陕旅版四年级下册英语Unit 6 Today is her birthday-Part C-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:30000).zip

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陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册 Unit 6 Today Is Her Birthday Presentation Warm-up/Revision How old are you? Im seven. Lets chant Its your party.Its your party. You can make a wish.You can make a wish. Wish for a card.Wish for a card. Wish for a bike.Wish for a bike. Wish for a ball.Wish for a ball. Wish for a kite.Wish for a kite. Wish for more friends.Wish for more friends. Wish for good luck.Wish for good luck. Its your party.Its your party. Make a wish!Make a wish! Read a story 点击“Read a story”,跟我 一起读吧! 视 频 Read a story Look and answer 1、Are there any birds in the tree? Yes, there are. 2、What are the birds doing? ThThey are singing happily. 3、Do you like birds? Yes, I do. Read a story Look! There are so many birds in the tree. They are singing happily. Read a story Look and answer How many birds are there in this picture?How many birds are there in this picture? There are fourteen birds in this picture. There are fourteen birds in this picture. Read a story Yes. How many birds can you see? Let me have a look thirty-two, thirty-three forty So many! Read a story Oh, theyre flying away!How many can you see now? None! happilyhappily (副词)高兴地,快乐地 PresentationPresentation 【例句】He smiles happily. 他高兴地笑了。 nonenone(代词)没有一个;毫无 【例句】 None of us went there. 我们谁也没有去那儿。 How many birds can you see? 你能看见多少只鸟? 【详解 】 重点句型一 此句是对可数名词的数量进行提问的 句型。how many 意思是“多少”,后 面接可数名词的复数形式。 【句型结构】 How many+可数名词复数形式+其他 ? How many books do you have? 你有多少本书? I have five.我有5 本。 例句 Read a story 表演我最棒! 小组合作: 1.两人一小组 2.根据课文分角色练习 3.适当加上一些动作辅助表演 Practice What is twenty and thirty? Twenty and thirty is fifty. 20+40=? 50+30=? 45+55=? 32+47=? 60+40=? 70+31=? 25+65=? 53+36=? Lets do quickly TestTest 单项选择。 ()1. How oldyou? Im eleven. A.is B.are C.am ()2.Im twenty-seven A.years old. B.year old.C.year olds. ()3. How many fish can you see? A.None. B.They are swimming away. C.They are beautiful. B A A How many can you see? There are How many birds can you see? There are forty. Sum-upSum-up HomeworkHomework 1.复习第一单元学习 的词组。 2.背诵“Read a story”部分。 HomeworkHomework Thank you! UnitUnit 6 6 TodayToday IsIs HerHer BirthdayBirthday 第四课时第四课时 教学目标教学目标:1.能听懂、理解 Read a story 中情节简单的小故事,并且能流利 地跟读录音,要求模仿正确,语音语调自然。 2. 能跟随节奏流利地说唱 Lets chant 部分的歌谣。 3. 教育学生爱护小动物 教学重点教学重点:能听懂、理解 Read a story 中情节简单的小故事,并且能流利地 跟读录音,要求模仿正确,语音语调自然。 教学难点教学难点:能跟随节奏流利地说唱 Lets chant 部分的歌谣。 教学环节教学环节: 学习目标学习目标 (一)能听懂、理解 Read a story 中情节简单的小故事,并且能流利地跟 读录音,要求模仿正确,语音语调自然。 (二)能跟随节奏流利地说唱 Lets chant 部分的歌谣。 自主学习自主学习 (一)温故知新 教师出示本单元的词汇卡片,学生快速抢答。 (二)阅读方法 1. Part B Read a story, 读懂故事情节,顺利的用英语复述故事 2. 学唱课本上 Part B Lets chant (三)互助释疑 1.小组内交流故事中不懂的单词、词汇以及句子,读懂故事内容。 2.小组内交流歌曲内容。 展示交流展示交流 (一)请同学上台复述故事,教师适当的进行情感教育。 (二)请同学上台表演歌曲,教师进行适当的情感教育。 (三)小组内交流完成 Part B Lets talk 部分。 点拨升华点拨升华 (一)教师放规划录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。 How old .? 这个特殊疑问句型是用来询问某人多大年纪。 And your mother? 这是一个省略后的疑问句,因为已经有上文的问 句,所以省略了句子中的疑问词和系动词 be,完成的句子应该是 An d how old is your mother? (二)指名学生有感情读对话。 课堂作业课堂作业 作业当堂清 (一)复述小故事。 (二)唱歌谣 (三)问同学之间的年龄以及他或她父母的年龄,做对话。 板书设计板书设计: Unit 6 Today Is Her Birthday How old .? And your mother? = And how old is your mother? 课后反思课后反思:
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