人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 2 Special Days-Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:400b8).zip

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Unit2 Special Days Story Time Tree Planting Day . Do you know other special days? Mid-Autumn Festival Halloween Beer Festival The Dragon Boat Festival Mothers Day * When is ? Its on . What do you do on Mothers Day? * Mary Mary wants(想)to show love to her mother. She wants her mother to have a very special day. What does she do ? Listen and circle the time at 5 oclock First Next Then At 8 oclock * Listen and circle the time at 5 oclock First Next Then At 8 oclock * What does she do ? Work in groups Read and find the answers * * time things /activities At 5oclock First Next Then At 8 oclock Mary wakes up at 5 oclock. First . Next . . Then . At 8 oclock . How does Marys mother feel (感觉)? At last (最后) . Put the sentences in order. * ( ) Mary makes some paper flowers. ( ) Mary cooks breakfast . ( ) Marys mother wakes up. ( ) Mary wakes up. ( ) Mary and her mother are happy ( )Mary writes a card. ( )Marys mother cries. Put the sentences in order. * (2 ) Mary makes some paper flowers. (4) Mary cooks breakfast . (5 ) Marys mother wakes up. (1) Mary wakes up. (7) Mary and her mother are happy. (3 )Mary writes a card. (6 )Marys mother cries. Put them all togetherthey spellMOTHERa word that means the world to M代表着母亲给予了我们一切, O意味着与此同时她正在衰老, T象征着她为了拯救我们流的泪 , H表明了她最无私最伟大的心灵 , E是她充满着爱万分温柔的眼神 , R说明着正确,并且代表着她永 恒的真理。把他们和在一起,便 是母亲,个代表着最无私最伟大 的给予了我所有全部的词。 ThankThank You!You! * Fools Day Unit 2Story Time 教学设计 人民教育出版社(一起点)五年级下册 Unit2 Story Time 一、教学目标: 1.能够读懂描述动物的短文,抓住大意和关键信息借助图片读懂 故事,并能完成课后练习 2.能朗读故事,能体会到故事的情节和人物流露出的感情,并 尝试借助关键词复述表演故事。 二、教学重难点: 如何抓住故事重要信息,尝试借助关键词复述表演故事。 三、教学步骤: A. Lets read 1.热身复习 (1)展示很多特别的日子。 (2)猜节日,用学过巨型问答 When is? Its. What do you do on this special day? I often . 板书主要功能句 (3)How about Merry? Lead out Merry, What does Merry do? How is she going to do on Mothers Day? 学生思考后自由回答,然后引入短文间读 2分层次阅读理解,查找关键信息 (1)Listen and fellow 理解大意 Circle the time : at 5 oclock ,first, next, then, at 8 oclock 学生一起朗读关于 at 5 oclock 的短文,然后完成关于 Merry 信息表 time Things/ activities At 5 oclock wake up First Next Then At 8olock Read and work in groups, then finish the blanks 4)学生两天一组核对答案,教师引导学生对自己书写是否整齐美 观,内容是否正确。 B. Lets talk. 1 教师引导学生观看图片,示范朗读 Lee 的信息,及介绍,What does Merry do at 5 oclock 然后让学生朗读. 2.继续展示时间及图片,让学生根据信息卡,独立介绍,然后朗 读介绍的内容 3.老师展示时间轴,书写关键单词。 4.根据关键单词及时间轴,两人一组尝试介绍本故事. 5.请同学根据关键单词进行展示介绍故事,其他同学可以补充。 C. 完成故事后作业。 四、活动总结 介绍 mother 中 m, o, t, h, e, r 各自代表的含义, 再次感受母爱的伟大,好好爱自己的妈妈! Blackboard Design When is ? Its . What do you do? What does Merry do? At 5 oclock first next then at 8 oclock
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