人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 4 What's wrong with you -Lesson 24-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:d0f3c).zip

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五年级精通英语 下册 Unit 4 Whats wrong with you? Look and say quickly. have a bad cold have a headache have a stomachache have a cough have a toothache have a fever have a backache take some medicine have a good rest drink more water eat ice cream ache常指持续性的疼痛,它常与身 体部位的名词构成复合词,如: headache头痛,backache背疼等。 主语+have/has +a +部位ache 合作学习: 我是小先生 学习目标: 1. 会认读复合词; 2. 能够结合表演巩固复习句型。 时 间: 2mins Whats wrong with her/him? He/She has a He should/shouldnt 合作学习: 坐庄法 学习目标: 1. 由A同学指定的同学进行提问和回答。 2. 了解情况后,同学依次给出建议。 时 间: 2mins take some medicine have a good rest drink more water eat ice cream Story Time Task1: Question 1: Did the Little Monster go to school?幻灯片 9 2. Did he go to the doctor? 3.Did he feel happy? Just a little sick. ? I want to eat an ice cream Mom,I want to play games. I want I want I feel much better,now. I feel much better, now. I dont want to see doctor. ? ? Task2: 1. Fill in the blanks. 2. Act it out. 3. You have 6mins. Little Monster: May I speak to _. He calls her teacher, Miss Black. Miss Black: This is Miss Black _. Little Monster: Good morning, Miss Black. This is little monster. Im _ today. I feel not good. I have a _. Maybe I have a bad _. Im afraid I cant _. Miss Black: Ok! Dont worry about your lessons. You should_. You should _. You should _. Little Monster: Thank you, Miss Black. Ill be back to school. Scene1 My mum takes me to the hospital. Mr doctor: _ Little Monster: My name is _. Mr doctor: _? Little Monster: Im eleven. Mr doctor: _? Little Monster: I have a bad_. I have a sore throat. Mr doctor: Ok. Open your mouth say “Ah.” Mum: Whats wrong with him? Mr doctor: He has a bad cold. Dont worry. Take some _, then _. He will get well soon. Little Monster: I dont want to take medicine. Mr doctor: Oh, you must eat them. And you should drink more water. Stay in bed all day. Little Monster: Oh, What a boring day! Scene2 Dragon: I have _ for you. Owl: Look, heres a _for you. Little monster: Oh, thank you! But Im worried about my_. Dragon: Dont worry. Ill help you with your_. Owl: Ill help you with your_. Roster: Ill _. Little monster: Thank you very much. Owl: How are you feeling today? Little monster:_. Roster: Here is /are _ for you. Scene3 Show time Scene1 Scene2 Scene3 The little monster is ill. He has a bad cold. He cant go to school. He calls his teacher Miss Black for rest. His mother takes him to the doctor. The doctor asks his name and age, then checks(检查) his throats, nose and ears. The doctor says:” You have a bad cold. You should take some medicine and stay in bed all day. His classmates come to see him. They bring him a lot of things. The rooster gives some flowers to him. The Dragon brings some chocolates to him. The owl sends him a get-well card. The monster feels better. But he is worried about his lessons. The dragon will help him with his English. The owl will help him with his Chinese. The rooster will help him with his maths. They hope he will get well soon. Task3: 1. Read this passage by yourself. 2. Finish the questions. 3. You have 4mins. Choose the right answer. (For A and B) 1. Whats wrong with the little Monster? ( ) A. He has a bad cold. B. He has a toothache. 2. What does the doctor check(检查)? ( ) A. He checks Monsters head, teeth and arms. B. He checks Monsters throats, nose and ears. C. He checks Monsters mouth, legs and arms. 3. Who comes to see the little Monster? ( ) A. His classmates come to see him. B. His friends come to see him. C. His teachers come to see him. True or false(T) or (F) 2. The dragon brings some chocolates for him. ( ) 3. The rooster give some fruits for him.( ) 1. The little Monster has a toothache.( ) 4. His teachers come to see him.( ) keep healthykeep healthykeep healthykeep healthy An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天一只苹果,医生远离我。 Health is themostpreciousgiftthat nature can prepare for us the most fair。Montaigne 健康是自然所能给我们准备的最公平最珍贵的礼物。 蒙田 1.做一张英汉双语的get-well card 送给最近生 病的同学或朋友,并尝试将自己与病人的对话用 英文书面表达出来。 2. A,B同学拓展阅读任务。(toothless tiger) Home work 单元主题 Unit 4 Whats wrong with you? 课 题The 5th period 教学内 容 分析 本课内容通过小魔怪生病为线索,在一个完整的语篇中呈现出一个完整的 故事内容,故事中少了三个重要的关键情节,请学生为帮助小魔怪完成这三 个重要任务。 学情 分析 通过本单元学习,学生们已熟悉掌握前几课的对话情境和内容,也积累了 有关生病看病的词汇和句型,为本课的情境表演做了铺垫。 教学目标(依据以下几个维度设计:语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度) 语言知识:Whats wrong with you? I have a Whats wrong with him/her? She/He has a You should/ shouldnt Heres some for you. Ill help with your 语言技能:能够运用以上句型在适当的情境中进行交流。 学习策略:通过小组合作,设置情境完成对话。 情感态度:培养学生关心身边的同学、朋友或家人健康状况的情感,并能提出合理的 建议。同时要学会关注自身的健康状况,养成良好的健康管理习惯。 教学 重难点 1.能够进行人称的转换。 2.学生在情境中进行语言的运用和表演。 教学方 法及手 段 TPR(全身反应法) ,合作学习,情境交际,思维导图, 任务教学法 教学过程(按 Preparation-Presentation-Practice-Production-Summary 流程设计) 教学环节师生活动设计意图 Warm up 1. Sharp eyes. 2. Lets say a 1. Show the pictures quickly, the students look and speak them quickly. 2. Read the chant together. 通过火眼金金 的游戏让学生 复习重点单词 和短语。 chant together. 通过 chant 的 朗读,学生回 顾主要句型。 Presentation 1. 词汇拓展:复合词的构成 headache, backache, neckache, armache,earache,stomachache, 随后适时提问 Whats wrong with you?并通过教师具有表演 性的动作引导学生领会意思,主 动发问 Whats wrong with you?并进行回答。教师运用句型 What should I do?引导学生给 出建议。 You should. 学生在教师示范后,采用小先生 的合作方法,在小组内进行操练, 演示。 2.邀请学生进行表演,并及时进 行人称转换的引导。 3 采用合作学习的坐庄法,在各 小组成员之间进行练习; Whats wrong with him/her? He/She has a . He should/shouldnt. 。 3.引出故事主要人物 The Little Monster.老师带着学生 一起进行故事的阅读。 引出问题:故事中缺少的三个重 要场景。 Can the Monster go to school? What should he do? Did the Monster go to the 1.通过教师引导 组合成新的单词, 利用肢体语言, 引导学生进行询 问:Whats wrong with you? 各小组在 A 同学 带领下边表演边 练习说句子,加 深对单词的记忆 及句型的理解运 用。 2. 利用学生表演 及时进行人称转 换。 3.各组成员在 小组内积极的 进行语言的运 用练习。采用 坐庄法,检测 各组同学是否 能够掌握人称 转换后的运用 3.带着学生对文 本形成初步感知, 通过阅读后的几 个问题,引导学 生进入三个关键 场景的设计。 hospital? What did they say? Is he happy now? If you are the classmates of him, What should you do? 4.小组合作进行情境交际的创设 (fill in the blanks)朗读和 表演。 5.对最终形成的完整的语篇进行 阅读,并能独立完成设置的问题。 Question : Whats matter with the little Monster? Who makes a call to teacher ? Is he feel happy? What does his classmates take for him? 6. If we want to keep healthy What should we do? Lets make a list for your group . 7. Lets show our mind map. 学生通过合作学 习之情境交际法 进行语言的综合 运用。 让学生通过学习 了解一些保持健 康的常识。学会 进行自我健康的 管理。 作业布置 1.做一张英汉双语的 get-well card 送给最近生病的同学或朋 友,并尝试将自己与病人的对话用英文书面表达出来。 2. A,B 同学拓展阅读任务。 (toothless tiger) 板书设计 Lesson 23 Whats wrong with you? I have a . Whats wrong with him/her? He /She has a You should You shouldnt 课 后 反 思
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