陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 8 What's Your Dream -Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:30410).zip

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Unit 7 Shanghai Is in the Southeast of China 单元测试卷单元测试卷 一、给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。 ( ) 1. northeast A. 东南 B. 北东 C. 西北 ( ) 2. west A. 西方 B. 南方 C. 东方 ( ) 3. by A. 是 B. 你好 C. 沿着 ( ) 4. famous A. 著名的 B. 陌生的 C. 精彩的 ( ) 5. town A. 向下 B. 城镇 C. 国家 二、找出对应的汉语意思,将序号填在题前括号里。 ( ) 1. Mount Emei A. 布达拉宫 ( ) 2. the Summer Palace B. 照相 ( ) 3. the Potala Palace C. 峨眉山 ( ) 4. the West Lake D. 中国西北方 ( ) 5. the Bell Tower E. 西湖 ( ) 6. go by plane F. 故宫 ( ) 7. northwest of China G. 钟楼 ( ) 8. take photos H. 乘飞机去 三、选词填空。 A. of B. by C. along D. to E. in ( ) (1) Shanghai is _ the sea and it is not too hot.21 教育网 ( ) (2) We can enjoy the beautiful pace _ the ( ) (3) Where would you like _ go? ( ) (4) Its a famous water town _ the southwest of Shanghai. ( ) (5) What do you think _ the people there?21cnjycom 四、单项选择。 ( ) 1. What did she do _ the first day? A. in B. on C. at ( ) 2. What are we going to talk? A. about B. of C. to ( ) 3. Lets go _ train. A. on B. in C. by ( ) 4. We saw many _ thing there. A. interesting B. interest C. interests ( ) 5. _ would you like to go? I hope to go to Qinghai. A. What B. Who C. Where 五、连词成句。 1. to, I, by, go, hope, somewhere, the, sea (.) _ 2. fly, shall, Shanghai, to, we (?) _ 3. a, street, it, really, was, busy (.) _ 4. place, tomorrow, will, what, Kitty, visit (?) _ 5. in, is, China, the, northwest, it, of (.) _ 六、翻译下列句子。 1. How about Hainan? _ 2. Where would you like to go? _ 3. 我喜欢大城市。 _ 4. 那个地方很漂亮。 _ 5. 那儿的人们很友好。 _ 七、选词填空,补全对话。 course look holiday went what beautiful take south A: Where did you go on your _? B: We _ to the West Lake. A: Where is it? B: Its in the _ of Hangzhou. A: _ do you think of it? B: Its really a _ place. A: Did you _ any photos there? B: Of _ I did. A: Can I have a _? B: Sure. Here you are. 八、 That was a wonderful holiday. We went to Shanghai, which is very big city in the southeast of China. We visited Shanghai Science Museum in the morning. We went to Nanjing Road in the afternoon. It was really a busy street. Then we walked to the east and got to the Bund. It was very beautiful. We took many photos there. 根据短文内容判断正()误()。 ( ) (1) We went to Shanghai on the holiday. ( ) (2) Shanghai is in the northeast of China. ( ) (3) We visited two places in Shanghai. ( ) (4) We had a good time. 参考答案 一、 1-5 BACAB 二、 1-5 CFAEG 6-8 HDB 三、 (1)-(5) BCDEA 四、 1-5 BACAC 五、 1. I hope to go somewhere by the sea. 2. Shall we fly to Shanghai? 3. It was a really busy street. 4. What place will Kitty visit tomorrow? 5. It is in the northeast of China. 六、 1. 海南怎么样? 2. 你想去哪? 3. I like big cities. 4. That place is very beautiful. 5. The people there are friendly. 七、 holiday, went, south, What, beautiful, take, course, look21 世纪教育网版权所有 八、 (1)-(4) Unit7 Shanghai Is in the Southeast of China 第第 3 课时教学设计课时教学设计 【内容来源内容来源】陕旅教育出版社六年级下册 Unit7 【主主 题题】Lets learn more 【课课 时时】第 3 课时 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1. 能听懂并理解 Lets learn more 部分的内容,并顺利完成文后练习。 2. 能流利地朗读课文内容,要求语音语调准确自然。 3. 了解英文日记的书写格式。 二、教学准备二、教学准备 1. 教师准备: (1) 本课时的相关教学挂图和教学视频。 (2) 电子白板及本课时的 PPT 教学课件。 (3) Lets learn more 部分的教学音频。 2. 学生准备: (1) 一份中国地图。 (2) 上海一些景点的相关资料(含方位) 。 三、教学方法建议三、教学方法建议 课程导入课程导入(Leading In) (1)课前热身 默契大考验 Where would you like to go? 白板呈现中国地图后,教师从方位上描述自己想去的省市,帮助学生了解 英语中“相距”和“相邻”这两种地理位置的不同表达方式,并带领学生多说 几遍,直到掌捤。引导学生猜测自己想去的是哪个省市,然后让学生自由组合, 拿出各自所准备的中国地图,以自己所处的省为参照(此处以陕西省为例) ,展 开对话。如: S1: Where would you like to go? S2: Id like to go somewhere in the northeast of China, and its to the northeast of Shanxi. (相距) S1: Is it Liaoning? S2: No. Its on the north of Liaoning.(相邻) S1: Its Jilin. . 这个环节是为了让学生了解更多地理位置的表述方式,更是为后面的教学 活动“设计旅游路线”做铺垫。如果学生的地理知识和英语基础都好,教师可 以适当扩充到世界地图,了解一下中国的邻国,培养学生的国际视野。 教学小贴士教学小贴士 英语方位表示法不少且容易混淆,有时“一字之差”就可能“失之千里” 。 为此,我们现在用比较的方式以 east 为例介绍一些常见的方位表示法 in (to, on) the east of: 1. 表示 A 在 B 的东部(即 A 在 B 的范围之内)时,就用 A is in the east of B.如:Japan is in the east of Asia.日本在亚洲东部。 2. 表示 A 在 B 的东方(即 A 在 B 的范围之外,且相隔有一定的距离)时, 就用 A is to the east of B. 口语中有时可将 to the 省去。如:Japan is (to the) east of China.日本位于中国东方。 3. 表示 A 在 B 的东边(侧)(即 A 与 B 相邻接)时,就用 A is on the east of B.如:Guangdong is on the south of Hunan.广在湖南南边。 (2)新课导入 教师承接上一环节,发起师生对话,导入新课: T: David, Kitty and their mom talked about their holiday last period. They wanted to go to Shanghai. There are many places of interest in Shanghai. Do you know something about Shanghai? S1: Shanghai is very big. S2: Its in the southeast of China. S3: There is a Disneyland in Shanghai. S4: There is Oriental Pearl TV Tower (东方明珠塔)in Shanghai. S5: . 通过与学生的谈话,回顾上节课的歡点。课前布置学习任务,让学生课后 搜集一些关于上海的资料,增强对本节课内容的理解。在学生回答的同时,教 师可用课件展示上海著名景点的图片,如:外滩 the Bund,上海科技馆 Shanghai Science Museum,南京路 Nanjing Road,及其附近经典周庄水镇 Zhouzhuang Water Town 等,并一一呈现其英语名称,帮学生先扫清部分关键词 汇的障碍。这样带领学生边欣赏美景,边说一说本节课的相关例汇,让学生带 着对上海这个国际化大都市的美好憧憬开始学习新课。 T: Do you want to go to Shanghai? Ss: Yes. T: Lets go to Shanghai by train with Kittys family, OK? (课件出示火车并伴随火车行驶的声音,开始课文的学习) 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation) (1)新课展示 Part B Lets learn more 1. 播放视频,直观感知课文。 教师播放本部分的教学视频,采用直观的方式将学生带到情景中感知语言, 理解课文大意:并尝试回答下列问题: (1) Whats the date today? What day is it today? (2) What the weather like in Shanghai? (3) What did they visit in the morning? (4) Where did they go in the afternoon? (5) What did they do along the Bund? (6) Where will they go tomorrow? (7) Where is the water town? 2. 阅读课文,通过寻找问题答案加深对课文内容的理解。 让学生打开课本,阅读课文,并在阅读过程中用铅笔画出以上问题的答案。 然后,随机选出几位学生问答上述问题。之后,讲解疑难点: (1) We visited Shanghai Science Museum. Shanghai Science Museum 上海科技博物馆,其全称为 Shanghai Science & Technology Museum (2) It was really a busy street.这的确是一条繁华的街道。 a busy street 繁华的街道;really 有加强语气“的确、确实”之意。 (3) We went along the street and enjoyed everything there. go along the street / river / road 沿着街/河/路走; enjoyed everything there 欣赏那里的一切。 教师引导学生练习运用,如:They went along the river and enjoyed the beautiful flowers and green trees there. (4) 讲解英文日记的书写格式。教师注意向学生渗透英文日记的书写格式, 如开篇第一行的日期、星期和天气以及日记中须用的时态等。 3. 让学生再看一遍视频,并在课文中用铅笔画出 Kitty家的参观时间和地 点,标注旅行路线。引领学生完成 Read again and finish the tasks - 1. Number the places in the order they visit。 参考答案:3, 1,4, 2 (2)巩固活动 1. 教师领读,学生跟读。建议教师在读的过程中要声情并茂,读出兴奋, 迫不及待等感情,帮助学生更好地理解课文,培养其语音语调。比较长的句子, 则采用声音忽大忽小、语速忽缓忽急、不同角色语调转变等多种方式领读,并 检查学生对个别长句子的朗读情况,及时纠正错误。 2. 播放录音,要求学生准确模仿其语音语调跟读。 3. 学生分组朗读课文,进行互助式学习。 4. 全班齐读课文,并选出个别学生参与“读书接力赛”:即在全班齐读的 过程中,教师可以随时点起一位学生续读课文,这样既能有效检测学生读的情 况,又有助于培养学生认真倾听的习惯。 操练活动的设计与实施建议操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) (1)Read again and finish the tasks 2. Talk about Kittys holiday 让学生在熟读课文的基础上,根据他们自己对课文的理解尝试补充对话, 然后在小组内合作检验彼此对语篇龜点信息的掌握程度,讨论出完整的对话。 最后做汇报表演,教师检查完成情况。 参考答案: A: Where did Kitty go on holiday? B: She went to Shanghai. A: What did she do on the first day? B: In the morning, she visited Shanghai Science Museum. In the afternoon, she went to Naming Road. Then she went along the street and enjoyed everything there. A: What place will Kitty visit tomorrow? B: Shell go to Zhouzhuang. It is a famous water town on the southwest of Shanghai. (2)复述课文 教师以课件出示时间,学生按照时间顺序结合课本 P56 下方的图片讲述 Kitty 的旅游路线。锻炼学生的语言表达能力,同时为下一步活动做语言铺垫。 (3)制定小组出行计划“夏令营” 这个活动是考查学生的语言综合运用能力。教师可要求学生以组为单位, 一起设计夏令营的出行计划,设计中要求包括:路线、时间安排、花费、旅行 社、出行方式、须携带的物品等。讨论完毕后,请组内派代表详,讲解各自的 旅行计划,然后全班学生给参与设计的小组投票,得票最高的小组被评为“最 佳旅行社” ,组内推荐的讲解员则被评为最佳导游。最后,教师可将该“最佳旅 行社”制定的旅游计划及其讲解迸行整理,以宣传海报的形式张贴在教室里, 让其他学生学习借鉴,也可进行完善。 Unit 7 Shanghai is in the southeast of China 陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册 Part B Lets learn more Sum-upSum-up Warm-Warm-up/Revision/Revision PresentationPresentation TestTest HomeworkHomework Lets learn more Lets learn more 视频 PresentationPresentationWarm-up/Revision Where would you like to go?Where would you like to go? 拓展 Id like to go somewhere in the northeast of China,and its to the northeast of Shaaxi.(相距) its on the north of Liaoning.(相邻) 方位方位 PresentationPresentation 阅读对话回答问题阅读对话回答问题 1.Whats the date today?What day is it today? 2.What did they visit in the morning? 3.Where is the water town? 1.Whats the date today?What day is it today? Answer:Today is June.5th.Its sunny. 2.What did they visit in the morning? Answer:In the morning,they visited Shanghai Science Museum. 3.Where is the water town? Answer:Its on the southwest of Shanghai. Answer the questionsAnswer the questions TimeWhat did she do In the morning In the afternoon Then Tomorrow Retell the article Talk visited Shanghai Science Museum went to Nanjing Road went to the Bund go to Zhouzhuang 日记格式日记格式日记格式日记格式 月 日 星期 天气 June 5th Friday Sunny Today is our first day in Shanghai.Shanghai is a very big city in the southeast of China.In the morning,we visited Shanghai Science Museum.We saw many interesting things there.In the afternoon,we went to Nanjing Road.It was really a busy street.We went along the street and enjoyed everything there. Lets learn moreLets learn more Then we walked to the east and got to the Bund.The Bund was very beaytiful.We took many photos there.Tomorrow,well go to Zhouzhuang,a famous water town on the southeast of Shanghai.Oh,I cant wait! Lets learn moreLets learn more We visited Shanghai Science Museum. 我们参观了上海科学博物馆。 【详解详解 】 Shanghai Science Museum上海科技博物馆,其全称为 Shanghai Science Technology Museum 重点句型一 It was really a busy street. 这的确是一条繁华的街道。 【详解详解 】 a busy street繁华的街道;really有加强语气“的确、 确实”之意。 重点句型二 Shanghai was really a big city in China. Yes.It was. We went along the street and enjoyed everything there.我们沿着街道走并欣赏那里的 一切。 【详解详解 】 go along the street/river/road沿着街/河/路走 重点句型三 They went along the river and enjoyed the beautiful flowers and green trees there. Read again and finish the tasks Number the places in the order they visit 3 1 4 2 TestTest 翻译下列句子。 1.We went along the street and enjoyed everything there. 我们沿着街道走并欣赏那里的一切。 2.It was really a busy street. 这的确是一条繁华的街道。 重点句型重点句型 We visited Shanghai Science Museum It was really a busy street. We went along the street and enjoyed everything there. Sum-upSum-up HomeworkHomework 1.背诵Lets learn more部 分。 2.制定“夏令营”出行计划。 Thank you!
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