陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 5 What Is He Like -Part A-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:10257).zip

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Unit 5 What Is He like? 第一课时 Warming-up: Let s play a game: Simon says. Do you know who is Simon? He is a king. We should follow his order. He says Touch your . and we will do the action. If no “ Simon says”, We dont do the action. I am Simon ! 新课展示 Part A: Lets learn clever outgoing kind shy friendly hard-working lazy serious T: Look at the boy. What is he like? Is he clever? Ss: Yes. He is clever. T: In our class, . is clever, too. clever T: What is she like? T: Oh, she is shy, S-H-Y. T: I think its easy. Who can write it on the blackboard? . Dont be shy, boys and girls. Have a try, please. shy T: What is this pig like? Ss: It is shy. T: What is the dog like? Is it shy? T: Oh. It is not shy. It is outgoing. In our class, . is outgoing, too. outgoing T: Look at this picture. Are they outgoing? Ss: Yes, they are. T: Do you have friends, Zhang hong bo ? S1: Yes. T: How many friends do you have? 1, 2, .? S1: . T: You have so many friends. They all like you. You must be friendly to them. friendly T: Look at the grandma! What is she like? She is kind, very kind. My mother is kind. Miss . is kind. . T: What is this man like? Is he kind now? No. He is not kind. He is serious. kind和serious T: Look at the bee. It is always busy. Its hard-working. T: Is this bear hard-working? No. He is still sleeping in the day time. Its not hard-working. Its lazy. hard-working和lazy Match and talk: Practise: clever shy friendly lazy hard-working 巩固活动 Read the words clever outgoingkind shy friendly hard-workinglazy serious 2. Look and say Homework: 1.抄写本节词汇各五遍。 2.用所学词汇描述自己熟悉的人,并把句子写到 作业本上。 3.预习:试着用自己的语言翻译Lets talk部分的 对话内容。 Thank you! UnitUnit 5 5 WhatWhat isis hehe like?like? 第一课时第一课时 教学目标教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词:clever, outgoing, shy, kind, friendly, hard-working, serious, lazy。 2. 能运用上述词汇借助简单的对话描述人物性格。 重点句型:-What is he/ she like? - He/She is . 教学准备教学准备 1. 教师准备: (1) Lets learn部分的单词教学卡片 。 (2) 同步教学课件。 教学方法建议教学方法建议 . 课程导入(Leading In) . 课前热身 Part A Warming-up: Listen and do 教师通过Part A Warming-up部分中的第一个活动Listen and do 环节的Simon says 游戏首先将学生自然地引入英语 学习氛围,继而复习身体部位的词汇。教师可这样引入: T: Lets play a game: Simon says, “Touch your nose / face / ear / eye / hair / head / .”(用简单的 语言重申游戏规则)Simon is a king. We should follow his order. He says “Touch your .” and we will do the action. If no “Simon says”, we dont do the action. 之后,要求学生全体起立进入游戏,通过这项引导学生复 习以往学过的身体部位名称。考虑到六年级学生的年龄和认 知水平,此游戏可能较为简单,为了引起他们足够的兴趣, 教师可要求以组为单位进行比赛,做错动作和反应慢的要坐 到座位上,坐下的学生可以当“小警察”监督其他学生的动 作,避免他们感到尴尬或单方面终止游戏学习活动,最后站 着人最多的小组获胜。 . 新课导入 上一环节中,在学生进行游戏的过程中,教师可将本节课 将要学到的词汇融入You are clever.和Dont be shy.等句 子中对学生的表现进行适当的评价,引入本节课词汇的学习。 . 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation) . 新课展示 Part A Lets learn 教师可借助单词卡片、PPT课件或选择性格有代表性、较 典型的学生来协助完成本部分词汇的教学。因为本节课中所 学习的单词都是描述人物性格特征的,词汇比较抽象,所以 一定要找准“模特”,引导学生在准确理解词汇的基础上, 正确描述他人。 1. 教授单词clever 用 . is clever. 表扬“课前热身”环节中为组里取得 胜利的某个学生,并出示clever的教学卡片,和学生一起 边拼读边书写在黑板上,逐步引导学生集体说出来。然后 指着班里很聪明的一个男孩子用英语询问其他学生: What is he like? Is he clever? 教师以课件展示句型What is he like? 帮助学生理解与识 记,引导学生回答 He is clever. 并启发他们用. is clever, too. 推荐班里其他的聪明孩子。 2. 教授单词shy 卡片出示某一比较害羞的卡通形象或班里大家所熟知的某 一内向女生比较害羞的图片。 T: What is she like? (这里从he变到she,帮助学生了 解不同性别的表达方式,复习人称代词he和she,并加强 学生对句型的理解和应用) T: She is shy. (自问自答,并出示卡片,带领学生认读) T: S-H-Y. I think its easy. Who can write it on the blackboard? 此单词比较容易记忆,教师可选出不太主动举手发言的内 向孩子上台写出这个单词。其间可用Dont be shy. Just try.等鼓励语进行强化。 T: What is . like? (教师说出班里比较内向,容易害 羞的学生名字,用功能句发问,鼓励学生回答) Ss: She is shy. 3. 教授单词outgoing 课件出示某一比较活泼外向的卡通形象或班里某一开朗、 外向的学生。 T: What is . like? Is he / she shy? (预计学生的 反应可能是笑着否定) T: Oh. He / She is not shy. He / She is outgoing. 出示教学卡片,领读outgoing,然后让例句中的学生领读 并拼读,之后可让该学生请出他/她的朋友板书这个单词。 最后,可请学生用英语描述更多的具有outgoing性格的 学生。 4. 教授单词friendly T: Do you have friends, S1? 教师可选班里人缘较好的学生回答。 S1: Yes. T: How many friends do you have? 1, 2, .? 通过朋友的话题引出单词friendly。 T: You have so many friends. They all like you. You must be friendly to them. 出示教学卡片,领读friendly。请该学生的朋友们拼读单词, 请该学生上台板书。 教师随意说出学生的姓名或指着学生问。 T: Whats . like? Is he / she friendly, outgoing or shy? 引导学生根据他们自己所了解的作答。 Ss: He / She is friendly. T: Who is your best friend? What is he / she like? Ss: My best friend is . He / She is friendly / shy / outgoing / clever / . 5. 教授单词kind和serious 课件或卡片展示和蔼的老奶奶图片。 T: Look at the grandma! What is she like? She is kind, very kind. 教师的声音、表情尽可能柔和,帮助学生更好地理解kind 的意思。让学生快速记忆后书写在黑板上。并鼓励学生加 以运用,如: My mother is kind. . is kind. . 卡片展示表情严肃男孩的图片 T: What is this boy like? Is he kind ? No. he is not kind. he is serious. serious这个单词的发音比较难,第一个音节中的e读i , 第二个音节中的iou也读is,教师要重点帮助学生发好双 元音这个音素,可多领读几遍,再引导学生用一用。 T: What am I like? Ss: You are . 教师可选几个学生认为严厉的或和善的教师与学生问答: T: What is Mr. / Miss . like? Ss: He / She is . 6. 教授单词hard-working和lazy 教师可借助课件展示勤劳小蜜蜂 的图片并描述: T: Look at the bee. It is always busy. Its hard- working. 再用图片展示懒洋洋的并描述: T: Is this sheep hard-working? No;Its not hard- working. Its lazy. 教师可通过这种反义词的对比教授词汇,帮助学生理解词 意,再和学生实际交流: T: What are you like? Are you hard-working or lazy? Ss: Im hard-working / lazy. . 巩固活动 1. 教师播放录音,让学生听并跟读Lets learn部分的单词。 2. 学生两人一组,互相拼读拼写单词。 3.学生做Match and talk部分的练习 Homework: 1.抄写本节词汇各五遍。 2.用所学词汇描述自己熟悉的人,并把句子写到作业本上。 3.预习:试着用自己的语言翻译Lets talk部分的对话内容
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