人教精通版六年级下册Unit 4 General Revision 1-Task 5-6-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:30f03).zip

相关 举报
  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 General Revision 1_Task 5-6_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:30f03)
    • General Revision.pptx--点击预览
    • walk up and walk down.flv
    • 教案30f03.doc--点击预览
    • 百度地图视频.wmv
    • 音频.mp3


Bank SupermarketHotel Hospital Post office Bookshop GeneralGeneral RevisionRevision -教学设计教学设计 一、一、教学背景教学背景 教学年级:六年级教学年级:六年级 教材分析:教材分析: 本课是人教版精通英语六年级下册中针对地点、位置、问路等 话题的复习课.在本册书第二单元中已经学习了介绍一些场所的位置, 并掌握了一些简单的问路用语。所以本课中会以话题的形式呈现, 复习整合这些知识点。通过和学生一起设计一个美丽、繁华的社区 的情境让学生综合运用重点句型,从而来复习巩固知识点,达到能 够在真实的情景灵活运用所学句子进行表达的目的。 学情分析:学情分析: 本课的教学对象是六年级的学生,这些学生从三年级开始学习 英语,到目前为止已经学习了将近四年的时间,掌握了一定的英语 知识和语言表达能力,比如在五年级上册中学习了cinema,hospital, bank,hotel, restaurant,shopping mall, shop等表示场所的单 词。在三年级上册以及五年级下册中,分别都对交通工具car, bus, bike, taxi, train, ship, plane等单词进行了学习。在四年级下 册中学习了句型There is /are,在本册书第二单元中也学习了句 子The bank is in front of my home. How can I get to the City Library?等句子。学生已经对有关话题的句子进行了初步的学 习,所以在本课中应尽量多的为学生提供表达英语的机会,让学生 在真实的语境中将所学句子得以应用,将知识融会贯通。 二、二、教学目标:教学目标: 1.1.教学目标教学目标 1 1)学生能够能够正确表达场所的地点位置,以及能够听懂并说 出指路时的用语。 2 2)学生能够结合实际情况选择正确的出行方式。 3 3)学生能够知道在一些公共场所哪些事能做,哪些事不能做, 提高自身素质。 2.2.教学重、难点教学重、难点 本课的教学重点是让学生学会正确表达场所的地点位置;教学 难点是让学生能够结合实际情况,选择适合自已的交通工具。 三三 教学过程教学过程 1.1. 课前导入(课前导入(WarmWarm upup andand leadlead inin) T:Hello,boys and girls. Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you,too. T: I have an English story book. Its very interesting. But I cant find it . Its in our classroom. Can you find it? S:Is it on your desk/behind the door? T: Yes! Its here. Thanks a lot! 【设计意图设计意图】导入环节中先让学生帮我找一本英语故事书,从而来 练习一些地点方位介词的表达,为后面的课堂活动做准备。 2.2. 呈现新知(呈现新知(PresentationPresentation) 1 1)出示本单元学习的重点单词和重点句子,以开火车的方式进行接 龙读呈现本单元重点内容,并引出设计社区的话题。 T:In this lesson, Well review some places. First, look at these important words and sentences. Read these words one by one. S1: bookshop S2: supermarket S3: T: Look at these words and sentences. What can we do with them? I have a good idea! We can design a community. First, lets think “What are there in this community?” 2 2)T:The first place, There are a lot of delicious food in it. And sometimes we have dinner with our parents and friends in there. Where is it? S:Restaurant! T: Yes! Now lets guess other places. I need six students. Please come here. (幻灯片出示场所图片,然后对座位上的学生说) T: You can introduce the place. And they guess “Where is it?” S:park. T: What should we do in the park? S1: We should keep off the grass. S2: We shouldnt litter and pick flowers. T: Yes! We should keep the park clean and beautiful (supermarket/ cake shop/ bookshop/ hospital/ school) 【设计意图设计意图】让学生通过对一些场所的介绍,猜一猜这个社区里都有 哪些场所,然后和学生聊一聊在这些场所应该怎样做,不应该怎样 做,即对学生规则方面的表达进行了简短的复习,同时也是对学生 良好素养的培养。 3 3)T: Wow, there are so many places in this community. But where are they? For example, the park is beside the buildings. S1:The school is in front of the park. S2:There is a hospital behind the school. S3: T:Wow! What a busy community! Is your community busy? S: Yes! T: Think! Where do you like to go? S: I like to go to the T: Why? S: T: I want to go to. But I dont know “Where is it? Look! Im here. Can you help me?” S:Go down the street and T:Yes! I can see it. Thank you! 【设计意图】让学生自已设计并说一说这些场所的位置。通过希沃 白板软件,可以实现学生在说出位置后,老师就可以实现在课件中 直接将图片移动到指定位置,这样一来学生表达的兴趣特别浓厚。 设计完社区后,教师再说出自已想去的地点,让学生在设计好的社 区内帮忙指路,复习指路时的用语。 4)4) T: How can I get there? S: You can get there on foot/ by bike/by bus. T: How can you go to school everyday? S: I can go to school on foot. T: How long does it take to go to school on foot? S: Half an hour./ a few munites./ T: Now, lets think. On foot, by bike, by car, by busWhich one is better? S: By car. T: Why? S: T: By car and by bus, we can have more time to do another things. But on foot and by bike, they can protect the environment. And make us healthy. 【设计意图】通过和学生的交流,让学生尝试着去表达自已的每天 都是怎样去上学的?大概要花费多长时间?再通过让学生思考哪种 交通方式更好,从而倡导绿色环保的出行方式。 2.2.巩固提高巩固提高 (Practice)(Practice) 1 1)T: Look at Gao Wei! Where is he going? You can guess each other with your partner. S1:Where is he going? Can you guess? S2: Maybe, he wants to go to _. S1:Where is it? S2:Go down this street and_. 【设计意图】猜一猜 Peter 将要去哪里让学生两人一组相互交流进 一步练习运用给别人指路时的用语。通过对话练习来照顾到每一名 学生,目的就是为了能在这节课让所有学生都能有语言表达运用的 机会,突破本课的教学难点。 2 2)T: In this summer holidays, I will visit Beijing with my family. How can I go to Beijing? S: By train /plane/car T: Wow! There are so many ways to go to Beijing. But which one is better? If you will go to Beijing. How can you get there? Look at this form and talk about in your groups. S: We can get there by_. Because _. 【设计意图】与实际生活相联系,在培养学生语言表达能力的同时, 引导学生跟据自身的实际情况选择正确的出行方式。并了解一些生 活 常识。 3.3. 拓展提升拓展提升 (Application)(Application) 1 1)T:Look at this dialogue. Can you read it? S:Yes!(两人分角色朗读对话) T: Look! “walk up” Whats meaning?(在文中划出 walk up) (看微课讲解 walk up 和 walk down) T: “go past” Whats meaning? (在文中划出 go past) Look! Im going past the blackboard. S: 经过! T: Yes, Youre so clever! Now let read the dialogue and write the places on the map. And then draw “How to get to the post office?” S:(读对话,补全地图,然后画出路线) T:Look at here! Where is it? S: Its a bank! T:But where is it? (指剩余的空白处) Now lets listen carefully!(播放对话录音) S:(学生边听边写出地点,并画出路线) 【设计意图设计意图】通过阅读对话,并将缺失的地图补充完整的活动,来 训练学生快速的掌握文中关键词,理解对话含义的能力。这个环节 是针对本单元重点单词和句子,对学生综合语言运用能力的练习和 考查。 2)T:After school, I want to buy a beautiful coat. So I want to go to the shopping mall. How can I get there? S: T: Look! If you want to go anywhere. The mobile phone will help you. Open the map and write the place. Ok!You can know “How can you get there?”and “How long does it take to go there?”Is it cool? You can go anywhere with mobile phone. You will have a good travel. 【设计意图设计意图】向学生介绍百度地图软件,使学生掌握一项出行技能, 从课堂上的一些细节,培养学生的素养和能力。 4.4.总结总结(Sum-up)(Sum-up) T:Now look at the blackboard. And think “What did you learn in this lesson?” S: T: Did you have a good time? S: Yes! 5.5.作业(作业(HomeworkHomework) T: Look at todays homework. You can choose one and do it. A. Where do you want to go? And how can you get there? You can talk about them with your friends. B. Design a perfect community. And introduce the community to your classmates. 四、板书设计四、板书设计 GeneralGeneral RevisionRevision
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