人教精通版五年级下册英语Fun time 1-Fun time 1 Fun Reading-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b0d29).zip

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(精通版)小学英语五年级下 册 old bottlesplastic bags old bagsold shoes old books old toys ThereThere areare plasticplastic things,things, suchsuch as as oldold toys,toys, bottles,bottles, shoesshoes andand plasticplastic bagsbags . . TheseThese wastewaste thingsthings getget togethertogether in in thethe sea.sea. It It is is gettinggetting biggerbigger andand bigger.bigger. 1.Where1.Where is is thethe litterlitter island?island? 2.How2.How bigbig is is thethe litterlitter islandisland now?now? 1.Where1.Where is is thethe litterlitter island?island? 2.How2.How bigbig is is thethe litterlitter islandisland now?now? A.A. ChinaChina B.B. thethe PacificPacific OceanOcean C. C. AmericaAmerica C. C. SixSix timestimes as as bigbig as as England.England. B.B. SixSix timestimes as as bigbig as as France.France. A.A. SixSix timestimes as as bigbig as as Germany.Germany. In our daily life, so many people throw litter into the sea. It ends up in the Pacific Ocean. There is a big island of litter. There are plastic things, such as old toys, bottles, shoes and plastic bags. These waste things get together in the sea and they become an island on the water! The litter island is now six times as big as England. It is getting bigger and bigger. dailydaily lifelife 日常生活日常生活 throwthrow litterlitter 扔垃圾扔垃圾 thethe PacificPacific OceanOcean 太平洋太平洋 plasticplastic thingsthings 塑料物品塑料物品 wastewaste thingsthings 废旧物废旧物 becomebecome变成变成 biggerbigger andand biggerbigger 越来越大越来越大 Tips: 1.Circle. (圈出难词和短圈出难词和短 语语) 2.Work in groups.(组内组内 解决难词和短语解决难词和短语) 3.Take notes.(做笔记做笔记) TheseThese wastewaste thingsthings areare badbad forfor fishfish andand birds.birds. It It is is badbad forfor ourour healthhealth ,too.,too. SomeSome kindskinds of of litterlitter cancan be be usedused again.again. WeWe shouldshould recyclerecycle canscans glassglass andand paper.paper. 1.Look them up!(查字典查字典) 2.Guessing.(猜词)猜词) Tips: h healthealth H 101 102 healthhealth 1.“H1.“H ” ” 2. 2. “e”“e” 3. 3. pagepage “101”“101” Careful reading(细读细读) 根据上下文的主要内容领会句意根据上下文的主要内容领会句意 Tips: In our daily life, so many people throw litter into the sea. It ends up in the Pacific Ocean. There is a big island of litter. There are plastic things, such as old toys, bottles, shoes and plastic bags. These waste things get together in the sea and they become an island on the water. It is getting bigger and bigger. The litter island is now six times as big as England. These waste things are bad for fish and birds. It is bad for our health, too. Some kinds of litter can be used again. We should recycle cans, glass and paper. pickpick flowersflowers cutcut treestrees savesave waterwater plantplant treestrees throwthrow litterlitter Keep our school clean Pick litter(捡垃圾) Keep off the grass Draw pictures on the wall Waster water(浪费水) Spit on the ground Write down the rules how to keep our school clean. Read the picture book (绘本故事绘本故事) .(选做)(选做) 1 English Teaching Plan of the Second Semester, Grade 5 Academic year 2016 to 2017 TeacherSchool Teaching subject Unit 3 We should obey the rules! Fun Facts: A litter Island. Type ReadingThe fourth period Knowledge objects: Can get the main information of the Litter Island according to the passage. Abilities objects: Pair work &Practice. Teaching Objectives Emotion objects: 1.To cultivate students good living habits. 2.Develop the students ability of reading. Key points Can get the main information of the Litter Island according to the passage. The key points & DifficultiesDifficult Points 1.Correctly use: Reading for knowledge. 2. Cultivate students to be a good student who obeys rules. Process and methods Listen and check the number, Group work, read and think Teaching Aids PPT Picture cards Teachers activities &pupils activitiesTwo times preparation . .Greetings and warming-up. 1)Warm-up. Play a game . 【设计意图设计意图】:以游戏的方式呈现,营造轻松愉悦:以游戏的方式呈现,营造轻松愉悦 的学习氛围给学生直观感,也激学生学习的兴趣,的学习氛围给学生直观感,也激学生学习的兴趣, 同时培养学生口语交际的能力。同时培养学生口语交际的能力。 2).Greetings. T:Hello,boys and girls. Im Miss Peng. Im from NO.3 Primary School. Nice to see you again. Ss:. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过问候:通过问候,引起同学们的注意力引起同学们的注意力,拉近拉近 师生关系师生关系. II. Presentation 1. Brain Storm: Show some letters and say the words with letters. Look at the letters carefully, to lead in the key words in the passage. Such as old books, bags, litter 2 Teaching Procedure and island. 【设计意图设计意图】:对所学内容进行巩固,同时也对本:对所学内容进行巩固,同时也对本 单元的重点词句进行检测。通过头脑风暴,拓展学单元的重点词句进行检测。通过头脑风暴,拓展学 生的词汇基础。生的词汇基础。 2. Led in the passage. According to the picture of island, teach “ island”. Compare the pictures of island to lead in the “A Litter Island”, then show different kinds of litter. 3.Ask and answer the questions. (1).How big is the litter island now? (2). Where is the big island of litter? Then check the answers. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过观看视频,让学生整体感知短:通过观看视频,让学生整体感知短 文大意文大意,并初步了解太平洋垃圾岛的垃圾类型和现在并初步了解太平洋垃圾岛的垃圾类型和现在 的规模等知识。的规模等知识。 4.Read and circle the first paragraph. Read the passage and circle the difficult words and phrases. Work in group. Ttake notes. 5.Read after teacher. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过同学们自读,跟读,结合上下:通过同学们自读,跟读,结合上下 文,找出重点单词及短语并在小组内解决疑难词意文,找出重点单词及短语并在小组内解决疑难词意 思,学生解决不了难词的师生共同解决,为进一步思,学生解决不了难词的师生共同解决,为进一步 阅读扫清障碍。阅读扫清障碍。 6 .Read the second paragraph. Talk about what harms of waste things are? Then use the ways to look the words up to solve the difficult words . 【设计意图设计意图】:通过查字典,小组合作等方式解决:通过查字典,小组合作等方式解决 生词难句生词难句,提高学生理解的能力。提高学生理解的能力。 7Read again. Careful reading. To know the key points carefully in this passage. 设计意图设计意图】:通过阅读,完成问题。从而理解:通过阅读,完成问题。从而理解A litter island 的形成原因及危害性。的形成原因及危害性。 8.Emotional education. Do you throw litter everywhere ?What should/shouldnt we do? 【设计意图设计意图】设计此环节,旨在注重加强对学生的设计此环节,旨在注重加强对学生的 思想品德教育,帮助学生正确认识到保护环境的重思想品德教育,帮助学生正确认识到保护环境的重 要性,也为学习下一环节做铺垫。而通过垃圾分类要性,也为学习下一环节做铺垫。而通过垃圾分类 的图片容易让学生明白垃圾分类的重要性和如何分的图片容易让学生明白垃圾分类的重要性和如何分 3 类。从而真正理解这篇小阅读,提高阅读技巧,培类。从而真正理解这篇小阅读,提高阅读技巧,培 养学生的自主学习能力及保护环境的良好品质。养学生的自主学习能力及保护环境的良好品质。 III. Consolidation or summary: T:We learned the reading of a Litter Island. We should keep our school clean, keep Yi Ning clean and protect the environment. 设计意图:通过小结,帮助同学们对本节课的学设计意图:通过小结,帮助同学们对本节课的学 习内容进行梳理,增强保护环境的意识。习内容进行梳理,增强保护环境的意识。 V. Homework: 1.Write down the rules how to keep our school clean. Blackboard Design old toys shoes waste things bottles bad for plactic bags birds Sea animals People 4 Feed Back AdvantagesAdvantages: DisadvantagesDisadvantages: Improvements:Improvements:
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