人教精通版六年级下册Unit 4 General Revision 1-Task 9-10-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:52a26).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 General Revision 1_Task 9-10_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:52a26)
    • There are twelve months.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案52a26.doc--点击预览


There are twelve months in a year. 沙湾三小沙湾三小 柳琴柳琴 第一,第一第一,第一 firstfirst 第第二,第二二,第二 secondsecond 第三,第三第三,第三 thirdthird 第四,第四第四,第四 fourthfourth 第五,第五第五,第五 fifthfifth 第六,第六第六,第六 sixthsixth 第七,第七第七,第七 seventhseventh 第八,第八第八,第八 eightheighth 第九,第九第九,第九 ninthninth 第十,第十第十,第十 tenthtenth 第十一,第第十一,第十一十一 eleventheleventh 第第十二,第十二十二,第十二 twelfthtwelfth 比一比谁的眼睛最亮! is the first month of the year. January is the second month of the year. February is the third month of the year. March is the fourth month of the year. April May is the fifth month of the year. May 五月五月 Labour Day 劳动节劳动节 , or May Day is on May 1st. Labour Day 五一国际劳动节五一国际劳动节 is also in May.Mothers Day 母亲节母亲节 June is the sixth month of the year. June 六月六月 Childrens Day 儿童节儿童节 The first day of June is in China. Childrens Day 在中国六月的第一天是儿童节在中国六月的第一天是儿童节 . Fathers Day 父父亲节亲节 is in June, too. Fathers Day September Teachers Day October National Day NovemberNovember NovemberNovember isis thethe eleventheleventh monthmonth ofof thethe year.year. ThanksgivingThanksgiving DayDay Thanksgiving Day is on the 4th Thursday of November. DecemberDecember DecemberDecember isis thethe twelfthtwelfth andand lastlast monthmonth ofof thethe year.year. ChristmasChristmas Christmas is on December 25th. 一月,一月一月,一月 JanuaryJanuary 二月,二月二月,二月 FebruaryFebruary 三月,三月三月,三月 MarchMarch 四月,四月四月,四月 AprilApril 五月,五月五月,五月 MayMay 六月,六月六月,六月 JuneJune 七月,七月七月,七月 JulyJuly 八月,八月八月,八月 AugustAugust 九月,九月九月,九月 SeptemberSeptember 十月,十月十月,十月 OctoberOctober 十一月,十一月十一月,十一月 NovemberNovember 十二月,十二月十二月,十二月 DecemberDecember Lets chant 一月 一月 January January New Years Day is in January. 二月 二月 February February Spring Festival is in January or February. 三月 三月 March March Tree Planting Day is in March. 四月 四月 April April Easter is in March or April. Have a try (连词成句) 1.a,May,month,is,fifth,year,of,the . 2.year,month,is,sixth,a,June,the,of . 3.is,in ,ChildrensDay,June 4.Labour Day,May,is,in May is the fifth month of the year . June is the sixth month of the year. Childrens Day is in June. Labour Day is in May. Homework 1.抄写并背会本节课新学的单词抄写并背会本节课新学的单词。 2. 用所学的新单词造句。用所学的新单词造句。 3. 完成小练习册中的习题。完成小练习册中的习题。 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1、能听、说、读、写下列单词:March,May, June ,December 2、能听懂、会说、会写、会用下列句型:1)How many months are there in a year? How many seasons are there in a year? 2)There are twelve months in a year. There are four seasons in a year. 3、能听懂、会说、会写、会用下列短语:each season ,bigin in ,from. to. 二、教学重、难点:二、教学重、难点: 1、能听、说、读、写下列单词:March,May, June ,December 2、掌握句型: 1)How many months are there in a year? How many seasons are there in a year? 2)There are twelve months in a year. There are four seasons in a year. 三、教学用具:三、教学用具: (1)日历 一份。 (2)12 个月份的单词卡,每个月份至少三张。 (3)一年四季挂图。 四、教学过程:四、教学过程: (一) 过程设计: 1. Greeting : 2. Review: Chant (Three little teddy bears jumping on the bed) (学生三人一 组拍手说) 2 New Concepts : T: Today we ll learn Lesson 14: Month of t he year (多媒体出示幻灯片,课 题) Now look at , There is a calender in my hand. What does the “calender” mean? Ss:日历 T:Yes , There are twelve months in a year. They are January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , December.( 教师边说边点出上述十二个月份的单词) 讲解读音后领读,学生跟读。待学生会说后 问学生 Whats your favourite month?让学说回答 My favourite month is .教师又问: Why?学生用汉语回答。 教师接着说 Me too.(多媒体出示四季景色,介绍说:This is the spring /summer/autumn/winter. season, There are four seasons in a year . December ,January and February make the winter season. March , April and May make the spring season . June July and August make the summer season . September Octomber and November make the autumn season . (让学生知道哪几个月份组成的四个季节)教师指春天、夏天、秋天、冬天的图问 How s the weather?学生回答:温暖、有阳光,热、有太阳,多风、多云,冷、多雪。 师说:Yes ,The weather is warm and rainy.依次问 Hows the weather? The weather is hot and sunny. The weather is windy and cloudy. Its cold and sonwy. 领学生说单词,学生会说后,让学说拿自己的小卡片以小组为单位进行问答练习。 教师将四季图片贴在黑板上,找每个小组的同学对话练习(让学生根据图片意图自己编对 话,说多说少说对说错都给予鼓励) 放录音,让学生说十二个月份的名称。 3Class Closing: Take out your Activity book,给学生解释题目,让学生做练习。 ht/left 让学生用这两个短语连起来造句。 6、 学生对话表演。 (二)、拓展练习 编对话:让学生分组练习,两名学生扮演迷路的外国游客,向其 他学生求助,可以用以前学过的单词或短语。 小组编对话,然后上台表演。 这个拓展练习主要针对大多数学生,对于有困难的学生不必统一要求。这里主要训 练学生组织语言进行听说的能力。学生开始不一定说得有条理,但是经过长期的训练,学 生的听说水平会有很大提高 五、作业五、作业 1、 熟读课文,有条件的学生可要求背诵。 2、 自制一幅路线图,然后介绍到图上某一地点所走的路线。
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