沪教版三下-Module 1 Using my five senses-Project 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e05dc).zip

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  • 沪教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第1版)_小学英语_Module 1 Using my five senses_Project 1_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:e05dc)
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Teaching aims (教学目标) 知识目标:知识目标: 1.掌握本单元单词:black blue green red white yellow 2、能听懂、会说 What colour is the ball?并能熟练运用. 能力目标:能力目标: 听懂有关事物颜色的对话。 开展各种活动,帮助学生达成词汇学习的目标 能在真实的语境中运用所学语言。 Importance (教学重点) 四会单词:black blue green red white yellow 句 型:What colour is the ball? Its red and white. Difficulties (教学难点) 能利用本课所学的核心句,询问事物的颜色。 背诵四会单词:black blue green red white yellow Learn planning (学案) 新学期开始,学生要有适应的过程,教师应和学生多用英语进 行简单的交流,为学生创造一个和谐的学习气氛。 How are you? How do you go to school? What did you do this summer holiday? Where did you go? 找出生活中红色“red”的物品:flag sun Shared lesson plan (共享教案) (中文说明)(中文说明) Pre-task preparation 1. Greeting. What did you do this winter holiday? Where did you go? 2. Sing a song. “ Happy new year” ,sing the song with actions. Learing Show a puppet to the students say “hello,i like to play balls, guess what colours it?”.Call the 课前导入热身 和学生交流寒假假同学们的生活, 唱英文歌活跃气氛。 出示手偶,看一看,猜一猜 皮球是什么颜色的?(遮住 4 个 皮球猜颜色) students to practice the colours. While-task procedure 1. Show the red ball to the students .Ask the students to make sentences “the_is red.”students to talk in pairs. 2. Learn the new words. black blue green red white yellow The sun is red. The mud is black. The cloud is white. The bee is yellow. 3. Play the song to introduce “the rainbow” Then sing the song with actions. 4. Listen and answer. Who are they? What colour is the ball? Where is the ball? IV.Post-task activities 1.Practice the person names by QUICK RESPONSE or TRUE OR FALSE.show six cards to say out colours. 2.Make a dialogue in groups. Practice the sentences in your group.(lost kite.) Call some students to the front to show their dialogue. Homework Listen to the tape of P2,3. Try to read and recite. 课中学习: 通过观察生活中的图画,分辨颜 色,感受色彩的美丽。 利用自然拼读帮助学生进行拼读 练习。 发散思维,想一想生活中哪些物 品是红色。 通过歌曲感受本单元的话题。 通过问题考察学生理解文章的内 容。 通过多媒体或卡片呈现主要任务 及对话并结合实际做替换练习。 作业 Blackboard Design: Unit1 Colours Yellow+blue= White+red= Red +yellow= Blue+red= White+black= What colour is it? Its. Main teacherLena Title (内容内容) Review Unit2 TastesWeek4-2 Teaching aims (教学目标) 知识目标: 1.能够掌握本单元词汇 candy, ice cream, lemon, how, orange, sour, sweet, taste 2.能听懂谈论食物味道的对话,听懂有关食物的谜语。 3. 用 How is it?询问事物的味道,用 Its sweet/ sour.描述食 物的味道。 Importance (教学重点) 单词:candy, ice cream, lemon, how, orange, sour, sweet, taste 句型:How is it? Its sweet/ sour. Difficulties (教学难点) 在教学 candy 和 lemon 时要帮助学生意识到可数名词和不可数 名词的区别。 Learn planning (学案) 1.每人准备一个水果,描述水果的味道 2.看看这些词汇,你都认识吗? candy,lemon,orange, apple,pear Shared lesson plan (共享教案) (中文说明) I . Warming-up 1. Sing an English song. How are you!” 2. Free talk. Show some fruits to the students. Ask and answer: What is it? I t is a/an II. While-task procedure 一热身活动 1、唱一首英文歌曲。 2、自由对话。 出示水果图片,问答,你都看到了什 么呢? 2、呈现新课。 1.Touch and guess: Put some things in the bag. Let students touch and guess. Review the sentence “What is it? I t is a/an” Its candy. Its an ice cream. 2.Taste and guess: How do you feel? Its sweet./sour. 3.Show the picture in Listen and say Part . Then listen and look at the pictures. Read after it together. 4.Play a game: Point and say. III. Post-task activities Role-play. Play a guessing game. Describe one fruit. Let other ones guess what is it? IV. Summary and exercise Sum up. Practice in ppt. Quick response. How is it? What is it? V. Homework Listen and read P6-P7. 1.猜物游戏。将一些物品放到袋子 里,让学生通过摸一摸,猜一猜的 游戏来复习句型“What is it? I t is a/an” 注意 candy 是不可数名词,不能说 Its a candy. 2.品尝猜物,尝一尝说出食物的味 道。 3.呈现 Listen and say 部分的图片, 播放录音,集体看图听音跟读。 4.玩游戏:边指边说 三、操练活动。 1、角色扮演。 2、猜谜游戏, 根据描述,猜出物品。 4、小结及评测练习。 1、本课小结 2、幻灯呈现配套练习。 5、家庭作业。 听读 P6-P7,有感情仿读。 Blackboard Design: Unit2 Tastes Main teacherLena Title (内容内容) Review Unit 3 SoundsWeek4-3 Teaching aims (教学目标) 知识目标:知识目标: 掌握本单元的四会单词 bus plane car bike ship train 能听懂会说句型 What can you hear? I can hear a plane. 并能熟练运用 能力目标:能力目标: 能在真实的语境中运用所学语言, 在游戏中运用所学句型询问并根据实际情况作出回答。 Importance (教学重点) 四会单词 bus plane car listen hear 句 型:What can you hear? I can hear a plane. Difficulties (教学难点) 能利用本课所学的句型进行问答 背诵四会单词:bus plane car bike ship train Learn planning (学案) 回顾学过的交通工具 听一听 page10,圈出不认识的词,根据上下文猜一猜是什么意 思。 Shared lesson plan (共享教案) (中文说明) Pre-task preparation 1. Greeting. How do you go to school? I go to school by_. 5. Sing a song. The bus on the wheels go round and round. Learning Play the recording of the sound that a cat/dog/mouse makes. Listen! What is it? Its a cat 课前导入热身 歌曲热身,The bus on the wheels go round and round. 播放各种动物发出的声音,让学 生听声音,猜一猜。 While-task procedure 1.Play the recording of the sound of a plane. Listen to the sound! Whats this?(Show the flashcard for plane)Its a plane. 2.Show the Flash card for plane.Spell the word. Ask What can you hear? A plane. I can hear a plane.(read in group.one by one) Listen and say. T:What can you hear? I can hear a dog/plane/cars. I can hear a car. I can hear cars. Listen and judge. Show two pictures and ask the students to listen and judge. What can you hear? I can hear a _. IV.Post-task activities 1.Practice the person names by QUICK RESPONSE or TRUE OR FALSE. show six cards to say out tools. 2.Touch and say. Choose a tool and make a dialogue in groups. Practice the sentences in your group.( bus plane car bike ship train.) Call some students to the front to show their dialogue. Who is fast?( plane train ship car bus bike.) Homework Listen to the tape of P10. Try to read and recite. 1 播放飞机轮船自行车,汽车和 火车的声音,让学生听后猜一猜 是哪种交通工具,从而引出新授 单词。 2 拼读新授单词,尝试背诵四会 单词。 3 讲授本课的句型.学生小组练习, 同桌练习等。 4 听音回答问题,来操练本课的 句型。 游戏,操练句型 选择一个交通工具,同伴之间做 对话练习。 排排顺序,谁跑的最快! 作业: 听读课文 10 页 Blackboard Design: Unit3 Sounds What can you hear I can hear a plane. Main teacherLena Title (内容内容) Review Lesson 24 Hiccups Week4-4 Teaching aims (教学目标) 知识目标:在图片的帮助下能够读懂故事中第 4、5、8、12 幅图。 能够模仿录音中的语调绘声绘色地模仿朗读故事; 培养拼读意识,掌握字母组合“qu”和“th”拼读规 律 能够学会梳理故事情节,提炼故事主线。 其他目标:通过让学生观察故事中孩子们如何治好 Kipper 打嗝的, 培养学生的观察力;使学生体会 Kipper 打嗝时的郁闷 心情和对治好打嗝的期待;学会制止打嗝的办法。 Importance (教学重点) 三会单词:cup hopping shock water drink 短语:have fun with have a drink get a cup of water get rid of pat your tum Difficulties (教学难点) 注意以下词组的发音: having fun with, get rid of, try hopping, patting your tum Learning Plan ( 学 案 ) 课前听读故事,了解本课故事完成下表: What was his/her idea?Did that get rid of hiccups? Lee(人物图)drinking wa er Biff(人物图) bent over and had a drink Chip(人物图) hopping and patting the tum Biff(人物图) a shock Shared lesson plan (共享教案) (中文说明) I . Warming-up 1. Sing an English song. I have a pet.” 2. Call 3 students to read the stories from1-23. II. Presentation Show a video about Hiccups to students to help 一、热身活动。 1. 唱一首英文歌曲。I have a pet.” 2、找 3 名学生读 1-23 课(任选其一) 。 二、引入新课。 通过观看视频,帮助学生了解 hiccups, them learn about the story. Then ask some questions after watching. Eg : Who had hiccups? How did he have hiccups? Have you had hiccups? What did you do to stop your hiccups? III While-task procedure 1.Make students to look at every picture and tell the story to help students understand the meaning of this story. Eg: Look at picture and answer the questions: (Picture 1)It was a sunny day. Kipper was having fun with Lee. What were they playing? They were playing Frisbee. 2.Play the cassette. And make students listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sound and emotion. 3.Play the cassette again. Make students read the story one sentence by one sentence. Pay attention to these phrase: having fun with, get rid of, try hopping, patting your tum IV Practice 1.Reading match. Four students in a group. Read the story one by one dramatically. 2. th- they this that them then V Homework Listen and imitate of Lesson 24 emotionally. 为看图讲故事做好铺垫。教师播放 Hiccups 的动画视频(见课件) ,并与 学生互动。联系生活实际,与学生互 动,并自然进入故事情境。 3、新课讲解。 1. 看图讲故事。 利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰 富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体 语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,让学 生观察孩子们采用了哪些办法来制止 Kipper 打嗝。 2、放录音,让学生完整地听一遍故 事,整体输入,不需停顿。 3.放录音,全班学生齐声模仿 1-2 遍。 要求学生逐句跟读,鼓励学生大胆开 口,读出戏剧化效果,读出感情。 四、评测练习。 1. 组织学生进行小组朗读比赛。四人 一组,每人 2 幅图,有感情朗读。 2. 掌握“th”的拼读规律。 6、家庭作业。 听读故事,有感情仿读第 24 课。 Blackboard Design: Lesson 24 Hiccups What was his/her idea?Did that get rid of hiccups? Lee(人物图)drinking waterNo. Biff(人物图)bent over and had a drinkNo. Chip(人物图)hopping and patting the tumNo. Biff(人物图)a shockYes. 3 Part 1Part 1 Oxford English Module 1 Using my five senses & re d purple blue violet yellow green orange whit e blac k pink green red black yellow white blue purple orange violet pink green red black yellow white blue purple orange violet pink ap d escvd gp cn d bn rck boaod e ow yellow d rem p h ld ojk h gaop ein codcian rq n trp in k tw gzf oebw bvioleto sblu ek ad d oor jdaogreen w yt ck cen cilsxol blk csch ok ben red and orangegreen and purple yellow and black blue and pink a _ an _ an _ an _ a _ a _ _ _ lemon apple ice cream orange pear cake juice cand y What is it? What colour is it? How is it? What is it? What colour is it? How is it? The lemon is yellow. It is sweet. The candy is white and pink. It is cold. The lemon is yellow. It is sour. The apple is red and round. It is sweet. The ice cream is pink and green. It is sweet and sour. The orange is sweet and sour. It is yellow. It is _. It is _. (colour) It is _. (taste) It is _. It is _. (colour) It is _. (taste) It is _. It is _. (colour) It is _. (taste) It is _. It is _. (colour) It is _. (taste)
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