人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 5 I'm cleaning my room.-Lesson 29-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:70300).zip

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Unit 5 Im cleaning my room.Unit 5 Im cleaning my room. Lesson 29 Warm-up Lets chant Lead-in Lets review play the guitar play the violintell a story sing a song Lead-in Lets review -Whats he doing? -Hes _. -Whats he doing? -Hes _. playing the guitar playing the violin Lead-in Discuss 1. What are they doing? 2. Whats the man in the picture doing? Presentation Just talk Peter thinks the man is _. Kate thinks the man is _. Li Yan thinks the man is _. Cousin thinks the man is _. just standing there looking at the moon looking at the sun singing over there Peter: Hi, Kate! What are you doing here? Kate: Im looking at the picture. Look at the man in it. Is he looking at the moon? Peter: No, he isnt. Hes looking at the sun. Kate: I dont think so. Hes looking at the moon. Its not the sun. Presentation Just talk Presentation look at the picture He is looking at the picture. Presentation Just talk Li Yan: Hi, Peter and Kate. This is my cousin. Cousin: Hello! Glad to meet you. Li Yan: What are you doing here? Peter: We are talking about this picture. Presentation cousin This is my cousin. Presentation talk about Theyre talking about this picture. Presentation Just talk Kate: Li Yan, look at the man in the picture. Is he looking at the moon? Peter: Is he looking at the sun? Li Yan: No, he isnt. He is just standing there. Cousin: No. Hes only singing over there. Presentation stand Hes standing there. Practice 1. -_ -No, hes sitting there. A. What is he doing? B. Is he sitting there? C. Is he standing there? Practice 2. -Is he looking at the sun? -_ A. Im looking at the picture. B. This is my cousin. C. No, he isnt. Practice 分角色朗读 Group Work Practice Whats she doing? No. Shes Is she? Pair Work Summary 重点词汇:look at the picture 如何表达“他正在看月亮吗”? talk aboutstand cousin Is he looking at the moon? 1 / 3 Lesson29 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容与分析一、教学内容与分析 Just talk Peter 和 Kate 正在谈论一幅画,并就画中人物的行为进行猜测,Li Yan 和她 cousin 的到来,解开了两人的疑惑。本课会话将引导学生在真实语境中逐步理 解并学习本课的语言知识,通过感知、模仿、学习和体验,能用 What are you doing?和 Is he looking at the moon? No, he isnt.等句式进行语言交际运用。 二、课前准备二、课前准备 1. 准备教学 CD-ROM 和教学课件,用于新课学习。 2. 准备本课和第 30 课中 Lets talk 的挂图。 3. 准备奖励贴等,用于对学习效果的评价。 三、初学步骤与建议三、初学步骤与建议 Step 1: Warm-up/Revision 1)师生问好。 2)Free talk. T: Hello, boys and girls. Look out of the window. How is the weather today? S: Hello, Ms/Mr . Its a fine day today. T: Good. Lets talk about our classmate. Look at Yang Shu. What is he doing? S: He is writing. T: What about Li Hua? S: She is looking at the blackboard. T: Very good. Lets begin our lesson. Step 2: Presentation 1)教师展示两组图片,即本课的教学挂图和第 30 课的 Lets talk 的挂图,告诉 学生,其中有一套不是本课出现的内容,让同学们仔细观察,然后听录音,找 出正确的教学挂图。 2)教师播放第一遍录音,学生听后分组讨论,做出判断。 3)教师请学生打开书,再播放一遍录音,验证各自的判断。 4)Listen and order. 2 / 3 教师将会话内容分为两部分,打乱顺序(课件出示) ,让学生听完第三遍后排序。 核对答案后,教师给予鼓励性的口头评价。然后让学生齐读本课会话。 5)让学生找出会话中表示现在进行时的句子,读一读。教师发奖励贴给读得好 的学生。 6)教师通过课件展示本课的应用句型,教学生理解。 What are you doing here? Im looking at the picture. Is he looking at the moon? No, he isnt. We are talking about the picture. He is just standing there. He is only singing over there. 7)播放视频,让学生在情境中感知理解本课会话,要求学生跟读模仿,教师做 朗读指导: What are you doing here? Is he looking at the moon? No, he isnt. Step 3: Practice 根据会话,问答连线,读一读。 A B What are you doing here? I dont think so. Is he looking at the moon? Im looking at the picture. He is looking at the sun. No,he isnt. Step 4: Language use 场景设置:教师选择类似于本课的(需要猜测动作行为的)图片,如教室里看 着墙的男孩,小河边的熊,推着自行车的邮递员等。让学生 2-3 人一组进行练 习。教师可以给出提示。 1)S1: Look at the picture. Look at the_. Is he_? S2: No, _. He is just looking at the clock. 2)S1: Hi! What are you doing here? S2&S3: We are _this picture. 3)S1: Look at the bear. Is he playing with water? 3 / 3 S2: No, _. He is just standing there. S3: No. He is looking at the fish in the river. Step 5: Assessment 1)课堂教学过程中的评价。 (1) 教师评价学生个人和小组活动的学习结果,给予鼓励性评价。注意对学生 的合作能力以及综合语言运用能力等给予评价。 (2) 对课堂自我表现的评价。引导学生对自己在课堂上的表现给予公正的评价。 评价项目12345 主动积极地回答问题 能够集中注意力参与教学过程 愿意与他人进行合作学习 积极思考,乐于参与教学活动 朗读、表演时自然,声音响亮 能主动向教师和同学请教 总体表现(合计分数) 2)教师指导学生完成活动手册中的相关内容,并进行评价。 Step 6: Extended Activities 1)听录音,仿读本课会话,在实际情境中运用所学的内容。 2)对话表演。教师播放本课视频,请学生仔细观看。视频播放两遍后,将学生 四人分为一组,各小组展开讨论,模仿表演本课的会话。各小组展示表演会话, 教师和学生共同给予评价,评出优胜者。 【教学反思教学反思】
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