talked so many international festivals. Now, Lets talk about our traditional festival. Can you guess? T: Now, open your books turn to page P21,read by yourself and circle the new words T: What new words have you met? S:Its Dragon Boat Day. S1:p-o-e-t. S2:f-e-s-t-i-v-a-l (Find a group read it one by one) 设疑导入新课。同学 通过图片和信息来猜 测中国的传统节日 T:Now, Lets listen the story. Before listening. I have some questions for you.(What special day is it? When is that day?)T: Now, Let s listen it again, fill in the chart. Listen the first time. Show the chart. 二、新授 ( Dragon Boat Day) 听录音,提问题 朗读课文T: This time I will Find a group read and 出示问题表格,带着 问题听录音,对整体 故事有一个大致的掌 握 分组读句子,检查预 find a group to read and translate. Now, read after it. This time you need to underline the key words. translate the scentence one by one. Underline the key words. 习情况 (小组讨论填表情况) 讲解知识点 (Halloween)T1: We talked our traditional festival. Lets talk about the special day in Western countries. T2:What special day is it? T: Now, read by yourself and circle the new words T: What new words have you met? T:Now, Lets listen the story. Before listening. I have some questions for you.(What special day is it? When is that day?)T: Now, Let s listen it again, fill in the chart. S: Its Halloween S1:H-a-l-l-o-w-e-e-n. S2:c-o-s-t-u-m-e-s (Find a group read it one by one) Find a group read and translate the scentence one by one. Underline the key words. 有趣的动画导入道万 圣节 分组读句子,检查预 习情况 (小组讨论填表情况) 讲解知识点 朗读课文T: This time I will find a group to read and translate. Now, read after it. This time you need to underline the key words. Find a group read and translate the scentence one by one. Underline the key words. 分组读句子,检查预 习情况 讲解知识点 作业布置1.Read and recite this passage. 2.Make your own special calendar. 背诵全文,体味本篇 文章
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