新人教版(2019)高中英语必修第三册Unit4 Video Time课件.pptx

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1、Exploring Mars Mars is truly a fascinating planet for people on Earth. Although exploring the Red Planet has never been easy, scientists are determined to continue their explorations. Unit 4 Video Time How much do you How much do you know about Mars?know about Mars? 1 Mars is the fourth planet from

2、the Sun and the smallest planet in the solar system. 2 It is one of the few planets that we can see with the naked eye. 3 Like Earth, Mars has volcanoes, valleys, polar ice caps, seasons, and weather. 4 Olympus Mons, the largest volcano on Mars, is about twice as high as Mount Qomolangma. F F T T No

3、w Read the statements below and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F). Try to guess if you are not sure of the answers. WHILE YOU WATCH 1 Check your answers in Before You Watch. 2 Put the events in the correct order. 2 3 5 8 9 6 4 7 AFTER YOU WATCH Work in pairs. One student acts as a space

4、expert and the other acts as a reporter. Use what you have learnt from the video to make up an interview. Its our nearest and one of It is likein many ways. For example, it has . However, it is China expects to launch its first mission to Mars in The voyage of Chinas first Mars probe is jus the begi

5、nning of Patterns for reference: A: So, tell me about Mars. B: Well, its our nearest planetary neighbour, and one of the few planets that we can see with the naked eye. A: Is it like Earth? B: In many ways it is. For example, it has volcanoes, valleys, and seasons like Earth. However, it is much col

6、der than Earth, and its atmosphere is quite thin. A: When does China expect to launch its first mission to Mars? B: Around 2020. Sample conversation: Tapescript Exploring Mars Mars is truly a fascinating planet for those of us here on Earth. As our nearest planetary neighbour, it is one of the few p

7、lanets that we can see with the naked eye. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the solar system. It is about half of the size of Earth and is often referred to as the Red Planet” because of its red surface. The Red Planet has the largest volcano in the solar syst

8、em- Olympus Mons, which is roughly 27 kilometres high. Thats about three times as high as Mount Qomolangma. Mars also has the deepest, longest valley in the solar system - Valles Marineris. Mars has seasons like Earth, but the seasons on Mars are twice as long as the seasons on Earth. Mars also has

9、an atmosphere, but it is very thin and made up mostly of carbon dioxide. Because of its thin atmosphere and greater distance from the Sun, Mars is much colder than Earth. However, Mars does have weather, with clouds and winds. The dust storms of Mars can grow so big that sometimes they blanket the e

10、ntire planet and last for months. The poles on Mars are a lot like Antarctica, capped by ice, but much of Marss ice is made from carbon dioxide, not water . The similarities and differences between Earth and Mars raise many questions: Is Mars the past or the future of Earth? How did it become a most

11、ly barren planet? Many scientists believe that studying Mars can help us answer some of the key questions about our planet Earth, or even the universe. Missions to Mars have never been easy. Since 1960, more than half of all attempted Mars missions have failed. The USA, Russia, the European Space Ag

12、ency, and several other countries have lost many spacecraft in their quest to explore the Red Planet. Nevertheless, they will still continue their explorations. Chinese experts are confident about their plan to explore Mars, despite the many challenges. Launching the first Mars probe from Wenchang a

13、round 2020 is the first step. The Chinese Mars probe consists of three parts: the orbiter, the lander, and the rover. This 3D demonstration video made by the China Academy of Space Technology shows the 10- month flight of the Mars probe before it closes in on the Red Planet. Entering the Earth-Mars

14、transfer orbit, the Mars probe separates from the launch vehicle. Then the space-to-ground communications link is created. Controllers on Earth guide it into the orbit around Mars. After collecting detailed information about the landing area, the probe is ready for the landing. The orbiter and the l

15、ander separate. The orbiter stays in the orbit for at least a year to photograph key areas and monitor the planets environment, while the lander heads down to the surface of Mars. Nine kilometres above the planet, a large parachute opens to slow the landing craft as it falls. After discarding the pr

16、otective shield and the parachute, the lander chooses a safe place to land, where the Martian rover can start operations, collecting and transmitting data back to Earth. After receiving its orders from Earth, the rover leaves the landing point and begins to explore the surface of Mars. This voyage of Chinas first Mars probe is just the beginning of Chinas deeper voyages into outer space. China will continue to explore strange new worlds, seeking answers to the mysteries of the universe.

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