沪教版三下-Module 4 Things we enjoy-10 Funny cartoons-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:60bf6).zip

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  • 沪教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4 Things we enjoy_10 Funny cartoons_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:60bf6)
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Module 4 Things we enjoy Oxford English Period 1 Funny cartoons10 Oxford English FunnyFunny cartoonscartoons Who is he? headhead a a a head a big/small head I have a big head. armarm s s two arms two short / long arms I have two short / long arms. handhand s s _ hands _ big / small hands I have _ big / small hands. legleg s s _ legs _ _/ _ legs I have _ _/ _ legs. foot feet _ foot/feet _ _/ _ feet _ _ _ _/ _ feet. bodybodya a _ _ _ _/ _ _ _ _ _ _/ _ _. head hand foot arm leg body heads hands feet arms legs bodies head arm hand leg foot body I I havehave shoulder knee toe head arm hand leg foot body HiHi, , I I amam . I I havehave shoulder knee toe 1.1. CopyCopy andand spellspell thesethese words.words. head arm hand leg foot body 2.2. MakeMake sentencessentences using:using: Hi, Im . I have . 1 / 3 教学内容(教学内容(课题):): Module 4 Things we enjoy. Unit 10 Funny cartoons 教学目标:教学目标: Language focus : 1.Using the key words in context e.g., head, body, arm, hand, leg, foot. 2. Using modeled sentences to describe oneself. e.g. My arms are short. My hands are small. 3.Using formulaic expressions to express ones opinion. e.g. How funny! Developing aim: 1.Learners use modeled sentences to describe themselves. Ability aims and emotion aims:1. Let students can communicate basic ideas with speaking. 2. To let the children know the value of their existence and enhance their selfconfidence. 教学重点:教学重点: 1.Learn the part of the body. 2.Introduce yourself with the new sentences. 教学难点:教学难点: 1. Using modeled sentences to describe oneself. 2.Using formulaic expressions to express ones opinion. 教学方法:教学方法:1.Task-based Learning; 2.Cooperative Learning; 3.Situation Methods 4.Games and activities 教学准备教学准备:1. Students book 3B. 2. The tape and a recorder. 3. Pictures. 课时安排课时安排:共_3_课时 教学过程教学过程: Teaching Procedure PROCEDURECONTENTMETHODSPURPOSE .Pre-task Preparation 1. Warming up. 1. Greetings with boys and girls. e.g.: What do you like? Do you like cartoons? 2.Enjoy a video:How funny ! 3. Introduce a new friend Beebo. 介绍新朋友,引入新 课。 .While-task procedure 一. Look and learn. 1. Point and say to review eyes, ears, nose, mouth”. 2. Show the picture of Beebo. With the pictures to learn the new words:head, body, arm, hand, leg, 在活动中学习比单学 习单词,效果更好。 2 / 3 foot. 3. Ss do the actions after the teacher: Touch your head/ body/arm/ hand/leg/foot! Read the words. 4. Ask and answer: How many hands/ arms/ legs/feet are there? To elicit the plural forms . 5. Play the tape for the ss to listen and do the actions for twice. 通过问答引出单词的 复数形式,在使用中 学习,学以致用。 二.Listen and say. 1. Watch the video of Listen and say. 2. Look at the pictures. Touch and say. e.g. Arm, arm, arms. 3. Read the text. Review I have 4. Listen to the recording again. Fill in the blanks. e.g. Look at me. I have a big _. I have two _ and two _. My _ are long. My _ are big. 观看多媒体动画,初 步感知课文。 在活动中记忆,以旧 带新。 通过填空,感悟关键 词。 .Post-task Activity Read and act. 1. Read the text. 2. Invite some students to act. 3. Get into groups, introduce their bodies. 小组活动,增加交流 机会,灵活运用语言。 作业设计:作业设计:1.I1.Introduce your body to your family 2.Try to remember the new words. 3 / 3 板书设计:板书设计: Module 4 Things we enjoy. Unit 10 Funny cartoons I have . My are / is . shouldershoulder shouldersshoulders headhead headsheads kneeknee kneesknees armarm armsarms toetoe toestoes handhand handshands bodybody bodiesbodies FootFoot feetfeet 教学反思:教学反思:
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