沪教版三下-Module 4 Things we enjoy-12 Three little pigs-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:53843).zip

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  • 沪教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4 Things we enjoy_12 Three little pigs_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:53843)
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sUnit 12 Three little pigs Class: Name: 一、根据汉语提示写出单词。(要求能默写)。 1.房子 2.制作 3.现在 4.狼 5.害怕 6 .那里 7.照片 8.饿的 二、用 a 或 an 填空。 1._pencil 2._ruler 3._idea 4._English dictionary 5._backpack 6._orange 7._apple 8._old bike 三、把下列单词变成复数形式。 wolf_ house_ boy_ pig_ flower_ tea_ leaf_ body_ foot_ tooth_ 四、连词成句。 1. canhear you What ? 2 . I do what can Mum for ? _ 3. good have I a idea , _ 五、用正确地词语填空。 Mother Pig has three children. They are Tom, _ and _. Theyre _.One day, Mother Pig asks the three little pigs to make their_. The little pigs are very happy. _makes his house with straw. _makes his house with wood. They make their house quickly. Then they ask_ to go fishing with them. But _cant. He is still making his house. He makes his house with bricks. Its very_. Three little pigs 三年级上册 沪教2011课标版三年级起点 长春五十二中赫行实验小学部 袁 杨 Module 4 Things we enjoy Oxford English Period Period 1 1 Three little pigs12 Hello, Im Tom. This is Tom. Who ? Who ? Who ? Hello, Im Tim. Who ? Who ? This is Tim. Who ? This is Jim. Hi, Im Jim. They are brothers. Were brothers. This is Mother Pig. Who? What? Look! Its the big bad wolf ! I am hungry ! Who? Mother Pig says Three little pigs are very happy. What? He can make a house of straw. What? What? How ? straw What? What? What ? He can make a house of wood. How ? What? What? wood He can make a house of bricks. How ? What? bricks Who? can make a house of Easy to make Is it strong? Lets go, Jim. Sorry, I cant. Tom and Tim can go fishing. But Jim cant go. He has to work. Why Mother Pig has three children. They are Tom,_and _. Theyre _.One day,Mother Pig asks the three little pigs to make their_.The little pigs are very happy._makes his house with straw._makes his house with wood.They make their house quickly.Then they ask_to go fishing with them.But _cant.He is still making his house.He makes his house with bricks. Its very_. TimJim brothers houses To mTim Jim Jim strong Mm! Two fat pigs. The big bad wolf can see two little pigs. They are afraid. And they run away. Help! Help!Help! Help! Where ? Once upon a time there lived a mother pig, she lived in an old house with her three little pigs. What happens next in the story? The wolf comes and blows the house down Mother pig sends the three pigs off to work Well done One day the mother pig sent the three little pigs off to work, and to build their own house to live in NEXT PAGE Bad luck The wolf blows down the barn and eats the little pigs for dinnerTHE END Back to the story narrator They are three little pigs. Mother Pig says Tom can make a house of straw. Tim can make a house of wood. Tom and Tim can go fishing, but Jim cant. Jim can make a house of bricks. The big bad wolf is hungry. He can see two little pigs. Two little pigs are afraid. They run away. 1 Read after the recording. 2 Think and try to answer this question: What will happen later? Module 4 Things we enjoy Unit 12 Three little pigs 课时 教学内容及目标 教学重点词汇:house ,make, now, go, very, strong 句型:Hello, Im Tom This is my house. Look at my house. It is very strong. can make a house of . 日常用语:Hooray! Help! 教学栏目 图 18 教学目标 通过学习故事的第一部分,帮助学生了解故事人物 和背景,理解故事大意,为后续学习做铺垫。 课时一 拓展内容鼓励学生用已学的句型描述人物形象。. 教学重点词汇:there, bad, afraid, wolf 句型:open the door. You cant come in. My house is very strong. 日常用语:I have a good idea. 教学栏目 图 916 教学目标 1.学生以各种方式呈现故事,如角色扮演,复述故 事等。 2.通过复习和讨论,帮助学生理解故事的寓意,学 习做事踏实的态度,明白遇到困难需要想办法解决, 并知道团结就是力量。 3.通过学习任务,帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元 所学的知识。 课时二 拓展内容可以帮助学生总结故事寓意,渗透德育教育。 Unit 12 Three little pigs 【第一课时第一课时】(Page58-59) 教学内容教学内容: : 通过学习故事,了解故事人物和背景,激发阅读兴趣。 教学目标教学目标: : 知识目标:知识目标: 1. 听、说、读、写单词:house ,make, now, go, very, strong 2. 听、说、读、写并运用句型: Hello, Im Tom This is my house. Look at my house. It is very strong. can make a house of . 能力目标:能力目标: 能够掌握并运用本课时的单词和句型,能用恰当的句子和语调表达故事中的 相关内容。 情感目标:情感目标: 引导学生预测故事情节,调动学生阅读兴趣。 重点难点重点难点: : 重点:重点: 1. 听、说、读、写单词:house ,make, now, go, very, strong 2. 听、说、读、写并运用句型: Hello, Im Tom This is my house. Look at my house. It is very strong. can make a house of . 难点:难点: 正确书写本单元的核心词汇 教学准备教学准备: : 教学课件、头饰。 教学过程:教学过程: ProceduresContentsMethodsPurpose二次二次 备课备课 Pre-task preparation 1.Warm-upSing a song: Three Little Pigs T: Well, according to the song youve heard just now, guess what we are going to learn toady Yes, three little pigs. 用学生们喜欢 的歌曲开始新 的一课,同时 引入出故事的 主题:三只小 2. Free talkWell, what do you know about pigs? What color is it? Is it fat or thin? What can it do? What does a pig like? Wow! You did know a lot about pigs. 猪。同时又让 学生对故事的 主角有了一定 的了解。并且 对故事最后一 段的输出有一 定的帮助。 出示一张猪的 图片,让学生 用学过的语言 来描述一下, 为接下去的故 事做好铺垫。 1.ScanningNow I want to show you a video of Three Little Pigs. While watching, you need to think about the following questions. 播放故事的完整动画,让学生 带着问题观看故事的动画。观 看完毕回答问题。 How many characters are there in the story? Who are they? Now lets enjoy it. (There are five characters. They are Mother Pig, three little pigs and the big bad wolf. ) 播放故事视频 之前提出问题, 让学生带着问 题观看视频, 了解故事的主 要人物和故事 背景,对故事 内容有一个整 体的感知和把 握。 While-task procedure 2.Reading for details 逐一认识故事的角色 Who: Now lets meet them individually. 1. This is Pig 1. Whats his name? (Hello, Im Tom.) 2. This is Pig 2. Whats his name? (Hello, Im Tim.) 3. This is Pig 3. Whats his name? (Hello, Im Jim.) 4. Whats the relationship between them? Are they friends? 在对故事有一 个整体的感知 之后,精读故 事。以故事的 两个基本要素 who 和 what. 展开精读。 (We are brothers.) 5. Who is this guy? How does he feel? (I am hungry. I want to eat fat pigs. Where are they? ) 6. Who is the last character? (Mother pig) 7. What happens next? 逐一了解故事的情节 What: 1. What does mother pig say to her children? (Boys, now you can make your houses.) 2. Are the little pigs happy? (Hooray!) 3. If I say “No homework today. ”, What can you say? (Hooray.) 4. What can Tom do? (Look! This is my house. He can make a house of straw. ) 5. What can Tim do? (Look! This is my house. He can make a house of wood. ) 6. What can Jim do? (Look! This is my house. He can make a house of bricks. ) 7. What does the big bad wolf see? (Mm! Two fat pigs. ) 8. What does the wolf want to do? Does he want to play with the pigs? How do you know? (Help! Help!) 让学生预测接 下来的情节是 什么? 检验学 生是否看懂故 事视频。 解释并示范何 时使用 hooray. 精读故事,处 理细节,为后 面的练习和表 演打下夯实的 基础。 3 Practice and check 1. Match 连线练习 输出句子: Tom can make a house of straw. Tim can make a house of wood. Jim can make a house of bricks. 2. Think and choose.选择练习 Which house do you think is easy to make? Which house do you think is strong? 连线练习和填 空练习检验学 生是否读懂故 事。为后面表 演以及下节课 的复述故事做 准备。 选择练习是对 孩子的情感态 度以及德育教 Which house do you like best? 3. Fill in the blanks. 填空练习 育。告诉他们 付出以及回报 是成正比的。 Post-task activity After reading: Role -play 带上头饰进行角色扮演,第一轮 老师可以先扮演 narrator,第二 轮选取程度较好的孩子眼 narrator。 Now lets role play the former parts. Lets put on the masks. Ill be the narrator first. Who wants to be Tom?.Nice! Round 2. Who wants to be the narrator? Who wants to be? Good job. 通过角色扮演 活动,让学生 对所学故事有 一个完整的认 知,并对所学 内容进一步练 习和巩固,这 一过程又能激 发孩子的学习 兴趣。扮演时 教师要提醒学 生注意语音和 语调,把狼要 吃小猪的语气 以及小猪很害 怕的语气演出 来。 Homework巩固:听音跟读 1-8 幅图的故事内容。 预习:预习 9-16 幅图的故事内容。 On Board Unit 12 Three little pigs 单词:house ,make, now, go, very, strong 句子:Hello, Im Tom This is my house. Look at my house. It is very strong. can make a house of . Looking back
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