- 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 I went to Sanya for my holidays._Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:b012a)
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PEP8 Unit3 B Lets talk 课 堂 检 测 1.Read and match.(读句子,连线。) How was your holiday? I went to Xinjiang。 Where did you go? It was good. How did you go there? I climbed the mountain and saw a lake. What did you do there? I went there by plane. 2.Write the passage of your holiday.(任选其中一个假日旅游经历完成即可。) 一、面向全体学生,注重学生主体性的体现。一、面向全体学生,注重学生主体性的体现。 在本节课教学目标的制定、教学过程、教学评价等方面力求注重面向全体学在本节课教学目标的制定、教学过程、教学评价等方面力求注重面向全体学 生。通过多种教学形式、评价手段吸;通过音频、视频、表演、文字演示等多种生。通过多种教学形式、评价手段吸;通过音频、视频、表演、文字演示等多种 教学资源的呈现满足不同学习优势学生的学习需求;通过设计不同水平的任务活教学资源的呈现满足不同学习优势学生的学习需求;通过设计不同水平的任务活 动来满足不同层次学生的学习需求。动来满足不同层次学生的学习需求。 同时本课教学设计注重学生主体性的体现。首先,教师是启发者,同时本课教学设计注重学生主体性的体现。首先,教师是启发者,“引发引发”学生思学生思 维,维,“启动启动”学生探索。学生探索。 二、在语境中感悟并体验,培养学生用英语做事情的能力二、在语境中感悟并体验,培养学生用英语做事情的能力。 在本节课的教学设计中,我力求在文本语境中帮助学生学习语言,在生活情在本节课的教学设计中,我力求在文本语境中帮助学生学习语言,在生活情 境中习得语言,以培养学生的综合语言运用能力。境中习得语言,以培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 在文本语境中感悟在文本语境中感悟通过通过SarahSarahs s holidayholiday (Let(Lets s try),try), AmyAmys s holidayholiday (Let(Lets s talk),talk), WuWu YifanYifans s holidayholiday (Let(Lets s learn)learn)对话中三个主人公的假期介对话中三个主人公的假期介 绍,形成一条教学主线。绍,形成一条教学主线。 在生活语境中体验在生活语境中体验以以“为精彩点赞,推荐旅游经历为精彩点赞,推荐旅游经历”的任务为驱动,通过教师的的任务为驱动,通过教师的 假日经历,学生的假日经历分享,提高学生在真实语境中运用语言的能力。假日经历,学生的假日经历分享,提高学生在真实语境中运用语言的能力。 三、加强学习策略指导,培养学生自主学习能力三、加强学习策略指导,培养学生自主学习能力 本节课的教学设计中注重以下学习策略的指导:本节课的教学设计中注重以下学习策略的指导: LetLets s trytry听力部分时听力部分时-Tip1-Tip1:在听的过程中学会抓住关键词,帮助学生理:在听的过程中学会抓住关键词,帮助学生理 解记忆。解记忆。 导入文本前导入文本前-Tip2:-Tip2:学会从图片中提取信息,了解大意,预测文本内容。学会从图片中提取信息,了解大意,预测文本内容。 指导长句朗读时指导长句朗读时-Tip3:-Tip3:一般来说,句子中被强调的部分需要重读。一般来说,句子中被强调的部分需要重读。 跟读模仿时跟读模仿时-Tip4-Tip4:注重朗读时的语音、语调、表情等。:注重朗读时的语音、语调、表情等。 板书呈现板书呈现-利用思维导图的方式,将文本的主干脉络理清,清晰的呈现出来利用思维导图的方式,将文本的主干脉络理清,清晰的呈现出来 ,帮助学生理解、记忆。,帮助学生理解、记忆。 四、利用现代信息技术辅助课堂教学,增强学生人文素养四、利用现代信息技术辅助课堂教学,增强学生人文素养 ,有效进行德育教育。,有效进行德育教育。 本节课的教学设计中,不仅有视频、音频、图片、动画效果、录像等的本节课的教学设计中,不仅有视频、音频、图片、动画效果、录像等的 运用,并且有课内微视频的呈现。播放有关运用,并且有课内微视频的呈现。播放有关holidayholiday的微视频以及大家对各的微视频以及大家对各 自旅游经历的分享过程中开阔了学生的视野,丰富了学生的生活经历,增强自旅游经历的分享过程中开阔了学生的视野,丰富了学生的生活经历,增强 了学生文明旅游的意识。将德育教育自然、巧妙的贯穿在整个教学内容之中。了学生文明旅游的意识。将德育教育自然、巧妙的贯穿在整个教学内容之中。 整节课不同人物假日的分享,更让学生懂得分享的重要性,以及在现代社会整节课不同人物假日的分享,更让学生懂得分享的重要性,以及在现代社会 中学会通过多种现代信息技术途径进行分享以及获得知识,为学生的终身发中学会通过多种现代信息技术途径进行分享以及获得知识,为学生的终身发 展奠定基础。展奠定基础。 Lets talk Amys holiday PEP8 Unit3 B Lets talk Warm up Presentation Practice Extension Homework Free talk Card game 激发兴趣、激活已知 Lets try Summarize Sarah holiday 听前策略指导,实现巧妙过渡。 Where did you go? 通过视频、动画、图片等多种 多媒体辅助学生理解文本,引 发学生谈论Amys holiday. 注重对学生重读的学习策略指 导。 How did you go? What did you do? 利用思维导图的形式呈现板 书,帮助学生梳理文本主干。 Listen and repeat Play in role 注重朗读技巧的指导;使用光盘中的分角 色朗读,较好的利用教材中的教学资源。 Talk about Amys pictures Share a video of holiday 半意义操练:巧妙的延伸文本语境,变化问句 人称进行拓展运用,谈论Amy的假期照片。 播放关于Holiday的微视频,拓展学生视野。 Talk about the teachers holiday Talk about the students holiday 纯意义操练:以“为精彩点赞,分享大家 的旅游经历”为任务驱动,引导学生讨论 自己的假期生活,彼此分享,并通过“四 步”引导学生介绍自己的旅游经历。实现 “听、说、读、写”技能的综合运用。 Wu Yifan holiday 完成本节课的任务以及及时预习。 Sarah Wu Yifan Amy Sarah Listen and circle. 1.What are they talking about? A. School. B. Holidays. 2.Who did Sarah buy gifts for? A. Amy and John. B. Wu Yifan and Amy. Tip1:在听的过程中,抓住关键词在听的过程中,抓住关键词 ,辅助理解记忆。,辅助理解记忆。 Sarah V Tuesday May 1st 18:30 78 147 49 关注 粉丝 微博 went to see the West Lake bought presents Amy V Wednesday February 1st 19:30 78 199 50 关注 粉丝 微博 Tip2:通过读图、提取信息、了解通过读图、提取信息、了解 大意,预测文本内容。大意,预测文本内容。 Lets watch and answer. 1. Where did Amy go over the winter holiday? 2. How did she go there? She went to Sanya with her family. Lets watch. 1. Where did Amy go over the winter holiday? 2. How did she go there? She went to Sanya. She went there by plane. Hainan is far from Beijing. How did you go there? We went there by plane. wher Amy V Wednesday February 1st 19:30 78 199 50 关注 粉丝 微博 Where did you go over the winter holiday? My family and I went to Sanya. How did you go there? We went there by plane. where how What did Amy do? Tips for pronunciation. I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Tip:一般来说,句子中一般来说,句子中被强调被强调的的 部分需要部分需要重读重读。 A: Where did you go over the winter holiday? B: My family and I went to Sanya. A: How did you go there? B:We went there by plane. A: What did you do there? B: I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Tip: Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. (朗读时注意语音、语调。朗读时注意语音、语调。) A: Where did she go? B: She went to A: How did she go there? B:She went A: What did she do there? B: SheShe Where did you go last summer holiday? How did you go there? What did you do ? 推荐指数 I went to Xinjiang last summer holiday. I went there by plane. I took pictures and saw a lake. I went with my mother. Who did you go with? I went there by plane. I took pictures and saw a lake. I went with my mother. I went to Xinjiang last summer holiday. 2.Put them in order. (排列顺序)(排列顺序) 1. Put the answer together. (保留答句)(保留答句) I went to Xinjiang last summer holiday. I went there by plane. I took pictures and saw a lake. I go with my mother. I went to Xinjiang last summer holiday. I took pictures and saw a lake. 3.Add some more. (适当添加点缀适当添加点缀) also lots of a lot of great nice It was warm. It was beautiful. . Sarah V Tuesday May 1st 18:30 78 147 49 关注 粉丝 微博 went to see the West Lake bought presents Amy V Wednesday 78 199 50 关注 粉丝 微博 Wu Yifan V Wednesday 78 199 50 关注 粉丝 微博 1.Try1.Try toto finishfinish youryour holidayholiday andand shareshare others.others. 完成假期之旅的介绍,与他人分享,完成假期之旅的介绍,与他人分享, 为好的旅游之旅点赞。为好的旅游之旅点赞。 2.Preview2.Preview WuWu YifanYifans s holidayholiday。 预习预习LetLets s learnlearn。 人民教育出版社六年级下册人民教育出版社六年级下册 PEP8 U3 B Lets talk 教学设计教学设计 教学内容: 一、本课时教学目标分析:一、本课时教学目标分析: A:能够听说、说、读、写句型:How did you go there? We went there by plane. Sounds great B:能够听、说、读、写词组:took pictures went swimming。能够正确使用上述词组谈论和 描述人物在过去做的事情。 C:能够在情景中运用句型 Where did you go ? How did you go there ? What did you do? 询问并回答别人在过去的时间里去了哪里?乘坐什么交通工具?都做了些什么? D:能运用核心句型进行假期经历的交流,并能转换成简单语篇进行介绍。 二、教学设计的重、难点分析:二、教学设计的重、难点分析: 教学重点: 1. 能听、说、读、写句型:How did you go there? We went there by plane. Sounds great! 2. 能够在情景中运用句型 Where did you go ? How did you go there ? What did you do? 询问并回答别人在过去的时间里去了哪里?乘坐什么交通工具?都做了些什么? 教学难点: 能运用核心句型在进行假期经历的交流,并能转换成简单语篇 三、教学方法:三、教学方法: TeamTeam workwork gamegame readread andand writewrite TPRTPR 三、教学手段:三、教学手段: 多媒体课件、作为奖励的点赞卡、板书卡片、教学卡片 四、教学流程图四、教学流程图 五、教学过程五、教学过程 A:WarmA:Warm upup 1.Free1.Free talk.talk. 2.A2.A cardcard game.game. B:B:Presentation 1.Lets try Look at the screen. Who are missing? Where are they? They meet Sarah. Now they are talking. Lets listen and circle the answers : 1.What are they talking about? 2.Who did Sarah buy gifts for? Pay attention to tip 1: When you are listening, try to catch the key words. Then lets check the answers. This is Sarahs holiday. Sarah wants to know Amys holiday. Do you want to know Amys holiday? What do you want to know about Amys holiday? Maybe we can ask her. This is Amys blog. Lets look at the pictures and try to guess. Tip2:Look at the pictures carefully. Try to guess. (教师将学生对三个问题的猜测依次写在相应的问题下面。 ) What is the answer? Lets watch the video and answer 2 questions: 1.Where did Amy go? 2.How did she go? Lets check. Question1:Where did she go? T: Did you go to Sanya before? It doesnt matter. Amy made a video of Sanya. Lets share(播放三亚视频) T: Do you like it? How was Sanya? (将句子 It was贴于黑板上) Question2: How did she go there? She went there by plane. Why ? Lets see the map of China. Amy lives in Beijing. Sanya is in Hainan. Look, Hainan is far from Beijing. Sarah: How did you go there ? Amy: We went there by plane. Look at the picture. We can get useful information from it. Ask and answer with the picture. Sarah:Where did you go? Amy: I went to Sanya. Sarah: How did you go there ? Amy: We went there by plane. Question3:What did she do ? Lets listen again and answer. Ss: Took pictures and went swimming Lets read. took pictures-took lots of pictures.-took lots of pictures of the beach.(课件中呈现许多沙 滩的图片,帮助学生理解并学习 beach。) And she also went swimming. 朗读练习: I took lots of pictures,and I also went swimming. It is a long sentence. We read the sentence like this. Summarize : (看着板书进行文本核心句型的交流。) Look at the blackboard. This is Amys holiday. Now you are Amy. I ask and you answer Ok? Sarah: Where did you go? Sarah : How did you go there? Wu: What did you do there? C: Practice 1.Listen and repeat. 在听读过程中通过以旧代新的方式解决 sometime 的问题。 教师加强学生跟读时的语音、语调的指导 2. Play in role. 3.Talk about Amys pictures. Sarah says: “Can I see your pictures sometime?” Today Amy shows her pictures on the blog. Can you talk about the pictures? Maybe we can ask and answer like this: Where did she go? How did she go there? What did she do there? D:Extension 1.Write then talk about your holiday. From this video we know if we have a holiday. We should decide where to go? How to go there ? What to do? When to go ? and who do you go with? You know Labour Day holiday is coming . I want to travel. Can you give me some advice? Maybe you can tell us your holiday experiences. Please write it yourself then talk about it with your partner. Write about students holidays. Then lets talk about it with your partner. Who wants to show us. It was my holiday. Can you ask me? 2.How to introduce: We can ask and answer with your partner. But how can we introduce our holiday? Let me tell you. 1st put the answer together. 2nd Put them in order. 3rd Add some more. 4th Make it beautiful. After class please finish your holiday. You can choose 1 or 2 stars. Share your holiday then read more holidays. Which one do you like. Then you can stick your sticker on it. And you also can write some words on the sticker. Just like: It was beautiful/让我们一起为精彩 的旅游经历点赞.And we can do it on the internet or the mobile phone . Well have many experiences of holidays. 德育升华: Remember: Sharing is powerful. Sharing is wonderful. E:homework Today we share Amys holiday , Sarahs holiday , Your holidays. What about Wu Yifans holiday? Next class well learn. Todays homework: 1. Finish the passage. 2.Preview Lets learn. How was Wus summer holiday? 板板 书书 设设 计计 板板