人教pep版六年级下册英语Words in each unit-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:9001c).zip

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Lets do Welcome! Task 1: Brainstorm (头脑风暴) What would you like to eat? Id like some ice cream. 一般作不可数名词 ice cream 冰激凌 What would you like to drink? Id like some tea. 不可数名词 tea 茶;茶水 green tea 绿茶 black tea 红茶 Oolong tea 乌龙茶 What would you like to eat? Like to eat? Like to eat? What would you like to eat? Id like some ice cream. What would you like to drink? Like to drink? Like to drink? What would you like to drink? Id like some tea. Lets singLets sing Id like a hamburger. What would you like to eat? hamburger 汉堡包 Id like two hamburgers. What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? Id like a sandwich. sandwich 三明治 Id like two sandwiches. What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? Id like some salad. 一般作不可数名词 salad 沙拉 fruit salad vegetable salad 水果沙拉 蔬菜沙拉 Listen and repeat Task 2: Look and say (火眼金睛) ice cream hamburger sandwich tea salad Task 3: Finish the menu (整理菜单) 1.ice cream 4.sandwich 2.salad 3.hamburger 5.tea D. E. C. B. A. Menu Look and match. Task 4: Good listening? (谁是顺风耳?) Fill in the blanks. What would you like to eat ? What would you like to eat? Listen and repeat Task 5: Be a waiter or waitress (小小服务员) Id like a/some . What would you like to eat/drink? A: Can I help you? B: Yes. A: What would you like to eat/drink? B: Id like a/some. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. 小组活动:一人为 服务员,其余为顾客, 编对话,可自由发挥。 hamburger salad sandwich bread ice cream tea milk juiceCoke chickencake Task 6: Finish the order (完成订单) Role-play Zip would like a sandwich,some salad and some tea. would like. Role-play Id like a/some . Id like some . What would you like to eat? What would you like to drink? 两人一组,完成 订单,并说一说。 Id like. Amy Amy Lets sing Please remember Eat less sweet and fried food. 少吃甜食和油炸食品。 Healthy food can give us healthy life,so healthy diet make you health. 健康食品带给你健康生活,健康饮食使 你更加健康。 Homework Ask your parents what they would like to eat/drink? And make a healthy menu for them. 询问你的父母想吃什么、喝什么,并为他 们制作一份健康的菜单。 1 UnitUnit 3 3 WhatWhat wouldwould youyou like?like? PartPart A A LessonLesson PlanPlan 教学内容:教学内容:Uni3 A Lets learn Role-play 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能够在情境中正确运用这四个有关食物和饮品的单词ice cream,tea,hamburger,sandwich,salad. 2.能够在图片、食物或情境的帮助下运用句型:What would you like to eat/drink? Id like.模拟点餐并填写订单。 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能够听、说、认读四个关于食物和饮品的单词:ice cream, tea, hamburger, sandwich,salad.并能利用这些单词交流用餐信息。 2.能听懂、会说句型 What would you like to eat/drink?Id like. 并能在实际情景中运用。 教学难点:教学难点: 1.在语境中运用句型What would you like to eat/drink?Id like.进 行练习。 2.sandwich的复数形式。 情感态度:情感态度: 培养学生懂得健康的生活,健康的饮食。 教具准备:教具准备: 1.本课所学有关食物的图卡:ice cream, tea, hamburger, sandwich, salad. 2.本课课件。 教学过程:教学过程: 一、一、Warm-up/RevisionWarm-up/Revision 1. Greetings 2. Sing a chant. “Lets do” 二、二、 Lead-in/RevisionLead-in/Revision 课件出示 Miss Wang 的餐馆,对全班学生说:Today, I am very happy. 告诉大家一个好消息,Miss Wang 的 KFC 今天开业了,Zip 和 Zoom 也赶来帮忙, 但人手还是不够,想请大家来帮忙,你们愿意吗?(愿意!)那 Miss Wang 就 要对大家进行考核了。大家有没有信心?(有!) (设计意图:课前通过向学生提出任务,让学生通过完成具体的任务活动来 学习语言,也为学生创设了比较真实的语言环境。) 2 Challenge 1 Brainstorm(头脑风暴)看谁说得快! (设计意图:利用游戏活跃了课堂气氛,复习了关于食物的旧知,为本堂课的 学习做了铺垫。) 三、三、Presentation/PracticePresentation/Practice (1)T:Miss Wang 忙活了一早上,Now,Im very hot.Id like some ice cream.Let me order some ice cream. Zoom: What would you like to eat? T:Id like some ice cream.教师拿出冰淇淋图片,教授 ice cream 一词,并提示学生该单词一般作不可数名词。 Drive a train. (教师要注意每个学生的发音。) 图片展示鼓励学生用 What would you like to eat/drink?的问句来 询问别人想吃的东西。教师回答 Id like. (设计意图:通过分发食物,激发学生说的欲望。做到词不离句,句不离词。 ) (2)T: Its cool,but Im thirsty.(手捏脖子做口渴状)Id like some tea. Zoom:What would you like to drink? T: Id like some tea. 教师拿出茶水图片,教授 tea 一词,并提示 学生该单词是不可数名词。 Drive a train. (教师要注意每个学生的发音。) (3) Lets sing a song. “What would you like?” 教师示范唱一遍,生跟唱。 (设计意图:利用耳熟能详的旋律,配上今天学习的新句型,让学生自然地不 自觉地掌握新句型) (4)T:Now, Im hungry.Id like a hamburger 引出新单词 hamburger 并 操练。 同样的方式操练句型。 (设计意图:设计情景,调动学生的积极性。) (5)呈现并学习新单词 sandwich,salad 同样的方式进行单词和句型的操练。 (6)Listen and repeat. (7)Task 2 Look and say(火眼金睛) Look and say. (设计意图:通过小游戏巩固所学的单词,培养学生对单词的认读能力。 ) (8)Task 3 Finish the menu (整理菜单) 3 Look and match T: This is my menu. But its too messy. Can you help me? Look and match. Then check the answers. (设计意图:图文搭配活动,巩固本课新知。) (9)Task 4 Good listening?(谁是顺风耳?) T: Sarah and her mother are talking something to eat or drink? Lets listen and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers. Listen to the dialogue and repeat. (教师播放录音来展示对话的内容,让学生先整体观看,再逐句学习。) (10)Task 5 Be a waiter/ waitress(小小服务员) T: Some children are in my restaurant. Please follow me. 教师扮演餐馆服务员,找学生来点餐。 两人一组根据 Lets learn 的对话进行操练: A:What would you like to eat/drink? B: Id like some . 小组表演对话。 (设计意图:通过设计真实场景,让学生觉得更有趣,不仅巩固复习了 本课的新单词和句型,而且激发了孩子敢于说英语的欲望。) (11)Task 6 Finish the order Show them Zips order. Report:Zip would like. Practice in pairs and then give us a report. Congratulations! You are the best! Welcome to my restaurant! (设计意图:培养学生的语言综合运用能力。) 四、四、Extension/ConsolidationExtension/Consolidation (1)Enjoy the song:What would you like to eat today? (2)Emotional education: Please remember :Eat less sweet and fried food.Healthy food can give us healthy life,so healthy diet make you health. (设计意图:渗透情感教育,培养学生懂得健康的生活,健康的饮食。) 五、五、HomeworkHomework Ask your parents what they would like to eat/drink? And make a healthy menu for them. (设计意图:通过有趣的作业,复习巩固本节课的内容。)
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