人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 4 Last Weekend-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:10268).zip

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Unit 4 Last Weekend Lesson 2 Warm-up Warm-up What did you do last weekend? cleaned the window watched TV visited grandparentsclimbed a hill Warm-up Review danced jumped ropelistened to music rowed a boat Warm-up Review played chess played computer gamesstayed at home played the piano Warm-up Review Warm-up Review Review the chant on P45 Lead-in Presentation A Look, listen and answer Q:What are they talking about? Presentation A Look, listen and number Presentation Listen and imitate Presentation Listen and answer the questions 1. How was Binbins weekend? 2. What did Binbin do on Saturday? 3. What did Binbin do on Sunday? 4. What did Lily do on Saturday? 5. What did Lily do on Sunday? Why? Presentation A Look, listen Presentation Answer the questions 1. How was Binbins weekend? 2. What did Binbin do on Saturday? 3. What did Binbin do on Sunday? 4. What did Lily do on Saturday? 5. What did Lily do on Sunday? Why? How was your weekend? It was . What did you do last weekend? I . Consolidation Presentation B Do a survey B Do a survey Practice C Lets write Practice Andys weekend was _. On Saturday, he _ and _ . On Sunday, he _. fun jumped rope with his friends visited his grandparents rowed a boat with his family Summary -How was your weekend? 如何询问和回答某人上周末的活动安排?如何询问和回答某人上周末的活动安排? -What did you do last weekend? -I -It was wonderful. 1.Read the dialogue on P46.(读读46页对话)页对话) 2. Introduce your own weekend like this( 简单介绍你的周末,并像下面一样写下来)简单介绍你的周末,并像下面一样写下来) : My weenkend was_. On Saturday, I _. On Sunday, I _. Homework Unit 4 Last Weekend Lesson 2 【教材分析教材分析】本课选自人教版(一起)五下 Unit 4 Lesson 2 的内容。五年级上册共有六个单元, 涵盖了以下六个话题内容:Keeping Healthy, Special Days, Making Contact, Last Weekend, Have a Great Trip and Crowing Up.除此之外,还包含两个复习模块。本课设计的是 Unit 4 的第二课时。 本课时共包括三个部分:Part A. Look, listen and number. Part B.Do a survey 以及 Part C. Lets write. 三个部分的设计层层递进,培养了学生听、说、读、写的能力。 教材的编写意图是:通过书中人物的对话引出本课的功能句。让他们在情景中听懂、会说 How was your weekend? /What did you do last weekend?句型并能在自己的实际生活中进行运用。 【学情分析学情分析】已知:学生本单元第 1 课时已经学过相关短语的词汇,也感知了过去式。他们能听 懂、会说与周末相关活动的短语,同时,在第一课时已初步感知了 What did you do last weekend?句 型,这些词汇和句型为学生第二课时的学习奠定了良好的基础。 未知:用 It was wonderful.I.句型表达上周末活动的安排。 【教学内容教学内容】本课是 Unit4 Last Weekend 中的第 2 课时,A 部分借助对话来呈现本课功能句,以及新词 badminton,进一步来帮助学生感知“ed”做后缀的发音。B 部分在学了功能句以后进一步对其进行巩固 操练。C 部分加大检测难度,改为写。 【教学目标教学目标】 1. 知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标:能够理解对话以及会说某人上周末活动安排的功能句:How was your weekend? What did you do last weekend?及其答语:It was wonderful.I. 2. 能力目标:能力目标:能用功能句“How was your weekend? What did you do last weekend?及其答语: “It was wonderful.I.”在恰当的情境中谈论周末的安排。完成调查及表格填写,并能按要求 或提示完成句子填空练习。 3. 情感目标情感目标: : 帮助学生明白玩的时候也要懂得照顾自己 【教学重难点教学重难点】重点:对功能句“How was your weekend?”What did you do last weekend? “及其答语:“It was wonderful.I.”的理解和运用。 难点:对句型中过去式的应用 【教学方法教学方法】交际法等 【教具准备教具准备】Computer、PPT、卡片等 【教学过程教学过程】 教学步骤教学步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step1 Warm up and revision 1. Greeting 2. Listen to a song. 3. Free talk. What did you do last weekend? 4. Review the phrases they have learned last class. 5. Review the chant on P45. 1. Greeting 2. Listen or sing a song. 3. Answer the question: what did you do last weekend? And then work in pairs, and show their dialogues. 听歌不仅可以帮 助学生快速进入 学习状态,而且 歌曲包含本单元 重点短语,加深 印象。 Free talk 部分设 计帮助学生应用 4. Review功能句进行对话。 通过复习已学动 词过去式短语, 以及 45 页 chant,巩固上一 节内容,也为本 节课做准备。 Step2 Lead in 1. Who is she? Who is he?(展示 Lily 和 Binbin 的头像。 ) 2. What activities can you see? Listen and answer: what are they talking about? 3. Lets listen to the tape and number the pictures. 1. Look at the picture &Talk about the pictures. 2. Listen and answer. 2. Listen and number the pictures. 引导学生仔细观 察图片,引出本课 的话题。 提问帮助学生预 测内容大意。 通过观看动画给 图片标顺序,验 证刚刚谈论的图 片内容,也是初 步感知文章内容。 Step3 Presentation 1. Lets listen and imitate. Can you read it by now? Lets read in roles. Boys , you are Binbin, girls , you are Lily. 2.Listen to the video and answer: 1. How was Binbins weekend? 2. What did Binbin do last weekend? 引出功能句并板书: What did . do last weekend? On Saturday, Binbin watched a football match and played football On Sunday, Binbin played the violin. (2)What did Lily do on Saturday? 板书:On Saturday, Lily played badminton. (3)What did Lily do on Sunday? 板书:On Sunday, Lily stayed in bed all 1. Read after the video Read together. Read in roles(boys and girls) Answer the questions. 孩子们通过模仿 跟读、分角色读 等方式进一步学 习 part A 的语音, 语调。并为后面 的使用功能句做 好铺垫。 通过问题串帮助 学生理解对话内 容 day. (4)Summary. 借助板书帮助学生理解对话 Follow the teacher to describe the content of the dialogue, 借助功能句以及 板书描述课文内 容。 Step 4 Consolidation 1.Lets have a pair work: A: How was your weekend? B: It was. A: What did you do last weekend? B: I . 2. Now lets listen to the video and answer my questions: How was Andys weekend? What did he do? Teacher asks one student the questions: How was your weekend, XX? What did you do? And write the result on the PPT to give an example to help students do a survey. 3. Finish the part C. 1.Pair work Show the dialogue. 2.Answer the questions and do a survey. 3.Finish the part C. 通过同伴合作, 操练功能句的使 用 进一步巩固功能 句的使用 Step 5 Summary Ask “What do we learned this class?Answers. 回顾本课所学词 汇与句型。 【家庭作业家庭作业】 1. Read the dialogue on P46. 2. Introduce your own weekend and write it down. 【板书设计板书设计】 Unit 4 Last Weekend Lesson 2 What did . do last weekend? On Saturday, watched a football match and played football. On Sunday, played the violin. On Saturday, played badminton and play in the rain. On Sunday, stayed in bed. 【教学反思教学反思】: 优点:优点: 不足:不足: 提升:提升: Lily Binbin
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