陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 5 What Is He Like -Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-公开课-(编号:802f9).zip

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Unit 5 What Is He like? Part A New presentation Practice activities HomeworkLeading in What is he/she like? He/She is Ms.MayMr.Black 1.What does Mr.Black do? 2.What is he like? 3.What does Ms.May do? 4.What do you think of her? Listen and answer: He is a teacher. He is kind. She is a teacher,too. She is a little serious. 1.Whats Kevins favorite subject? Why? 2.What does Kevin think of their Math classes? 3.Does Kevins sister like Ms.May? Read and answer: Kevins favorite subject is Math. Beacause he likes his Math teacher. He thinks their Math classes are interesting. Yes,she does. Lets talk Ask and answer friendly shy clever outgoing A: What is like? B: He is A: What do you think of ? B: She is Complete the conversations 1. A: What_ your uncle _? B: He is a police officer. A: What _ he _? B: He is hard-working and friendly. doesdo is like 2. A: Do you _ Chinese? B: Yes, I _. Its my favorite_. A: _do you like it? B: Because I like my Chinese teacher. like dosubject Why Lets sing Guess Use the sentences that you have learned to describe your classmate ,the others guess,who is she or he? Homework: Read and recite the dialogue. Use the sentences that you have learned in this class to describe your teachers or classmates. What is he like ?第二课时 教学设计 Teaching aims: 1.能听懂并且理解 Lets talk 部分的对话内容。 2.能流畅的朗读对话,并能结合实际情况灵活准确运用以下 功能结构。 (1)-What is he like ? -He is kind to us . -He is a little serious. Teaching focus: 流畅的朗读对话,并能在实际生活中灵活运用所学功能性句 型。 Teaching preparations: 1、Lets learn 部分的单词教学卡片 2、Lets talk 部分的教学课件 3、Lets talk 部分的视频。 Teaching process: 一、Leading-in 1、Free talk. 2、Review the words. 二、New presentations: part A: Lets talk 1、课件出示 Ms. May and Mr. Black 的图片,并向学生介 绍人物。 T: This is Ms. May and this is Mr. Black, What are they like ?What do you think of them ? 板书 :What is like ? What do you think of ? 1. 播放对话视频,出示问题,初步感知对话。 (1) What does Ms. May do ? (2) What does Mr. Black do ? (3) Whats Kevins favorite subject ? Why ? 3.学生自己读课文,画出不理解的单词或者句子,并且回答问 题: (1)What is Ms. May like ? (2)What does Kevin think of their Math classes? (3)Does Kevins sister like Ms. May? ? 板书:He is kind to us She is a little serious 4、预设问题引出本节课的重点句型及难理解的句子,并且板书。 What is like ? - He is kind to us What do you think of ?- She is a little serious He always tries to make Math easy to understand. We find Math classes interesting. 5. 播放视频,模仿语音语调跟读对话。 6、小组活动,分角色朗读对话。 三、Practice activities: 1、Ask and answer, 2、完成 Complete the conversations. 3 3、Lets sing a song. 4、Work in pairs: Use the sentences that you have learned to describe your classmate ,the others guess , who is she or he? 四、Summary 本节课我们学习了如何描述和询问人物性格的句型: (1)-What is he like ? -He is kind to us . (2) -What do you think of her ? -She is a little serious. 五、Homework 1、Read and recite the dialogue. 2、Use the sentences that you have learned in this class to describe your teachers or classmates. Blackboard design: Unit5 What is he like ? -What is he/she like ? -He/She is -What do you think of her/him ? - He/She is What is he like ?第二课时 说课稿 各位老师好: 我说课的内容是What is he like?。 一、说教材。 Whats is he like?是陕旅版本小学英语六年级下册 第五单元第二课时的内容。本节课主要学习如何运用句型 What+be+人称+like?及答语人称+be+表示人物性格的形容词。 在此基础上学习 Lets talk 部分的对话。学习这部分的内容 对后面学习有着举足轻重的作用。 为了更好的体现英语课程标准,根据学生的学习心理、 认知规律,结合教材编排特点与要求和新课程强调知识与技能、 过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个角度的有机结合,基于这 样的认识,我定以下目标: 教学目标: 1.灵活运用句子:What+be+人称+like?及答语人称+be+表 示人物性格的形容词。 2.能听懂课文意思,并且完成相关练习题。 能力目标: 能熟练运用句子进行口语交际。 情感目标: 看图片的过程中,练习学生的口语表达能力,锻炼学生的 听说读写能力。主要通过这些增强学生培养良好性格意识。 教学重点:What+be+人称+like?及答语人称+be+表示人物 性格的形容词。 教学难点:能力目标。 2、说教法和学法 本课的对象是六年级的学生。他们从三年级开始学习英语, 已经学了四年了,在听说读写方面已经有了一定的基础,敢于 开口说英语、积极参与。根据本课教学内容和学生思维特点, 以及新课程理念学生是学习的主体,教师是引导者、组织者、 合作者,我将用以下教法引导学生学习。 在教法和学法引导主要坚持以情景话题为核心,利用多媒 体课件、卡片引发学生的学习兴趣。通过直观的图片、情景教 学法、歌曲教学等方法,帮助学生在视听说读等有趣的对话表 演活动中,相互合作、体验参与,自主的、愉快的学习英语、 发展能力、维持兴趣。满足不同层次的求知欲,体现因材施教 的原则。通过灵活多样的练习,提高技能、激励性的语言评价, 让学生感受到学习英语的兴趣,通过合作,学生的思想、语言 和情景得到了交流,体现了语言的主要功能。 3、教学过程。 根据新课程标准中注重培养学生听说读写能力,为了能 更好的体现课改、高效完成目标,将设计以下环节: 课前热身 学习新知巩固练习- -家庭作业 Step 1 课前热身(free talk and review the words) 1、Free talk. 2、Review the words. Step2 讲授新知识 1、让学生听录音,小组讨论后回答老师提出的问题。 2、老师讲解对话中的知识点。 3、学生跟读,确保发音正确。 Step3 巩固练习 1、Ask and answer, 2、完成 Complete the conversations. 3 3、Lets sing a song. 4、Work in pairs: Use the sentences that you have learned to describe your classmate ,the others guess , who is she or he? Step4 课堂小结 1、 本节课我们学习了如何描述和询问人物性格的句型: (1)-What is he like ? -He is kind to us . (2) -What do you think of her ? -She is a little serious. 2、总结小组评价表,学生掌声祝贺并鼓励获奖小组下节课 继续努力,为激活下节课打了基础。 Step 6 家庭作业 1、Read and recite the dialogue. 2、Use the sentences that you have learned in this class to describe your teachers or classmates. Blackboard design: Unit5 What is he like ? -What is he/she like ? -He/She is -What do you think of her/him ? - He/She is 教学反思:
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