人教精通版六年级下册Unit 3 We are going to travel.-Lesson 16-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:30129).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 We are going to travel._Lesson 16_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:30129)
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What happened in 2008? Many foreigners are going to visit China. Where are you going to visit? Name: Lily Age: 13 Country: USA China a map of China Good news ! 中国旅行社:现面向中小学招募小导中国旅行社:现面向中小学招募小导 游,游, 快来加入我们吧!快来加入我们吧! You should: 1. You should like traveling. 3. You should speak English well. 2. You should know the interesting places in Beijing well. I like traveling! I went to _ (地点)(地点) _ (时间)(时间). I like traveling! I went to _ (地点)(地点) _ (时间)(时间). I went to _ (地点)(地点) _ (时间)(时间). I like traveling! I like traveling! I went to _ (地点)(地点) _ (时间)(时间). You should: 1. You should like traveling. 3. You should speak English well. 2. You should know the interesting places in Beijing well. Talk about in group(合作探究合作探究) What condition(条件条件)do you need to be a tour guide? Beijing big beautiful capital clean morden 1 2 3 4 5 6 Can you guess? “ A man who doesnt reach this place isnt a true man (好汉)(好汉).” the Great Wall /ei/:/ Its very large. Its a royal garden(皇家园林). Kunming Lake is famous. Can you guess? the Summer Palace / /i/ There are 13 tombs there. Its not far from the center of Beijing. Can you guess? the Ming Tombs /u:/ It is a place for praying for (祈求祈求) rich(富有)(富有) and happiness. Can you guess? the Temple of Heaven /e/e/ It is also called Palace Museum. It is in the centre of Beijing. It is the most famous palace in China. Can you guess? the Forbidden City /i/ Its a big park. There is a lake in this park. We can go boating there. Can you guess? Beihai Park You should: 1. You should like traveling. 3. You should speak English well. 2. You should know the interesting places in Beijing well. What questions will the visitors ask ? Where? When? How? How long? ? Where are we going? How are we going to visit? When are we going to visit ? How long are we going to stay? You should: 1. You should like traveling. 3. You should speak English well. 2. You should know the interesting places in Beijing well. Congratulations! You are a real tour guide! Lily prepared for her travel. She washed her short shirt. She washed her short skirt. She washed her sports shoes. She washed her toy ships. sh / / (Lily 在为她的旅游做准备在为她的旅游做准备.) Lets travel! I have a good time in Beijing! You are all good guide(金牌导游)金牌导游). Lilys email Dear friend: Thanks for showing me around Beijing. I have a good time in China. I know the weather gets hotter and hotter. Summer holiday is coming. Tell me your travel plan. yours Lily Behave yourself during the travel. Homework a.Copy the words. b.Learn more about interesting places in Beijing. L esson16教学设计 一、教学目标 1. 能够听、说、读、写单词:the Great Wall,tomorrow; 能够听、说、认读 短语:the Ming Tombs , the Summer Palace , the Forbidden City , the Temple of Heaven , Beihai Park 并能够在真实的语境中运用。 2. 能够听、说、读、写目标语言:Were going to visit the Great Wall this morning. 1/5 在真实的语境运用 When are we going to visit the Summer Palace ? Tomorrow morning 等功能语句。 3. 引导学生自主学习,大胆探究,编写对话的能力。在教学中引入评价机制, 发展学生的自我调控策略。 4.通过本课的学习,引导学生正视旅行中的不文明行为,让学生做一名文明旅 游小达人。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点 1)正确听、说、读、写单词:the Great Wall,tomorrow;听、说、认读单词:the Ming Tombs , the Summer Palace , the Forbidden City , the Temple of Heaven , Beihai Park 并能够初步运用。 2)正确地听、说、认读目标语言:When are we going to visit? Were going to visit.并能够在实际生活中运用交流。 2. 教学难点 1) 理解并能在生活实际中运用这组句型 When are we going to visit? Tomorrow morning. On Sunday并能够在实际生活中运用这一句型对参观 游览的景点进行提问。 2)准确的认读这些较为生僻的专有名词并熟悉其地理位置。 3)根据所学内容能简单准确的对名胜古迹进行介绍和描述,并能说出自己对 这些名胜古迹的感想。 三、教学过程 1. 热身复习(Warming-up /Revision) 1)Ask students a question: “What happened in 2008?”以提问的方式开始本 节课,引出 2008 年北京奥运会,迅速带领学生们进入本节课的情境中。 2)Talk about the cities in China. 根据中国地图讨论中国的城市,学生如果说 出城市的正确位置就能获得方向的首字母,例如:Sanya is in the south of Beijing. 学生就可获得首字母 S。当学生全部完成任务,就可以得到所有首 字母 N-E-W-S,从而教师会告诉学生们一个好消息。 【设计意图】:在热身环节中,不知不觉创设的主题情景“Good news.” 既能帮助学生在学习新知识前复习巩固,融入情景,激发兴趣,也为后面的情 境埋下了伏笔,激起学生的学习兴趣。 2. 新课呈现(Presentation) 1)创设主题情境。 T:Boys and girls, I have a good news for you. You have a chance to be a little tour guide for Lily and her family. But you should satisfy three conditions. Are you ready? 2/5 a.You should like traveling. b.You should know the interesting places well in Beijing. c.You should speak English well. 【设计意图】:设置本节课的主线,学生需要满足三个条件才能成为 Lily 一 家人的导游,让学生把目标语言融入到真实情境中,不仅能增强学生的语言 表达能力,也能拓宽学生的视野。 2)复习巩固。 T: I know most of you like traveling very much. Here are some photos of our students. Lets see. (出示班内学生们曾经旅游的照片,并提问。) T: Do you like traveling? Where did you go? Ss: Yes, I like traveling. I went to Shandong last year. T: Is there hot? Yes. T: Were you happy? Ss: Yes, I was. 【设计意图】:展示学生曾经旅行的照片,并让学生回答去的哪里,什么时间 去的以及一些常规问题。让学生在复习一般过去时表达的同时提升语言表 达能力,建立新旧知识的链接。 3)词汇短语学习。 T: Children . There are so many interesting places in Beijing . Choose a number and guess what it is. Ss: OK ! T: Look at the these pictures .Choose one. (教师将图片调为深色,保留轮廓) Ss: No.2 No.6 T: It is a big park. There are many trees and flowers in it. You can go boating there. Ss: Beihai Park. T: Where are you going to visit ? Ss: Were going to visit . (学生每选择一个号码,用语言描述的方式让学生猜是哪个景点,猜出后并结 合句型进行练习对话) 【设计意图】:在讲解新单词的同时,将单词融入到核心句型中去,做到词不 离句,在语言的输入上给予学生整体的认知概念并加以具体的运用,会让学 生在语言知识形成的初步阶段就和实际操作运用结合起来,真正的达到学以 致用。 4)操练句型。 T:If you are a tour guide, maybe some visitors will ask you some questions. And what questions will the visitors ask? (教师在 PPT 上给出提示词,where, when,how,how long让学生答出完整句子。) Ss:Where are we going? 3/5 When are we going to visit the Great Wall? How are we going to visit the Summer Palace? How long are we going to stay?. (在学生问的过程中更多的操练目标语言 When are we going to visit.? Tomorrow morning. On Sunday) 【设计意图】:以让学生猜测游客可能会问的问题来操练目标句型并进行扩 展练习,让学生在真实的语境中感受句型的问答,既扎实了句型的掌握也让 目标语言渗透在真实的情境中,也为后面的对话练习进行了铺垫。 3. 趣味操练(Practicing) a: Lets chant. T:Boys and girls, congratulate to finish the whole tasks. Now, you are a real tour guide. Are you happy? You can show Lily and her family around Beijing. And Lily prepared this travel. Lets chant together. Lets chant together. She washed her short shirt. She washed her short skirt. She washed her sports shoes. She washed her toy ships. 【设计意图】:自然的引入歌谣“sh”, 把歌谣也引入情境中,巧妙的连接在 一起, 让学生感受字母组合“sh”的发音。 b: Make a dialogue. T: Now, lets travel together. Ill give you two minutes to prepare. Ready? Ss: Go! 【设计意图】:本环节整体输出目标语言,让学生们真实还原主题情境,带领 Lily 一家去旅行,给予学生充分的练习时间,利用旅行帽,导游旗等道具展示对 话。并评选出金牌导游,升华主题。 4. 语言输出(Production) T: Lily came back to America and sent an email to you. And please tell Lily your travel plan. Dear friend: Thanks for showing me around Beijing. I have a good time in China. I know the weather gets hotter and hotter. Summer holiday is coming. Tell me your travel plan. Yours Lily 【设计意图】: 设计自己的旅行计划,对本单元进行整合。 5.情感教育(Emotional - Education) T:Boys and girls, when you travel, please behave yourself. 【设计意图】:培养学生成为文明旅游小标兵。 7 . 家庭作业(Homework) 1.Discuss the travel plan with your family. 2.Learn more about interesting places in Beijing.
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