人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 6 We are watching the games.-Lesson 31-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:a2c1b).zip

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playground football football They are playing football. play football play volleyball They are playing volleyball. basketball basket ball basket ball basketball play basketball game 比赛 They are playing basketball. What are you doing ? We are watching the games. play footb all Play volleyball play bask etball Watc h the games the boys the girls the teachers Gao Wei, LiYan and Peter 在正确答案的格内打“” sport people volleyball football basketball go go go watch watch watch play play play Make a new dialogue in groups. 学校正在举行“校园奥林匹克运动会”, 我们一起去看比赛吧! Lets come on together !让我们一起为 他们加油! Come on! Come on! Famous sports in some countries 一些国家著名的体育运动 China- ping-pong badminton America-basketball Jamaica-sprint dmeik 牙买加-短跑 Russia-Synchronised swimming 俄罗斯-花样游泳 skrnazd Extended avtivities(拓展活动) 搜集自己喜爱的足球、篮球、排 球运动员的活动照片和简单信息 ,以手抄报的形式向同学和老师 做介绍,评选出最佳设计奖。 Homework: Read the dialogue and recite it. Unit 6. We are watching the games. Lesson 31 一、教学目标: 1.学习本课的目标语言:They are playing football / volleyball / basketball. What are you doing? We are watching the games. 2.能够运用所学句型结合生活实际进行真实表达与交流。能够 通过同位活动或小组活动培养自主和合作学习的意识和行为。 3.能够熟知世界上主要的体育活动,在学习和日常交流中,初 步注意到中外文化的异同,养成文明观赛的良好习惯。 二、教学重、难点: 能够运用所学语言结合生活实际进行真实表达与交流,并且能 够创编新对话。 三、教学准备: Ppt ,学生做练习用的表格和做对话用的图片。 四、教法、学法: 情景教学法 合作学习法 五、教学过程: Step1. Warm-up 1)Sing a song together. 2)Go over “be doing”. Ppt 出示一些学生熟悉的图片,让学生看图片说句子,巩固所学 的现在进行时态。 Step 2. Presentation 1) Learn the sentence:They are playing football. Watch CD. Ask:Look at those boys. Where are they? 从而引出 playground 一词。Ask:What are they doing? 由词组 play football 到 句子的学习:They are playing football. 2)Learn the sentence:They are playing volleyball. Watch CD.What are the girls doing?They are playing volleyball. Lets know about LangPing. 3)Learn the sentences:They are playing basketball. What are you doing ?We are watching the games! 出示本班学生打篮球的图片,提问: T:What are they doing ? S: They are playing basketball T;Yes, They are playing basketball. 出示 play basketball 词组领读 然后出示本校老师打篮球的图片, 介绍 game 一词。并问:What are you doing ?引导学生说出:We are watching the games. 板书:They are playing basketball. What are you doing? We are watching the games.学生朗读,顺便向学生介绍一下姚明。 4)听录音完成表格。 5)看图 、听录音,朗读对话。 Step 3.Practice 1)学生小组朗读本课对话。 2)将本课的球类运动与动词编成一个 chant,学生齐读。再加 快速度读。 3)Make a new dialogue in groups. 给学生创设情境,学校正在举行“校园奥林匹克运动会”,我们 一起去看比赛吧! 每组学生根据本组抽到的图片模拟情景编演对话 并且交流展示,小组评价。 Step 4.Extended avtivities 学生搜集自己喜爱的足球、篮球、排球运动员的活动照片和简 单信息,以手抄报的形式向同学和老师做介绍,评选出最佳设计奖。 Step 5、Homework Read the dialogue and recite it. 板书: Unit 6. We are watching the games. Lesson 31 They are playing football / volleyball / basketball. What are you doing? We are watching the games.
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