人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 3 Making Contact-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:8094f).zip

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人教新起点 五年级下册 Unit 4 Last WeekendUnit 4 Last Weekend Lesson 1 Warm-up Lets singLets singLets sing Lead-in What do you like to do on the weekend? Practice cleaned the windowwatched TV visited grandparentsclimbed a hilldanced jumped ropelistened to music rowed a boat played chess played computer gamesstayed at home played the piano Practice A Listen and tick Presentation B Chant and say Presentation I washed clothes. It was boring. B Chant and say Practice What did you do last weekend? I watched TV. I climbed a hill. C Lets write Practice Last weekend, Lily played chess with Joy. Andy _ Bill _ played computer games Summary cleaned the window watched TV visited grandparentsclimbed a hill danced jumped rope listened to music rowed a boat played chess stayed at home played the piano washed clothes 学到的短语: 句型:what did you do last weekend? 并作出回答 1. Work in pairs, ask and answer. 2. Make a new chant in your group. 3. What do you think of yourself? Homework 项项目 我很认真听讲,积极举手发 言。 我能运用所学句型,认真思考并 回答提出的问题。 在课上听读环节 中能大声朗读 ,并能表演故事 GreatOKTry hard 教 案 五(1、2) 班 _四_单元 共 _6_课时 本课为第 _1 课时主备人 学习内容 Last Weekend Lesson1 授课时间 学 习 目 标 1. 能够听懂、会说 the window, watched TV, climbed a hill, visited grandparents, danced, jumped rope, listened to music, rowed a boat, played computer games, stayed at home, played the piano, played chess 这些单词和短语,并尝试借助拼读规律记忆它们。 2. 能够使用之前学习过的句子进行对话,操练本单元的重点 词汇。 3. 能根据语境从上述词汇中选择恰当的词语填空。 学 习 重 点 难 点 能够听懂、会说 cleaned the window, watched TV, climbed a hill, visited grandparents,danced, jumped rope, listened to music, rowed a boat, played computer games, stayed at home, played the piano, played chess 这些单词和短语,并尝试借助拼读规律记忆它们。能够使用 之前学习过的句子进行对话,操练本单元的重点词汇。能根 据语境从上述词汇中选择恰当的词语填空。 学习方法情境教学法、小组合作 评价任务1、通过照片、美拍学习本课单词、词组,并在教师引导下借 助拼读规律记忆(检测目标 1 的达成) 2、小组合作使用之前句子进行对话,引出新句型。 (检测目 标 2 的达成) 3、自主补全句子,微信网页版点评(检测目标 3 的达成) 学习过程二次备课 A. Listen and tick. 一热身、导入 1. Lets sing a song together.What do you like to do? 然后请二至三名学生说一说自己想要做的事。 Tip: 此环节的设置是为了让学生复习动词词组。引出 weekend,问:Do you like the weekend? 2. 教师根据学生所说做出相应反馈,引出 PPT 日历图片, 教师可以用日历等向学生讲明 this weekend 和 last weekend 的区别,然后说一说自己上周末是怎样度过的,如: My last weekend was very busy. On Saturday, I washed many clothes and cleaned my rooms. On Sunday, I took my son to his violin lesson and painting lesson. What about you? What did you do last weekend? 然后请两名学生说一说他们上周末的活动。 Tip: 谈论过程中如果学生没有使用过去式,教师可以等学 生说完后用正确的词语重复学生的句子,并重读改正的词 语以示强调。 3. 教师出示 Get Ready 图,与学生谈论图上内容。教师说: Look at these photos. What did they do last weekend? 然后试着让学生自己读出这些词语,感受规则变 化动词的读音与形式。 二呈现新的学习内容 1.接着以上的谈论,教师继续说: Did they really do these things? Lets listen to the tape and find the answer.学生听录音,完成选择练习,整体感知新语言。 学生核对答案,教师再次播放录音,让学生进一步理解新 的学习内容。 2.词汇学习和操练 (1)学习词汇 played the piano。出示学生弹钢琴照片, 引导该生说出,出示单词卡片讲授词汇并进入 What did you do last weekend? 让学生把词语带入句型。 (2)小石美拍;Last weekend,Xiao Shi was busy.Lets watch.引出词汇 cleaned the window,listened the music,played computer games,played chess,stayed at home.并进行学习,出示单词卡片,教师强调发音. (3)出示照片:climbed a hill,rowed a boat.先出示部 分图片,让学生猜测动作。学习词组出示单词卡片教师范 读,小组合作读、开火车读等方式。 (4)学生跳舞照片、跳绳照片、看电视照片、洗衣服照片, 引出词组 danced, jumped rope,watched TV,washed clothes.出示单词卡片小组长领读,男女生分读等。 (5)看望外祖父母的照片,引出词组 visited grandparents,教师范读,开火车读纠正发音。 3. 巩固词汇。 1.教师指着黑板上的单词卡片,齐读,并所学单词读音进 行归类巩固之前所学:在浊辅音和元音后读/d/,在清辅音后 读/t/,在字母 t、d 后读/id/。 2.各小组拿出单词卡片,由小组长检测小组内读,最后教 师找三组进行展示。 3.游戏快闪(配有背景音乐) ,一起巩固所学词组。 三、Chant and say. 1. 教师播放录音,学生仔细听但不看文本,之后说一说听 到了哪些内容。 2. 教师再次播放录音,学生边听边看文本,并小声跟着说 唱。 3. 学生跟录音说唱歌谣,教师适时教授两个目标词。 4. 学生结对,练习说唱歌谣,然后教师请数对学生起立, 大声说唱歌瑶。教师还可视学生的掌握情况组织他们改编 歌谣,然后请他们上台展示。 5.句子接龙。学生结对,将任意一人的词卡放到桌子上, 然后两人依次拿取卡片,轮流造句,如 S1: What did you do last weekend? S2(取一张卡片):I. last weekend. What did you do last weekend? S1 (取一张卡 片):I . last weekend. What did you do last weekend? 此活动可用男女生比赛的方式进行评价。 C. Let s write. 1. 学生朗读句子,尝试使用恰当的词语填空。 2.微信网页版展示学生所写,师生一起点评。 2. 同桌检查,并核对答案。 3. 全班一起核对答案,教师引导学生复习书写时应注意的 点。 Homework: 1. Work in pairs, ask and answer. 2. Make a new chant in your group. 3. What do you think of yourself?
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