沪教版三下-Module 2 My favourite things-4 Animals in the zoo-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-部级优课-(编号:90030).zip

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  • 沪教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第1版)_小学英语_Module 2 My favourite things_4 Animals in the zoo_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_部级优课_(编号:90030)
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    • 保护动物 视频.wmv
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Module 2 My favourite things Oxford English 4Animals in the zoo Where do they go? How do they go? Its sunny. Lets go to the zoo! Great! How do we go? We go by bus. OK! I like monkeys. They are little. Do you like monkeys?No, I dont. I like elephants. They are big, tall and fat! Lets go and see! OK! Lets go! Where do they go? How do they go? They go to the zoo. They go by bus. Its sunny. Lets go to the zoo! Great! How do we go? We go by bus. OK! I like monkeys. They are little. Do you like monkeys?No, I dont. I like elephants. They are big, tall and fat! Lets go and see! OK! Lets go! big tall fatstrong Father Mother Boy Look at the bears. They are big and brown . Look at the elephants . They are strong and grey . Look at the tigers . They are big and yellow . Look at the pandas. They are black and white . Look at the monkeys . They are little and brown . Look at the lions. They are big and brown . birds pandas monkey s lions bears ducks tiger srabbitselephant s They see They are and They are lions. They are big and strong . They are little and brown . They can fly. They are lions. They are big and strong . They are brown. They can run. They are little and They can climb a tree . They are cats. strong .cute. 可爱的 They can climb a tree . They are cats. They are little and cute . They are cute. Look at the dogs. They can play. They like bones. I like dogs. What about you? 骨头 They are . Look at the. They can . They like . I like . What about you? rabbits cute jump carrots elephants strong walk bananas birds beautiful fly worms pandas fat climb bamboos 胡萝卜 虫子 竹子 Kitty: Look at the monkeys. They are brown. They are little and thin. They can swing. They like peaches. I like monkeys. How cute they are! Ben: I dont like monkeys. Look at the elephants. They are grey. They are big, tall and fat. They can walk and swim. They like bananas. I like elephants. How strong they are! tigers yellow big jump meat strong 肉 pandas black and white fat climb bamboos cute 竹子 bears brown tall swim honey strong 蜂蜜 lions brown big run meat strong I go to the zoo today. I see my favourite animal . Look at the elephants. They are grey. They are big, tall and fat. They can walk and swim. They like bananas. I like elephants. How strong they are! Do you like elephants? Moments big little tall short fat thin run swim jump walk swing climb strong cute beautiful bananas meat 肉 bamboos 竹子 grey yellow black brown white My favourite animal peaches honey 蜂蜜 Animals are our friends. 动物是我们的朋友。 Because of their existence, the earth become more and more beautiful. 有了它们的存在,地球才更美丽。 We have the responsibility and obligation to protect them. 我们有责任和义务保护它们。 Let them breathe the fresh air of nature and enjoy the wonderful life with us! 让他们和我们一样能呼吸到大自然的新鲜空气, 享受美好的生活! Protect animals and get along well with them! 保护动物,与他们和睦相处! 1 Spell and copy these words. lion tiger monkey elephant panda bear 2 Talk about your favourite animal to your parents. 课题:英语(三年下)课题:英语(三年下) ModuleModule 2 2 UnitUnit 4 4 课时:第一课时课时:第一课时 教材分析教材分析 本课是上海教育出版社出版的英语三年级下册第二模块第四单元的内 容。本单元教学主题突出,要求学生介绍自己最喜欢的动物。本课是本单元教 学的第一课时,用对话的形式谈论彼此最喜欢的动物,由于本套教材具有螺旋 上升式的特点,因此这一话题并不陌生,基于此,本课以 Ben 和 Kitty 为主线贯 穿始终,通过他们去动物园前后发生的一系列事情,将新知与旧知进行了合理 的梳理,进而形成了完整的语篇教学。 学情分析学情分析 根据三年级学生的心理特点,课上应多以表扬为主,注重对学生英语学习 兴趣的培养,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力唱!让学生们在玩玩、做做、说 说、 唱唱中学习英语。但这个年级的学生只有两年的英语学习经历,在学习方 法和学习策略上还有很大差距。本课关注学生已有知识水平并进行了梳理,以 有效地学习为目的,设计有效的教学活动,使学生通过合作学习体验荣誉感和 成就感,从而树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力,形成初步使用英语进行简单 日常交际的能力。 教学目标教学目标 语言知识目标语言知识目标 1、在语境中学习、理解、运用词汇 bear, elephant, lion, monkey, panda, tiger, cute, strong; 2、在语境中学习、理解、运用句型 I like They are Do you like ? 语言技能目标语言技能目标 能结合新旧知识描述喜爱的动物,包括描述动物的外观,会做的事,喜欢 的食物等; 学习策略目标学习策略目标 在教学过程中培养学生的听说策略和认知策略;选用小组合作学习教学方 式,培养学生的合作策略;运用创设情境法,培养学生的交际策略及写作策略; 情感态度目标情感态度目标 培养学生关爱动物、保护动物的美好情感; 文化意识目标文化意识目标 通过课堂教学,使学生增强关爱、保护动物的意识。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 教学重点教学重点 1、能正确地理解、运用词汇 bear, elephant, lion, monkey, panda, tiger, cute, strong; 2、 能正确地运用核心语言 I like They are Do you like ? 并能在真实 的语境中利用语言开展交际活动。 教学难点教学难点 通过有意义的操练活动,准确运用单词和句型,能够用丰富的语言描述自 己喜欢的动物。 教学基本策略及设计思路教学基本策略及设计思路 英语课程标准强调英语课程应从培养学生的学习兴趣入手,最大限度地发 挥学生的潜在能力,使学生积极主动地参与学习的全过程,将学习变成学生自 觉、自愿、高兴的事,让学生做学习的主人。本课根据三年级学生的年龄特点, 运用以下五种教学策略,设计出了一些能激趣、导趣的活动形式以活跃课堂气 氛、提高课堂效率。 一、创设英语教学情境。一、创设英语教学情境。 语言学习的最好方式是在具体的教学情境之中让学生感知语言,并在感知 的过程中自己领会到语言的真谛。本课设计了 Ben 和 Kitty 去动物园的情境,学 生自然而然就理解了语言的本质,无须教师过多的解释。 二、课堂教学语言简单易懂。二、课堂教学语言简单易懂。 简单明了的指令语或过渡语能够使学生快速理解教师的用意,从而达到老 师讲的时间少,学生实践语言的机会增多。因此,本课课堂用语的设计都采用 了简单句,如“Ben and Kitty like the dogs. So the sing a song for the dogs.” “They are on the bus. They are boring. So they play a game.”必要时也采用了肢体语言帮 助学生理解。 三、活动设计形式多样、紧凑,吸引学生注意力。三、活动设计形式多样、紧凑,吸引学生注意力。 本课设计了说歌谣,编唱儿歌,做 True or False 游戏,听一听,找一找, 为 Ben 和 Kitty 提建议,与同学分享自己最喜欢的动物等形式多样的活动方式, 环环相扣,学生自主投入到学习活动中,达到最佳学习效果。 四、运用多媒体,提供直观的言语交际情境。四、运用多媒体,提供直观的言语交际情境。 多媒体的运用,使本课的情景创设具有完整性,也使活动的设计更直观。 Ben 和 Kitty 的人物形象机乎出现在了每张幻灯片中,学生们自始至终都关注着 Ben 和 Kitty,与此同时,循序渐进地完成了本课的教学任务。 五、采用合理的评价手段。五、采用合理的评价手段。 评价也是一门艺术,好的评价手段不仅可以满足学生的成功欲望,而且可 以激励学生不断向上。本课的主题是动物,因此带有本课动物头像的卡片作为 了本课的评价手段,激励学生积极参与到课堂之中。为了自己小组获得更多的 卡片,学生们都迫不及待地想回答下个问题,课堂上出现了你追我赶、争先恐 后的局面。 资源的开发及说明资源的开发及说明 多媒体资源:多媒体资源: 本课中运用了动物剪影的视频,更直观,更深刻地使本课的情感主题在学 生的心中得到升华。通过歌曲这种形式即激发学生的学习兴趣同时还巩固了语 法知识。 音乐资源:音乐资源: 本课引用了闪烁的小星的曲子,编唱本课文本内容,更易于学生朗朗 上口地哼唱出来。 图片资源:图片资源: 借助网络中的图片,使本课所创编的情境更加完善,同时便于学生理解情 境,理清思路进行学习。 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教师活动预设学生活动设计意图 I Pre-task preparation Free talk Whats the weather like today? What can you do outside? Its sunny/cloudy/windy I can play football/fly a kite. 通过师生之间的对 话,为学生营造轻 松的学习环境。 II. Presentation 1. Introduce Ben and Kitty are on the road. They are talking. 【Where do they go? How do they go?】 2. Learn the new word. 【big, tall and fat -strong】 3. Ben and Kitty are at the bus stop. They read the poster about the zoo. Listen to the dialogue: 【Its sunny. Lets go to the zoo. Great! How do we go? We go by bus】 Talk about the picture.【Who is strong in the pictures? Who is strong in your class?】 Listen to the chant on the poster. And read it in groups. 【Look at the bears. They are big and brown. Look at the elephants. They are strong and grey. Look at the tigers. They are 创设情境,引出本 课故事的主人公, 学生带着对主人公 强烈的好奇心和浓 烈的兴趣进入本课 的学习。 通过旧知引出新知, 并对新知进行操练, 从图片到班级同学, 使学生学会运用新 授单词。 用歌谣的形式复习 学过的单词、句型, 呈现了本课预设语 篇的前两句话。本 环节培养了学生 “读”的能力。 根据歌谣提出问题, 不但考查了学生对 4. Learn to spell the four skill words. 【What animals do Ben and Kitty see on the poster?】 5. Spell and write. 6. Ben and Kitty are on the bus. They are boring. So they play the true or false game. 7. Learn the new word. 【cute】 8. Ben and Kitty see big and yellow】 Answer the questions first. Then spell the four skill words. 【They see bears/ tigers/ pandas They are and 】 Spell the words together and copy them on the paper. Read and judge. a. One student reads the sentence by sentence. The others judge. 【They are lions. They are little and brown. They are big and strong. They can fly.】 a.Judge in groups. 【They are cats. They are little and strong. They can climb a tree.】 Learn to use the word. 歌谣的理解、运用, 还引出本课的四会 单词。拼写四会单 词,帮助学生记忆 单词。 反复的拼读并描写 单词,再一次巩固 并加深学生对单词 的记忆。 游戏活动的设计既 提升了学生们参与 课堂的兴致,又巧 妙地呈现出预设语 篇中的第三句话 “They can” 用交谈的方式操练 新授单词,引导学 生学会运用到日常 生活之中,提高学生 英语交际能力。 歌曲的设计激发了 学生学习的兴趣, 创编歌曲,训练学 生的注意力和反应 能力,再次润物细 无声地引出预设语 some cute dog on the road. They like them. So they sing a song about them. 9. Ben and Kitty arrive at the zoo. 【What animals do they see first?】 【Who is cute in your class? Who is cute in your family?】 Listen and sing. a. listen to the song. 【Look at the dogs. They are cute. They can play. They like bones. I like dogs. What about you?】 b. Sing the song together. c. Make a new song in groups. 【rabbits/elephants/ birds/pandas】 a. Listen and choose. 【Kitty: Look at the monkeys. They are How cute they are! Ben: I dont like monkeys. Look at the elephants. How strong they are!】 b. Read the dialogue in pairs. 篇中的两句话 “They like I like” 学生通过听音感知 对话内容,发展听 的能力。帮助学生 梳理知识的同时, 又引出一句预设语 篇中的感叹句“How they are!” III. Post- task activities 1. Ben and Kitty look at the zoo map. 【What animals do Give the advice to Ben and Kitty. 【Look at the They 为 Ben 和 Kitty 提 建议的方式,巩固 操练目标语言,真 they see next?】 2. Ben and Kitty are at home. Ben shares his favourite animal on Wechat. 3. Ben and Kitty get a video about the animals from internet. are They can They like I like How they are!】 a. Read the passage silently. 【I go to the zoo today. I see my favourite animal. Look at the elephants. They are grey. They are big, tall and fat. They can walk and swim. They like bananas. I like elephants. How strong they are! Do you like elephants?】 b. Talk about your favourite animals or animals on the card. c. Write about your favourite animal. Watch the video. 实的语境下,教会 学生将语言运用到 生活之中。 本课的目标语言已 经完全呈现出来, 学生通过之前的活 动已经感知了文本, 体验了文本。为了 巩固练习目标语言, 设计了说一说自己 最喜欢的动物的环 节,培养学生综合 语用的能力,并为 学生提供了更多的 表达机会。 用填空的方式让学 生写一写自己最喜 欢的动物,夯实学 生书写能力。 有趣的视频向学生 展现了在大自然中, 人与动物和平相处 的美好情景,呼吁 保护动物,与它们 和睦相处。 IV. Summary & Homework 1. Read the words and sentences on the board. 2. Set homework.a. Spell and copy the words. b. Talk about your favourite animal to your parents. “写与说”两项作 业的布置,不仅巩 固复习了本课内容, 还增强了学生写与 说的能力,为今后 的学习打下坚实的 基础。 学生学习活动评价设计学生学习活动评价设计 课堂教学评价直接影响教师的教学行为,进而影响学生的学习行为。为了将 课堂评价作用最大化,我在学生学习活动中采用了以下评价方式: 1. 通过语言对学生的学习情况即时评价,面向每一个学生,鼓励学生积极主动 的学习,帮助学生树立学习自信心。 2. 在学习过程中,通过奖励动物卡片,对学生的学习情况做出评价,激发学生 的学习兴趣,积极参与课堂学习活动。 板书设计板书设计
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