人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 3 Making Contact-Fun Time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:001d8).zip

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Name: Date: String Telephones Activity Worksheet A String Telephone Worksheet BACKGROUND INFORMATION:Sound travels better and faster through a solid material than through the air.(声音通过固体固体传播比通过空气传播得更快音效更好) ACTIVITY:To see how sound travels through solid things (i) Working in pairs Put your ear to your desk and pat.Then sit up and pat. Is there any difference in the two sounds? SKILLS:Experimenting(做实验) EQUIPMENT: PREPARATION:Make hole in bottom of cups. (ii) Make a string telephone. Try whispering.Can you hear? Touch the string,what can you feel? (iii)Collect Data Sound TestPredictions 预测Observations 观察结果 Original Test Kind of string: _ Pinch the string Let the string hang loose Name: Date: String Telephones Activity Worksheet Wrap hands around listeners cup Wrap hands around speakers cup A A StringString TelephoneTelephone How do you communicate(交流交流)with your friends? I communicate with my friends byby QQQQ ./ naidl rsl author photographer Back CoverFront Cover We can make a string telephone. Can we hear? What do you see in the picture? I see pic&word 3 We need: Lets make a string telephone. two plastic cups (or paper cups) two small toothpicks a long piece of string TaskTask One:One: HowHow toto makemake a a stringstring telephone?telephone? 1.Read1.Read andand reorderreorder(排序排序 ) Thread one end of the string through the bottom of each cup. Tie the toothpicks to the string. Make a small hole at the bottom of each cup. ? ? ? Task One: How to make a string telephone?2. Check Make a small hole at the bottom of each cup. Thread one end of the string through the bottom of each cup. Tie the toothpicks to the string. 用用把把拴于拴于 穿线于穿线于 2 at each cup. Tie the toothpicks to the string. First, make a small hole at the bottom of each cup. Next, thread one end of the string through the bottom of each cup. Then, tie the toothpicks to the string. Do it easier: KNOT 3. Lets read the steps together. Task Two: Lets make a string telephone. 要求:A and B hold the cup with the string tight. Group work A: Talk B: Listen C&D: Touch the string lightly(轻轻地) B C D A A: Can you hear me? B: Yes,I can./No,I cant. A : C a n y o u f e e l anything? C and D: Yes,we can./ No,we cant. the string moves/vibrates(震动) A: What can you feel? C and D: We can feel Group work: Task Three: Do and Discuss 1. Which is better? ( )A. The string is loose. ( )B. The string is tight . 2. Why? Because_. video Task Four: Explore(探究探究) How does the string telephone work? Chinese video A B air air When I talk into cupA, the air in cupA s. The air makes . CupA makes . The string makes . CupB makes the . How does it work? Lets read! move My friend can hear me. 空气空气 cupA move string move cupB move air move AB ? How to make an experiment(试验)? Step 1. Have an idea. 2.We need something. 3. Do it! 5. Think :Why? 4. Watch and think. 6.We learn knowledge ! ? Think: 1.Which is better, the plastic cups or the paper cups? 2.How to make a string phone when there are 3 or 4 people? 3.How long can the string be? Test it. ? (m) 科学绘本主题科学绘本主题A String Telephone 学情分析学情分析 五年级学生的英语口语能力和语言组织能力比较强,已经有了一定的英语 思维能力。他们的兴趣广泛,对日常的学习和娱乐生活安排有自己的理解和喜 恶,因此谈论起日常生活时,他们都有亲身经历和体验,有话可说,有感而发。 学生在学本节课内容之前,已掌握了有关声音的传播、空气震动等科学知识。 本节课的主要任务是让学生运用已知的语言知识和已具备的技能,利用手中的 “土电话”来描述制作过程及探讨其通话原理。 教学内容教学内容 本课为英语科学绘本 A String Telephone。本课主要内容分为:一、通过学 习与制作“土电话”并探讨其通话原理;二、通过学生之间的问答、小组活动 进行对话练习及尝试语言输出用英语表达“关于声音是如何传播的” 。 教学目标教学目标 1.在插图的帮助下理解绘本文字内容。 2.小组合作制作“土电话” ,培养学生合作做事和交流的能力。 3.小组探究“土电话”的工作原理,培养学生的合作探究的意识和能力。 4.通过本节课的学习,初步培养学生跨学科学习的意识,激发跨学科学习兴趣。 教学重难点教学重难点 重点:理解 a string telephone 的文本内容并完成“土电话”的制作。 难点:了解“土电话”的工作原理。 教学资源教学资源 教材、PPT、纸杯、线、牙签 教学流程教学流程 Step I: Greetings Step II: Before Reading 1.Lead-in:How do you communicate with your friends? 2.Observe the book cover and discuss the question: What do you see in the picture? Step III: While Reading 1.Learn the materials we need to make a string telephone. 2.Task One: Read and reorder: How to make a string phone? ( )Thread one end of the string through the bottom of each cup. ( )Tie the toothpicks to the string. ( )Make a small hole at the bottom of each cup. 3.Task Two: Group work: Lets make a string telephone Can you hear me? ()Yes,I can. ()No,I cant. Can you feel anything? ()Yes, we can. ()No, we cant. What can you feel? We can feel( ). 4.Task Three: Do and Discuss (1).Which is better,loose or tight? (2).Why? Because( ). 5.Task Four: Explore: How does the string telephone work? Step IV: After Reading Conclusion: How to make an experiment? 家庭作业家庭作业 Thinking: (1)Which is better? Plastic cups or paper cups? (2)How to make a string phone when therere 3 or 4 people? (3) How long can the string be? 板书板书 Words: assessment move communicate vibrate 学生学习活动评价学生学习活动评价 小学英语教学评价的主要目的是激励学生的学习兴趣和积极性。评价形式 具有多样性和可选择性。评价以形成性评价为主,以学生平时参与各种英语教 学活动所表现的兴趣、态度和交流能力为主要依据。本课的评价内容和评价方 法如下: 结合本课话题把学生分组,结合其在课堂上回答问题及语言输出的情 况,利用给手机充话费的方式来进行小组评价。 Draw:
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