陕旅版四年级下册英语Unit 1 Our new house-Part A-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:c0422).doc

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陕旅版四年级下册英语Unit 1 Our new house-Part A-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:c0422).doc_第1页
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1、第一课时 教学目标教学目标 1. 以学习Lets learn部分的住所名称类词汇为主,要求学生能听、说、读、写词 汇:house, study, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, dining room。 2. 能完成Part C Listen and match部分的检测。 教学方法建议教学方法建议 . .课程导入(课程导入(LeadingLeading InIn) . 课前热身 1. 教师通过Part A Warming-up部分中的第一个活动,以TPR肢体动作和语言导 入本课主题house。以下内容可供参考: T: Hello, every

2、one. Look, I am a bird, and I live in the trees. I am a butterfly, and I live in the flowers. I am a fish, and I live in the water. Everyone has a home. What about you? 2. 教师引导学生完成Part A Warming-up部分中的第一个活动Look, think and match,通过此任务让学生初步感知本节课要学习的内容。 . 新课导入 教师出示Lets learn部分的挂图,向学生们介绍: T: Hello, boys

3、 and girls. Where do birds live? T / Ss: They live in the trees. T: What about fish? T/Ss: They live in the water. T: Where do we live, then? T: Look, I live in the house. I have a big house. How many rooms are there in the house? Lets count. Ss: One, two, three, four, five. I can see five rooms. 教师

4、和学生一起数房间,并让学生理解house和room的意思。 . .课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(PresentationPresentation) . 新课展示 Lets learn 1. 学习本节课新词汇: house, living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom。 1.1. 承接导入活动,师生拼读、拼写单词house, room。 1.2. 教师做看电视的动作并提问: T: I watch TV in this room. Where am I? Ss: . 学生可能会说出客厅的中文,如说不出,教师可再引导。 T:

5、Well, I watch TV in the living room. 边拼读边板书词汇 living roomrum。 教师可借助三年级学过的句型继续提问,并引导学生回答: T: Whats in the living room? S1: There is a TV in the living room. S2: There is a sofa in the living room. 教授词汇living room的读音,并将其在四线三格中板书出来,注意字 母l和i的书写格式和笔顺。 1.3. 教师做吃饭的动作并提问: T: I have lunch in this room. Where

6、 am I? Ss: . 学生可能会说出餐厅的中文,如说不出,教师可再引导。 T: Well, I have lunch in the dining room. 边拼读边板书词汇dining room。 T: Whats in the dining room? S1: There is a table in the dining room. S2: There is / are . 1.4. 教师做睡觉的动作并提问: T: I am tired. Im going to bed. Where am I now? 教师可引导说出: T/Ss: I go to bed in the bedroom

7、. 并引导学生进行拼读。 教 师 在 这 里 注 意 教 授 bedroombedrum的正确发音,字母组合dr 在bedroom中连读dr,并强调在bedroom中,oo读短音u。 T: Whats in the bedroom? Ss: There is a bed in the bedroom. 1.5. 教师做洗脸的动作并提问: T: I wash my face in this room. Where am I? 教师边展示图片边给出单词: T: Well, I wash my face in the bathroom. 边拼读边板书单词 baba:throom。 教师注意提示th为

8、咬舌音,示范并引导学生多练习几遍。 2. 教师通过图片引出单词study和kitchen。 2.1. 教师出示study的图片并提问: T: Look at this room. Whats in the room? Ss: There is a desk and many books. T: Yes. Its a study. You can do your homework in the study. 教师板书并让学生拼读study。 2.2. 教师出示kitchen的图片并介绍: T: Look at this picture. I often cook in the room. Its a kitchen. 教师板书并教授kitchen的读音,分解拼读kik-tchentn。 . 巩固活动 1. 教师播放Lets learn 部分的录音,让学生模仿其语句语调跟读单词。 2. 教师将学生分为若干组,让学生分组读单词,比比看哪组学生读得好,并予 以表扬。


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