沪教版三下-Module 4 Things we enjoy-10 Funny cartoons-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:90547).zip

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Lets enjoy some cartoons.Lets enjoy some cartoons.cartoon Module 4 Things we enjoy Oxford English Period 1 10 Oxford English Funny cartoons Who is he? Hello!Im Beebo. headheada a I have a big head.a big/small head My head is big. armarms s I have . twotwo My _ are_. two short/long arms handhands stwotwo I have .two small/big hands My _ are_. leglegs s I have . twotwo My _ _. two long/short legs I have two big feet.two big/small feet foota a feettwotwo My_ _ _. bodybodya a I have .a body My_ _ _. head arm hand leg foot body I I havehave 1.Work in pairs and introduce your body parts to your partner. (认真观察自己并向同桌介绍你 的身体部位) 2.Show(展示) We are all special in the world, we should learn to observe ourselves and discover our own flash points. 我们都是这个世界上独一无二的,我们要学会我们都是这个世界上独一无二的,我们要学会 观察自己,发现自己的闪光点。观察自己,发现自己的闪光点。 1、(必做)画一个你喜欢的卡通人物,并用 今天学过的语言知识进行描述。 2、(选做)空闲时间可以和爸爸妈妈一起观 看寻梦环游记或帕丁顿熊。 沪教沪教 2011 课标版三年级下册课标版三年级下册 Unit 10 Funny cartoons 教学设计教学设计 教学内容教学内容Unit 10 Funny cartoons Period 1 教材分析教材分析 本单元学习主题为 Funny cartoons,主要围绕介绍身体部 位展开话题,帮助学生进一步在原有知识基础上了解和表达自 己的身体各部位。本单元涉及到的旧知有 I have.和单词 hand;本单元的句型教学在旧知单词和句型复现与巩固的基础 上进行拓展延伸,进一步运用新句型 I have. I have two.以 及本单元的核心词汇:head, body, arm, hand, leg, foot 对身体部 位进行恰当的描述。 学情分析学情分析 学生们在之前的学习中已经学习过关于身体部位的单词 eye, ear, hand, nose, mouth, face 和相关描述其特点的单词 long, short, big, small, round 等以及句型 Myis/are.所以对于介绍 自己有一定的语言基础。三年级学生在课堂上好说,好动,好 表现,对游戏等活动感兴趣。学生对卡通人物再熟悉不过,所 以创设一定的情景会激发他们的学习兴趣。 教学目标教学目标 1、 能够听说认读有关身体部位的 6 个单词:head, body, arm, hand, leg, foot,并能规范书写。 2、 能根据指令做动作。 3、 能结合本节课的 6 个身体部位的单词,运用句型 I have. 进行恰当的表达。 4、 在轻松的学习活动和激励性评价中,增强英语学习兴趣, 树立学习的自信心,并能从本节课的学习中正确认识自己, 学会自我欣赏。 教学重、难教学重、难 点点 重点:能结合本节课的 6 个单词运用句型 I have.进行恰当 的表达。 难点:1、I have a.及 I have two.以及 be 动词的转换。 2、在图片的提示下进行简单的英语描述。 教学过程教学过程设计意图设计意图 Pre-task preparations: 1、Greetings 2、Warm-up 3、Free-talk: (1)Do you like cartoons ? (2)Show some pictures about cartoons. (3)Do you think they are funny? While-task procedures: 1、Watch and think who the cartoon character is. 2、Create a situation that Beebo wants to be friends with us. And teacher imitates Beebo to introduce. To review the words and sentences we have learned and activate the atmosphere. To lead in todays topic: Funny cartoons and let them understand what cartoon means. To lead in Beebo. Through the introduction, help the students review the words and sentences we have learned. 教学过程教学过程设计意图设计意图 3、Teach the new words about body parts. head arm-arms hand-hands body leg-legs foot-feet 4、Act as Beebo and introduce yourself. Post-task activities: 1、Pair-work: Introduce your body parts to your partner. 2、Show 3、Listen and enjoy 4、summary To learn the new words one by one, and learn the words with sentences. To show the plural forms in time, so they can make a comparison and have a deep impression. To retell the dialogue and prepare for the following activities. To use the language in real situations and learn to observe ourselves. We are special, we should learn to discover our flash points. 教学过程教学过程设计意图设计意图 3、Homework: (1)Choose the cartoon you like, draw it out and introduce it. (2)Watch a cartoon movie with your parents in your free time. Use the language we have learned this class to describe things they like. 板书设计板书设计 Funny cartoons I have. My is/are . 教学反思教学反思: 整节课可以通过创设情境自然引入新授内容,通过描述练习,学 生能够用两种句型来描述介绍自己的身体部位,并能在一定程度上描 述自己各个身体部位的特点,最后形成小语篇来进行简单的自我介绍。 但是学生对于身体部位的单复数和 be 动词的单复数搭配练习出错较多, 一部分学生不敢张嘴大胆表达。 在今后的课堂中,要注意语言的整合,给学生实践和空间,让学 生多表达,多描述,以提高学生的口语表达能力。此外,可以多做一 些相关习题,教给学生做题技巧,提高正确率。
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